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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. seeing strange numbers on after new update 5 03 2019 NAP 88094 EDIT:solved the problem: closed the game and started up from the steam client updated 46460 and started as normal
  2. Dutch; Admirality Zeeland middelburg The red flag with the golden castle that now flies all over the city is not the city flag, but the geuzen or blood flag that was used in wartime by ships of the Admiralty and hijackers who had Middelburg as their home port and scoured sea and ocean looking to enemies to capture booty from. This blood flag normally blew from the masonry mast. The prince's pennant (not a flag) blew from the big mast and from the breeding mast or the bowsprit the official city flag or a Zeeland flag blew. However, this classification was not used so strictly, often enough was deviated from it. On the famous painting by Adriaen Pieterszn. van de Venne, View of the harbor of Middelburg from 1615 (Rijksmuseum) the Middelburg geus, for example, waves the large mast of the admiralty ship Zeehond. On the two paintings that Cornelis Louw made in 1714 (Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam) and 1725 (Maritime Muzeeum Vlissingen) of Vlissingen barges on the roads for the city, we see that same blood flag on the bowsprit, but now with the Vlissingse jar on it. Use of this blood flag was not limited to the sea alone. In accordance with the laws of war, attackers did not have to give 'quarter' (grace or life) to the other party if they resisted a siege or attack, if at least the choice for surrender had been given in advance. To make the intentions clear to the enemy, for example, the blood flag could be hoisted, indicating that no 'quarters' would be granted or accepted. [1] Most people who have ever met a ship that carried the red flag with the golden castle of Middelburg probably will not have kept the best memories of it, if they could tell it. Now, after surrender, not everyone was hunted over the blade, but usually made prisoners of war, even though that was no fun at that time. The last time that the Middelburg geus flew to a ship's deck of a hijacker was probably in the Napoleonic era; already more than two hundred years ago. The last time such a flag was carried on an admiralty ship dates back even further, probably in the time of the Fourth English War (1780-1784). More than 230 years ago so and time turns out to be a healing concept in history. For example, it is a bon ton to make jokes about Napoleon, but an uneasy field of tension can arise if you make the same kind of joke about Hitler. The past is too tangible for that because there are still people who have experienced the war itself or are still dealing with the consequences. Back to the Geuzen flag of Middelburg, because which flag should the Middelburg groats protrude? Very simple, the official Middelburg flag, which looks very solid, even a bit boring. This has, just like the Dutch flag, three horizontal bands in the colors yellow, white and red. [2] According to Van der Dussen, a captain in the service of the Admiralty, this would have been red-white-yellow around 1700. [3] We no longer know anything about mankind's use of tradition, but he probably has hung the flag upside down. In the Neptune François (Amsterdam, 1693), published by Pieter Mortier, there is an image of the flag on which the correct sequence can be seen: yellow-white-red. In fact, publisher Mortier gives two images. At the top is the following text at the official tricolor: 'flag of Middelburg in Zeeland, yellow-white-red' and the blood flag below it: 'geus of Middelburg, red with a golden burg.' [4] Also in many from other old atlases this order is mentioned and both the official city flag and the geus are described. The Neptune François, however, also gives a colored example. It is not for nothing that the shutters of the old city hall of the city have been painted yellow-white-red for years. Maybe not as bright as that golden castle in that bright red area that is now waving everywhere in the city, but it is correct. Johan Francke, information specialist https://opac.zebi.nl/vubis/PDF/411923161.pdf middelburg zeeland blood flag The red flags with the yellow tower now flutter in the shopping streets, 'Middelburg lifts the war flag' (The war on trade has begone. lol ) MIDDELBURG - Middelburg celebrates 800 years of city rights. With the accompanying flag display in the shopping streets, however, something is wrong historically. The red flag with the yellow tower on it is not the city flag of Middelburg, but the blood flag used by the hijackers and ships of the Admiralty in wartime. also seen here the: province flag zeeland, (admirality zeeland) flag of Middelburg ( naval and merchant) warflags: Geus van Vlissingen ( blood flag ) Geus van middelburg ( blood flag) Geus van Veere ( blood flag ) https://opac.zebi.nl/vubis/PDF/411923161.pdf
  3. is that why you left? cant believe what you say the word friends has no meaning if you think that way. the biggest ship you can sail is .... a friendship
  4. i agree in some way but it is more intended for the every month wood port changers. the game needs some kind of barrier for that. i just want to prevent chaos... the one who is unhappy will gladly pay the dubloon s i think
  5. well i can raise to 100.000 dubloons ! take your pic you play for it or you dont ...its not pay to win or wow ps. buy a [ new ] flag will cost you 50.000 dubloons ingame..... perhaps i can lower the price to 25.000 doubloons what is -50% + DLC ( to ease your pain a bit)
  6. main reason, to start as a rear general where you hold your rank(thats all) what you will have more>>> is a ridiculous gift of intergalactical proportion.
  7. yes the reason=; to join the swerg[ fine] or to get cheap wood resources [not so fine] particularly the last one is a cheat when considering they have the dlc and many casuals have not....( in concern, to changing wood ports to other nations) for me the only reason to give them a barrier...(where they have to work for their change)[for the nation they are/were guest in ] @admin and also preventing some "black market " behavior by DLC carriers [alt resources switching]
  8. hi captains when changing nation s it should also cost 30.000 doubloons just to prevent the nation to be plundered by opportunists
  9. sometimes trees on ships need to grow. they all start as single trees but a century later you will have a forest. it just takes time.
  10. @admin feedback on fire: when on fire the ability to blow up when on fire and survival is put in the off position has no meaning, when you are slowly or very fast shut down on hull damage and sink... it should be possible to blow up before that is happening perhaps an adjustment on time or we need a fire fuse upgrade to accomplish a blow up to get damage to the enemy at this moment an enemy shot you on fire in 95% you sink before you can do damage to the enemy ... fire should be just as dangerous to the enemy as it is for a friend or yourself. for testing, i would recommend making fire more epic, by reducing the time with 50% for fire shock... (when survival is put in off position)
  11. Indiaman s are still restricted a 3 knowledge slots (and many other trader ships) even when they could be not crafted as gold they seem to be very restricted. is there a reason for this?. historically the trader could have marines on it and where used in combat situations. is there going to a change in use in the future, or is the trader line still in balancing out position.
  12. @admin the clan IU interface is still attached to the Tavern and in the blue screen graphics in the capital (and also as hotkey X) and is not yet been worked on to implement in the new UI graphics is there a roadmap for it already or do we need more feedback on the usability of it ...? what is see is that ranks are still bugged
  13. @admin i miss the fleet icon in the port ui (easy access) ( for selecting different fleet holds when in fleet combination ) just like what we have in OW
  14. is studding sail working in OW as well because speed is still very fluctuating and not very steady in speed.
  15. @admin The Tips section is now found in settings> tips i find that section even more important than the tutorial, it is general information what gives a story to the purpose of handling .. (like help) so i would also give it a more visible place to see and look at, especially for beginners.in the port ui so i would gladly see the tips button, what is now situated in the settings tab on the left side at the upper port button (just like what we have now with the button with the question mark) and be visible as a button with a question mark (?) or Tips as (text) Help in the in the port UI...(or even call it Action wiki : ) ) The button who is sitting there (on the left side next to leave port ) need to be moved to the right side of the leave port button with the letter T (from T utorial)
  16. i would suggest changing the name in Constellation Construction of the frigates slowly continued until the 1796 announcement of the Treaty of Tripoli, which was witnessed by Algiers. In accordance with the clause in the Naval Act, construction of the frigates was to be discontinued. However, President Washington instead requested instructions from Congress on how to proceed. Several proposals circulated before a final decision was reached allowing Washington to complete two of the 44-gun and one of the 36-gun frigates.[50] The three frigates nearest to completion, United States, Constellation and Constitution, were chosen.[51] Construction of Chesapeake, Congress, and President was halted, and some of their construction materials were sold or placed in storage.[52] Constellation sailed under Captain Thomas Truxtun from Saint Kitts on 30 January, and encountered the French frigate La Vengeance, of the La Résistance class (design by Pierre Degay, with 30 x 24-pounder guns and 20 x 12-pounder guns) during the night on 1 February. La Vengeance was outweighed by Constellation but had the heavier broadside, 559 lb (254 kg) to 372 lb (169 kg).[23] La Vengeance attempted to run and had to be chased down.[24] An hour after sunset Constellation came into hailing range and when La Vengeance was ordered to stand to and surrender, she answered with a broadside.[24] After an hour Constellation's foresails failed and had to be repaired; she then overtook La Vengeance and a running battle exchanging broadsides continued.[25] Twice the ships came close enough that boarders were called for on both ships, the second occasion was quite bloody as US Marines in the Constellation shot up the deck of La Vengeance leaving her deck covered in bodies of the dead and wounded, and forcing her boarding party to seek cover. A young Lieutenant standing next to Captain Pitot of the La Vengeance had his arm taken off at this time.[26]Constellation was victorious after a five-hour battle. La Vengeance was so holed in the hull and her rigging so cut up that she grounded outside the port of Curaçao rather than attempt to sail into port for fear of sinking. The French commander just managed to save his ship from capture and – upon returning to port – was so humiliated he later boasted that the American ship he had fought was a much larger and more powerful ship of the line. Despite a heavier broadside Captain Pitot of the La Vengeance accounted that she had fired 742 rounds in the engagement while Captain Truxtun of Constellation reported 1,229 rounds expended.[23] Constellation's rigging and spars were so damaged she dare not try to sail upwind and so went to port in Jamaica. Unable to complete a refit she limped home on a jury rig.[26] After the encounter, the Constellation's speed and power inspired the French to nickname her the "Yankee Racehorse."
  17. i think there is no issue at a particular port battle, i saw 50 rear admirals sailing around and not even one lieutenant ranks have more to do with possibilities on crew handling, and it doesn't matter how you call them
  18. what about 1 extra dock space for every ship DLC (you have it in every game when dock spaces are involved )
  19. perhaps an idea is that all dlc ships have a build in extra dock space as well (DLC +1Dock space) i am getting so much DLC ships now i am short on normal ship dock spaces ps, dock spaces is really (my) the biggest struggle with the game
  20. all true you say but in the case of NA and all the reviews, i think it is a good idea, just to ease the pain a bit of a lot of the cry babies.
  21. @admin can you speed up the wipe from 7 days to just one? i am getting excited now ... and a good thing to wipe the darn stuff and bring trading in first. allt he vets must understand that having an advantage over new players is blow in the face before they even start playing, and is not fair to them. so i wouldn't mind to wipe it entirely to the bone... in EVE it took me 5 years to fly the big mogul, (and that is described) so what i s a month or two, its nothing ... go ahead and stick to the process...
  22. well i would never kill you perhaps i sink you on accident (i am noob) but and perhaps i must bring you a visit to discuss this matter. just for old friend's sake...
  23. can you explane yourself i don't get it... and why do you cry ? what i see is the complete Danish fleet (except for staun) and i see the complete Dutch fleet that on itself is a wonder of nature... have i ever talked about privicy ???? what the xxxx is that...
  24. could be , but it isn't. No. this is a story on his own besides ....We are irrelefant, so you don't have to comment if you don't want to...
  25. Yeah ...perhaps we will find some bottles over there ...
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