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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. true true but development can do something about ship equipment (gunwise) if they want. and make the distance of the privateer and the navy captain more different but i agree that is not the game structure design although the new DM seems to go in that direction. what is a good thing more gun types can make the game more diverse though(that is why i asked for Dutch guns to close gaps between ship types and firepower
  2. for months ago the little ones where bullied by the big ships of some players Then ...The Nations adept... and now the development had to change it....again...for the sake of the big bullies you will never succeed...we will adept.
  3. 9 hours ago, Thonys said: exploding ships (the possibility to fuse a ship on your own command) CECIL SELOUS: quote; While I mostly agree with the rest of your post, I can't get behind this. It equals consensual mass suicide of up to a few hundred men. Shouldn't be a thing. well, the reason i say this is because the time when having fire chock and the actual time when a ship explodes even when ship saving is off, takes way-way way to long... so if development is not balancing it.... i would suggest to take matters on our own..... and ask for a detonation fuse.
  4. it depends on what ship we as privateers sail a privateer in an ocean is a bit odd don't you think.
  5. for being a privateer and having of the really big guns from the sol s is actually a no-no i agree.
  6. or an unrealistic new invented ritual😋 what will be over soon the show parade of those 5 rates will have a price tag soon....
  7. well if that is the case . i will explode right next to you in a battle. (for historical sacrifice and for the glory of the nation) https://historiek.net/wp-content/uploads-phistor1/2013/02/jan-van-speijk-kanonneerboot-560.jpg to summit up the battles are to "clean" if you look at old paintings the first thing what shown to you is the turmoil, the fire and devastating and heroic picture of the battle, in general, is shown to you what we have now is a shootout in nowadays battle rhetoric battlefield methods ( shooting missiles at each other ) fighting on land in those days were brought to the surface on the water where sol where forts which you have to capture to possess the control of the seas and trade routes.
  8. we can't change history ... just like it never happened or not existing. let's make losing a ship .. hurt... give away AI ships are (should) not having value.... and have limited possibilities in battle (one upgrade and one knowledge slot)
  9. well you dont have to take the whole fleet go under with one exploding vessel implosion is possible besides that i believe also that capturing 5 rate AI should not be possible building ships should be the thing not getting free ships like a giveaway only 7th and 6 rate ai should be given for free .
  10. True: when i look at old paintings i do not see much sinking of big wooden ships (wood floots ) what i see more on paintings is burning ships. exploding ships (the possibility to fuse a ship on your own command) captured ships burning ships demasted ships more smoke what hangs in the battle arena (we need more fire and smoke) we need more fire possibilities it is an underestimated feature what makes a battle epic more spectacular events is what we need, with more opportunities for the player to engage other players (for instance more mortar ships,(surprise).. we have only one brig in the game what is shooting from one side) just shooting 50 broadsides is just trouble for the ears.when i look at old paintings i smell the fire on the ships,and cant see the enemy true the smoke
  11. well there are Russian guns developers could ad more different guns like dutch guns and many more other types of guns but i dont know if the developers want more gun types in the game.
  12. cheaters banned. for life. to begin with , to separate the east block entirely (server wise) make the west great again... just a wall at the eastern border would be nice. at the east of Poland ip , we don't need them... look how every mast is hit even when the aiming needle is way off. (and aiming follow) aimbot is doing the same....(build for Russia nation ) when they fart at a mast they hit a mast, when you aim at a mast you miss. it would be a nice improvement they are banned from steam.
  13. this morning a fleet of a trader was attacked at piritu by the French under the dutch-french treaty the Dutch warship did not fire back (confirming first blood ) the warship was shot on fire and sunk by leaks First blood is on your hands WAR is avoidable
  14. no, you attacked me in a fight, and i pay doubloons. (on your head) (you can not put the bounty on my head as an attacker) other captains of the same clan get 25% of the bounty i put on your head. for one fight against the same clan you have no disadvantage in moral or anything else but the same clan but other member gets a + on moral and aiming for 5% (because of the bounty put on your head) perhaps now you will disengage and/ or run away against certain clan member and look for someone else (evading bounty for a certain clan member/ or not risking the advantage the other captain has) when 10 same clan members in 1 fight , put a bounty (total 10 x 1000 =10.000 doubloons ) on you in a single battle, and in the next battle, one of the same clan members gets you sunk in a 1vs1 he gets 2500 doubloons as a bonus from the Admiralty. (after the fight and bounty payout the bounty is completely fulfilled)
  15. perhaps an idea is: when after a fight with a certain captain you can pay 1000 doubloons on that attacker captain,(only when you are attacked ) and when you encounter (or a member of your own clan) that same captain again: your crew gets a morale bonus of 10 % on that particular captain. (only usable when boarding) for morale in boarding, and 5 % better aiming and reloading at the guns for just 1 fight. (fight harder for the 25% bonus) in this example, the bounty hunted captain (with the bounty on his head has a disadvantage ) (he knows he has a negative against a certain player) and will look for another captain to fight against. the payout: is done only by Admiralty,. this feature this counts for a clan only, only clan members of the same clan has the benefits, members of other clans can not claim bounty in the admiralty. the payout is only 25% (so the payout is 250 doubloons extra collected in a harbor at the Admiralty office) after a fight, with a same member of the bounty outgiving clan, the bounty is gone. (whatever the outcome of the fight is) but perhaps this is un codable if it needs complicated coding and data.
  16. perhaps 50 % for Admiralty and 50 % for the player (bounty hunter) / and in advance 10 % tax from the bounty-giving player or a 1/4 split among different players but we can not see who the player is we need to tag in battle so there is the old discussion again who is who in ow but the idea on itself is a good one.
  17. we don't even need to discuss it it is just a great idea but that's the thing, it is not in the game for some reason and nobody knows why not.
  18. veteran historians always come to the same conclusion: Putting the will on the people is counter-productive.
  19. pec ocb, is that a football club? lol just found out more emigrated Dutch are coming back to their homeland. disappointed with the true values of life at sea in foreign waters... there is a saying: Home sweet home, it counts for every generation hahaha. à la guillotine avec ces invités or just keelhaul them.
  20. can the mods please: shut this thread down . close it .....
  21. i think he wants peanut butter ,or bananas for the house maid
  22. well.....are you a registered clan member of the alliance? just to get it straight:)) DO YOU have a permit are you perhaps a alt who do sneaky stuff.. with false flags ..or or are you devious...indeed ask many who end up at the beach..marrooned for like a hour and a half :))))) (Dutch tactic.) also you must be compensated by you own admiralty and that s going to be difficult if you violate the treaty deal nice indeed. BUT you are welcome at the Dutch merchants to sail with one of the best flags in the world
  23. "For your information My streaming: see you soon:" to see what? its funny when sailors make titles " the Dutch do not respect deals " and themselves makes topics like "see you soon" just to sink dutch ships i suppose! forum topic says: that we do not respect deals. that's called hypocritical or in french hypocrite pfhuu. i call it a threat ....and will shoot your ship on sight when i see you. just for your streaming audience to see some naval action.
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