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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. i sail this game for many weeks after release and i already sunk a lot of players and i even got not even (1) one single Combat mark for playing the game..lol (yes you all do it good and i do it wrong ) lol [yep wrong mission selections in our waters and not suitable options available for example, i do not hunt 7 rates or other ships / or have room for the specially selected mission slots lolol] (restrictions on restriction) i f i d i n t k n o w b e t t e r i already would d e l e t e the game from my steam account ..(many already did, ....i have a casualty rate of 70 % in my clan for that ...and i blame development for it.) its a big laugh that development put the permits under that regime .. but lets bias some more...and think you conquer the world. the bottom line is people are not telling you the truth .... some will tell it is crap from the beginning . and some who say nothing. the base (CM) is not solid enough and was introduced with the reals and doubloons ((( mini payment option ? ))) later on market disappeared and the joy is complete... restriction on slots and introducing mission and the ability to play 2 different kind of games, curses each other so much that it becomes for some unplayable to do something else i blame the restrictions on" whatever" side (server side ( ? )or development side.. it doesn't matter) my conclusion is, this game is still in full development and if it is not... well ...good luck.
  2. i told development over a year ago to put the destroy button to the bottom of the table ... to many click mistakes are made.. but nope... no development in that yet.
  3. well i was in a battle : 1x hercules 110 vs 3 pirates > herc 110 + BC 10 + BC 10 = 130 br . and after 20 minutes a pirate frigate came in the battle so it is at least 19 %)( 110 +18% =129.8 br) [pirate br was 130 ]
  4. after a port has been taken by a enemy it gets a timer (visible on the globe map if you put the mouse on the port dot) for 2 days after that you can make hostility again to take it back.
  5. for example essex (when enemy timer runs to zero at a certain time he can escape. it seems you have to have the perk Area control active in the perk department.. @admin @Ink Advice:
  6. is it really.... green on green ? green is own nation .....not a flag ! (a flag is for identification only, so you don't accidentally shoot on the own nation ship ) i would have shot him out of the water..... if his intentions are clear (+ screenshot)it is justified to hang that captain and let him walk the plank. >>>he will not appear in court <<<
  7. a good example again why this is not the way it should go... it's a deliberate action to overcome the game system i call it actually game breakers and should actually be punished with a ban hammer.... if i was a mod ....or a developer .... give me a good example in history where nations in war [ships] joined the other side to shoot on his own. {they would be shot on sight} next time warn him and just shoot him out of the water and let it come to trial lets see how corrupt the admiralty can be.... remember spies were hanged and shot on sight... for being just a spy.. it would be nice when he came out of the battle and remained dutch at least 14 days ...(punishment enough) \ but since we have a corrupt communist system ...well...... you have the answer!
  8. The smiley tells me a story. But, there is no need for others to mention someone's shortcomings. The Defenders saw a battle... the defenders saw not everyone the defenders saw what they could see.. but should they be glad of should they wonder ! perhaps some Captains are in... need of the glasses on the wall Tell me what time it was and i tell you a story and ......smile
  9. Rage quit training so let's assume, you are in a trader brig ( br45) and a enemy cerberus attacks you and you are in battle 45vs100 so now a ai mercury joins you in the battle at your side 115vs100 you well know that the mercury is now match for the cerberus player and even the trader is bull shit against a cerberus the funny part no friendly player can join your battle because of the br closed battle and you also know that mercury is shooting in the air from a long distance doing ping pong the out comer is > trader brig sunk or is captured, and the mercury is sunk also , a win win for the attacker (bonus xp from the mercury) and your friends are watching at the side line.. yeah great .. another one : you are in a lgv and attacked by a enemy wasa in dutch waters you get 2 Ai to help you .... the outcome is, wasa get a shitload of xp because he all sinks them. not because the ai is so bad ..... but because the ai only exist in these waters are cutters snows and frigates. conclusion this is not going to work.... perhaps a training in rage quitting is the outcome for many
  10. what do you mean exactly by " you re the idiot" all i am saying is i am disappointed in the road what is followed at the moment. also we see no explanation how it will work for players.
  11. any news on the Trade system? or trade update ? the reason for the Age of Sail to exist in the first place is...... TRADE., not destructive WAR we only have missions at them moment , but is that the final replacement for doing trade ? many answers needs to be given before anyone sees the big picture with the new road map. and i don't see it anymore. it's a road map on existing features. and some small new features where we do not understand the impact of. i still see bleu screens.. remnants of the past ....
  12. not sure i have missed it, but what about trading with the goods in the outposts is this abandoned?
  13. NPC Aggression (both in the world and in RVR) how about a trader brig attacked by a mercury or a navy brig 10 times in one run (in vp waters - i suddenly see the use of it ) if the noobies are not killed by players the AI will take care of it. i just don't see the point of having this what must i say to my new noobs..... just sail out in a trader brig, earn some money for a start ...... and get a ....surprise ?
  14. if you look very closely you will see that the dlc ships are first nerved (yesterday update)and after that you get the port bonus (just to satisfy the customer with a little buff on the bonus side, and from devs prospective a logical decision i think ) a standard dlc without post bonus is a kano with a sail on it it is very simple, if not redeemed at a port bonus port it is a drag queen... so that said , it was not a good idea to start this conversation in the first place ....
  15. and after that get in contact with your fellow members by joining the Discord channel or TS channel communication is the most important aspect to learn faster.
  16. it seems your carpenters and sail makers have a full time job mine seems so lazy compared to yours lol
  17. i agree. the enemy uses a second tool not in the hands by himself in that particular moment but still there is no evidence provided in this particular case
  18. at some point i can agree with you time factor. x member numbers. makes the game unbalanced for getting books, mods or doubloons or upgrades . therefore the acces to become competitive is crooked even for medium or small sized clans the only solution is to make the access for these kind of mods books accessible for a bigger majority i see also small groups with no access to special books or guns or mods. and larger groups with all the books already. what will make the gap between noobies and single players or small clans at a certain point so big it will become unplayable at some point and i can imagine they are the first victims to leave the game for what it is and quit from the game in the long run (i already see a decline of 8 % ) and that nummer will increase in the next couple of weeks as the gap becomes bigger on the acces of the goody goody stuff. the upgrades ,books, and mods need to become faster accessible for the majority of small clans or single players or we lose players rapidly. also 15 % of the veteran players before the release ar not returning after release just because of this particular phenomenon. they consider the grind to much ,too long and to unbalanced. to become competitive in the long run. if you bring a ferrari to the workshop and the outcome after service is a Lada 2005 you drive to the scrapyard (for demolition) in a single journey and ask for 39 bucs if you have the "reaals" you can buy the world , but not in this game (in EVE i can buy EVE rything, skill books by the millions)
  19. you say (to be clear) Two players one with a nickname Greasy plays for pirates, the second one with a nickname Capn Rocko plays for the French(swedish) and have chance boarding him when i fight with Capn Rocko he don't shoot to him, and also block my way. Greasy simple push out me off Capn Rocko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i think it's more >> loot stealing in cooperation with a enemy alt or friend. if you have evidence (by screenshot) that Greasy shot balls at you >>> it's green on green if you encounter this kind of behaviour . advice is to leave the battle. when you have no evidence by screenshot or record or text you have no case (its too thin) yes even when banned player from forum are doing bad things in the game it is tribunal worthy . there is no doubt about it. everybody falls under the same rule (even outlaws)
  20. at the moment they are all the same. perhaps a rng random port bonus would be nice (redeemed in port bonus port) just to give a little twist and make them all different. after all they are being built in a port bonus port ( or, if not ,no pb bonus) it would be a nice feature.. for the dlc
  21. me to and after that it was a long maintenance as well...
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