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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. well, perhaps you will have time to retire early. and a rope can be avoided... and i do respect the fact that earned betrayal is further away than retirement that gives me some hope to believe you will see your mistakes and a general pardon is closer than a rope
  2. who is that guy... does he has some "pain" somewhere...? you can tell me anything and i will call you everything...(dont forget ) fact is..... your Swedish nation stinks...ATM it stinks like salted fish on a pole what is hanging there for months
  3. yes, perhaps you have to come out of the closet..... or are you are not aware of it (what is a possibility too, because of young age )
  4. i think it is a server thingy we all see that very often perhaps the widening g of the circle for the availability of the x and the G button is perhaps an answer to that issue but i am not sure
  5. Sooo..... you and Suppenkelle, Eyesore and Sir Loorkon talked also about the betrayal of your country,(because that's what it is ) and think it is a normal way of doing ? (it seems they also agree) what a real Swedish captain you all are,(born in China,.....phuuu. even a Chinese would not even have one hair thinking about that) i bet the Swedish girls put the dagger in a place you have also never thought about... i bet you steel from your own wife aswell. i even bet you sell your own sons and daughters to foreign nations as if it is a normal practice the galleys are the only place you belong...where the speaker of your mind is cut of. it seems the world is full of lowlife scum and pirates. from some captains, the silence is ear blowing are all the Swedish like this, or are there some Swedish captains where i can have some respect for .....?????????
  6. Soooo.if i am correct Brits Havoc will join the Swedish Cabal Swedish will join the Brits that's not a port switch, i call that a nation coin server flip
  7. so you say that we make an agreement with nobody? interesting......... do you use........... BOTS?
  8. well you have to talk to the Dutch Swedish diplomat for that, (but he is on shore leave for the moment) but perhaps the other entrance in your own nation can tell you more. i can t believe you are that disorganised ..
  9. no thank you i rather fight in my own nation uniform ... and another thing what were you thinking when you saw all the small ships in your big first rate ships.... let's have some shooting practice ourselves how honorable especially for the small captains..............are you the size of a pinky
  10. well I did not do the negotiations myself, but i can assure you that the officers of the fleet of first-rates knew about it, and we have not heard any officer of the purg3 clan yet (who owns the port) the port would even not be flipped by the Dutch ships they where loaded with Blancs for practice... you can say when practicing with the Swedes you will be shot in the back (look at screenshot) disgusting is the best word i can find. you even call your own Swedish nation purge3 clan a toothless roque.... how discusting
  11. Hahhh i see you had your coffee good good but have you'd notice how devious the Swedes cabalys are
  12. Huhh...... the one who get sunk perhaps? and who the hello kitty is floopy
  13. it matters, and it is two different things nation wise it is different, and from personal greed perhaps it is not the most honorable thing (personal) and we all can regret it at some point at a personal mistake but it is completely different from a nation view ...if you want to discuss it on a personal basis please do so this is national news....
  14. well if they get cold, they all freeze and don't "swim" at some point anymore
  15. a personal trade is something else see it as a personal investment, although i am poor at the moment. besides that, you could have seen what was bought just like a car without a engine
  16. If you had the luck of the Irish, you`d be sorry and wish you were going to the charks In the tavern, they told us the story How the English divided the land Of the pain and the death and the glory And the poets of auld Eireland If we could make chains with the morning dew The world would be like Galway Bay Let`s Sail...
  17. Gentlemen's agreement do exist you know. in a Tavern you can hire a woman for......huhhh pouring your drinks if you must hire a man you are a huh.... a nasty dog?
  18. well if you can't trust the word of a seaman the world is going to an end it seems only the Dutch have some dignity and NO ships. @admin
  19. on Friday the 15 th februari1803 the Swedes betrailed the Dutch merchants on made agreements on port battle practice in the battle who is called the "crazy Swedes battle of Yaguaraparo" Senior officers of some dutch clan made the plan to practice the new young captains in port battles the foreign office of the Purg3 of the Swedish nation where contacted to make some agreement on this subject and we made a Deal. (Even the French knew about the content of the deal and did not even sent a scout to look because they knew of the diplomatic agreement) so most of the young captains were coming and made a long journey on sailing from Willemstad to do some practice when arrived we saw some Swedish ships in the harbor of Yaguaraparo what is not uncommon in a swedes port the Dutch fleet docked at the harbor and was waiting for good tides to make battle practice suddenly the fleet was taken in battle by British and swedes ships the Swedish first rates attacked the frigates sizeded ships...(very dishonorable[ even to pirates] ) the attack ended in a total loss of the Dutch young captain's practice fleet off course the purg3 clan has a to be blamed also, they gave the clan permission to go into the post-battle by permission shame on the entire swedes Nation where they attack young FRIGATE captains with FIRSTrates (Earlier on that same evening, they screened for the Russians at the pb off [REDS]La Ochila and attacked the Dutch screening fleet who supposed to attack the Russian screening fleet as if the can not handle their own business it is even an insult to the Russians) (back to Yaguaraparo story: ) There where even British vessels in the area who was very friendly with the cabal ships they even hugged each other and sent bottles of funny pleasure to each other (at least i saw that in my periscope) rumors where going in the tavern of yaqiparo that the cabal was going to sail under the British flag (LOL) i wich the British honorable navy much success in the future ... i predict it will end up in a #br exit
  20. Thonys

    BR and pb ships

    what is the smallest ship : 1.you can take in a shallow pb ( 2200 br) 2.a medium pb 5000br 3.a large br pb 10000br
  21. well if you remove a light rudder from a ship in the shipyard the builder is still in the possession of a removed light ruther recycle is a common thing i suppose
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