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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. a simple but genius solution for surrendering would be : when surrendering it cost you 1000 dubloons whatever ship you surrender if you don't have the dubloons you can not surrender eighter. "The admiralty must be payed for you loss" now the Admiralty gets a face indeed.
  2. True throw the administration overboard (also a flaw)
  3. ha thank you my journal is filled with economy (that's what you get in a simple slot system)
  4. Game over......what is there to sink?
  5. also count s pvp hunt we only can hunt 1 rate 2 rate and 3 rate which our nation can not even sink atm the captain is not stupid he sails in a direction where we can not loot , also its game over ever bin in a situation where they surrendered may i ask what you got from it ?
  6. hi captains and defs yesterday i had a separate fight with 2 dlc ship when after a intense fight i saw that the ship when almost destroyed >> surrendered for me as a defender, investing time to fight those ships i ended up with nothing .(you can not sink, it just game over) i would recommend that dlc whips can not surrender anymore. or only if approved by the other party, and if agreed it should hand over his cargo and a huge amount of dubloons (because it is not possible to grab the ship) or only surrendering in the first minute of the fight. i consider this a cheat and a flaw in the dlc system. this needs to be addressed. the same goes for basic cutter who just drag you in battle to keep you out of a other ow fight and surrenders with a big smile (denial of victory) when you surrender it must cost you dubloons..it can not be so the system allows you to make advantage of the system and you can get away with it... you have to pay (personally Dubloons lets say 1000 dubs) for your actions. and ship.
  7. yes completely weird if they are not in some sort of establish alliance (whoops now i am going to duck underwater)
  8. i rather see some more missions and new ships instead of a practice or dual room also dual or practice room if they will come in the game it must not be a complete game and will only be limited in their use. otherwise it's getting in conflict with the OW game. also this feature needs a lot more players active in the game, than we have at the moment. forget it we need more missions
  9. meh...perhaps a practise room but do we realy ..realy ...need it. i rather see some changes in the amazing penetrating firing angles of the npc (balls do not even bounce correctly)
  10. deliberate unintentionally green on green is forbidden (if sunk) if the victim complains about this (ingame + warning + tribunal), its valid for tribunal, (+ proof screenshot and names)
  11. Mmm we need proof screen shots and text of devious acts if it is cheating for denying other to play the game in a fun way , it is lacable. i think and must surely be punished in some way i think that is the only criterium deliberate destroying others own nation ports is rebellion if it is done for just stupid reason it is .....well weird stuff . if people screw the game for just screwing the core game it should be bannable for life and no return
  12. Thonys

    Shanty Radio

    yep see the same message this is not working or europe but perhaps it works for USa
  13. hi devs some feedback . what i see is a unbelievable almost impossible angle of degree (80 degrees) when passing a ship at 0.5 mtr distance . is it possible to decrease the firing angle degree of the npc . it looks weird..! ( and that frustrates) it's not a historical gun mount for lower and middle deck ( not game worthy for this game) only swiffel can have that angle of degree.( upper deck) ps. the overall game does not need this behaviour at all.
  14. A Dejavu Call the horizon forever. When I got up from the dusty mattress of the inn "The abandoned ship" in Zoutman where I was suddenly robbed that night of my rank marks, without money I was immediately thrown on the cobbles by the manager without money and without a morning meal, half drunk, I was sampled by inclement individuals who threw me into the hold of a frigate stripped of all the comforts of the officers' hut soberingly looking around the sea with Zoutman in the distance heading for dark places and hamlets in the caribbean waters far from everything and everyone where the boatswain treated me like dirt. prey to the sailors in dirty clothes who spit on me, the first food consisted of ships biscuit and half a pint grog, my god it is a sailor's life for wealth and the hard sailor's existence. It seems like a journey that I have endured three times. Eeuwig roept de horizon Toen ik opstond van het besmoezelde matras van de herberg " Het verlaten ship" in Zoutman waar ik plotseling was beroofd die nacht van mijn rangonderscheidingstekens, zonder geld werd ik pardoes door de uitbater op de kasseien gegooid zonder geld en zonder een ochtendmaaltijd ,half dronken werd ik gemonsterd door gure individuen die me in het ruim gooiden van een fregat ontdaan van alle gemakken van de officiershut ontnuchterend in het rond kijkend over zee met in de verte Zoutman opweg naar donkere plaatsen en gehuchten in de caraïbische wateren ver van alles en iedereen waarbij de bootsman mij behandelde als vuil. ten prooi van de matrozen in vuile kledij die me bespuugden, het eerste eten bestond uit sheeps biscuit en een halve a pint grog, mijn god het is een zeemansleven naar rijkdom en het harde zeemans bestaan.
  15. i agree what you say, it means also the Russians northern nations will be an admiral in 3-4 weeks >>> the Dutch will be an admiral in 8-12 months with the possession of the little ships in their area port s will not be different than it is today so for some nations areas (because to the lack and shortage of outposts for a single player) so I do not agree what admin says about it. it seems he is thinking only at a particular nation. admin seems to forget if a Dutch ship is attacked in dutch waters the only help the Dutch get is an AI pickle or snow or at the highest a frigate. if I attack a Russian enemy nation in the north I get not only the Russian, northern players (and gank party) but also 3 Ai wasa and 3 Ai victories s in the battle. it's not balanced in the south.it stinks in some way at the moment. why not turn it around give the north all the single 7 and single 6 rate ships, and the south the 4 th and 3 rate fleet ships ??? the map is leading,....and 3 rates and 1 rate never sailed at the coast of Venezuela, but then again there are also no Dutch ships...(also very historical) they seem to exist only in fairy tales by the tsar. Practice battle of the Dutch fleet in honor of Peter, September 1, 1697
  16. Some always say : "you can go there ....... " ...Uuuhh.. NO! ...balance is crucial...i say... it's clearly a development push ...just to keep captains away from the dutch. or moving from the dutch to whatever nation. ever want to catch a fly with an elephant >> > tried it, but it looked very silly. there are so many nails in this game you don't need a metal detector to look for them. in this particular case, i wonder.... what does development has against the vp .
  17. Je vous souhaite la prospérité tant sur terre que sur l'eau pour vous un salut avec des canons pare-balles de l'amirauté des provinces unies Salutations Des Enfants Du Roy
  18. yes i agree, remove clans...... it cleans up at least the load on the none existers .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and make it at least 5 members to create a clan
  19. Congratulations. But. still figuring out where I can find it!...
  20. we make guns and put them on the ships. and we have powder upgrades why don't we make balls for in the hold for the guns and why don't we make powder for in the powder room just adding another dimension to the game ...
  21. At the moment I miss a working Kopas in the PORT UI to see how the wind blows. especially when you are looking and choosing for a mission in some direction.
  22. i thought it was broken for me i always see 200* members but half off them are online fake*
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