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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. i know... left upper corner is the attacker, and right bottom is the attacked merchant (still dutch property [ the lynx escaped] ) a missed take is indeed called a mistake i wonder why those captains didn't hoist a pirate flag... Mmmm...
  2. I agree, if you did not put the word most in it, i would have disagreed. and they all sunk..........(well most of them) but then again All Swedish are like AI to me... and believe it or not, i am a noob and loose from AI... where is the world going to!
  3. by the negotiations and not mutual agreements on taxation ... parts of the Danish merchants revolted and attacked the Dutch fleets in our own waters... but : The DHF "home fleets" still exists"
  4. completely True but if .... than admin found the "holy grail " of inactivity. i am convinced that is not a goal...oh wait.... is it ....Nah....
  5. well worser that what we have now is probably not possible.
  6. they removed trading it is by design to come with a new trading update later or soon so....trading is not in the game actually everywhere...
  7. well, that does not mean that everyone else who has not done that yet,... wants to read it! mod intervention is needed
  8. EU dutch ? ? ? ......you seem to forget the : China/Dutch / African /Dutch / Russian /Dutch / Canadian /Dutch / Australia/ dutch and every other Dutch not in the Netherlands... what are they ??? Ohw before i forget......Caribian Dutch...nicest people on earth. But all irrelevant Pugno pro Patria
  9. nope.... it was a "Vilhelm" in English a helmet (in dutch valhelm) and not only blindfolded but also with a big dent in it too. (from a mast)
  10. "expected from a Dutchman" ? perhaps you must look a bit better in your own nation ....all irrelevant? you say..... all those dutchies in swedes slave service. those Swedish/Dutch don't even see you are insulting them as well... you still have to give a message to every dutch post i see from you in an aggressive negative way (looking at all you post they are all pure hate against the Dutch in general) well, what comes around goes around ...i suppose you know what a Dutchman is i hope...... its a Man of War... steelman on a wooden ship.
  11. if you ask me.... you bumped to a mast with the back of your head when the long gun fired. you talk funny ... you really need a "velhelm" when you step on board...(valhelm /=/ helmet )
  12. let me ask you a question : who are the one to continue? (really funny pictures and so) (for every fake news post, we have an answer.) though the lie is still so quickly the truth will catch up with it.
  13. Hah...fake news ! (to begin with) you are a storyteller... its funny suddenly the Swedish throw sicknesses in as a weapon. Dutch custom to wish someone a disease, "which you deal with, you become infected." truth is: your nation was the one who had their communication NOT in order, shame on you..... Swedes...
  14. an overhaul is needed indeed, chests with basic stuff is not the way to go.
  15. (i did not say anything o.0) No. the king is alive and kicking. long live the king And also sail with us, and who is also waiting for his ship. Non. le roi est vivant et donne des coups de pied. vive le roi Et naviguez avec nous, qui attend son navire.
  16. Huuh.... perhaps you made a typo mistake ? the one must be a zero..?
  17. we wait for our ship to arrive and then... we come.... oke
  18. @admin perhaps for the horizontal damage, the" locked position for guns could give some more crew damage " just to introduce the variety on the type of gun uses (hitting all gun holes with crew behind it ) where locked guns strike on the complete horizontal hull surface (instead of a certain area on the hull with unlocked or 250 meters)
  19. i heard a rumor: that Rediii is joining the vp and that a huge br clan is following to go to vp too (just heard it) and that new job of the new diplomate at havoc clan is fake news
  20. dont get mistaken this way t hats because we want it that way (for the fleets)otherwise we have none
  21. And they still are. when you look at a picture you think "those where the days" look what a mess you are in now
  22. perhaps you will encounter a big surprise yourself...... next time but we will see.
  23. that is very good new Sir. i hope the wise men of Sweden sort it out and get their Swedish pride back where it belongs.
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