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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. you are a good example of why you will lose battles in PvE . same rates you say..... not smart (all i am going to say about it... you better start thinking....)
  2. "Seal-clubbing fifth rates with a second rate is not a good example and I specifically mentioned it in the OP. "" well, actually it is ..... the problem is : you can be destroyed. you have to figure out what you can take: >> what you can handle to survive,>> and what not. remember every battle is not a battle to the death (there is no circle remember) sometimes you need to escape on the right moment. use your head>> adjust >>> and be smart.>> get the hell out of there if it is going out of control, the first rule is to save your crew and ship.(you need it for the next battle :)) )
  3. привет товарищи я согласен с тобой, возникает проблема, что игра становится больше, но DLC остается с емкостью. нам нужно не только больше форпостов, но, разумеется, когда вы строите здания, вам нужно больше часов, чтобы эффективно использовать игру в сочетании с текущим DLC. В прошлом я уже предлагал связать рабочее время со зданием. чтобы вы не столкнулись с нехваткой рабочей силы по сравнению с DLC и обычным пользователем игры. у кого такие же часы необходим новый взгляд на эффективность DLC по сравнению с текущим новым добавленным контентом. но следует также учитывать, когда текущие значения LH (часы) остаются неизменными в соответствии с потреблением часов здания DLC не имеет добавленной стоимости, пока ограничение LH (часы) остается тем же. и количество аванпостов остается прежним. хотя этот DLC лучший в игре
  4. in that case you are a fan of (and betting on) the wrong HORSE lets also make another rule: you have the right to cheat with mods ... rules are made for use ...that doesn't mean the other person likes it, you say: i dont care .... oke ,..discussion with you is over. you see,.... a lot of people do care...
  5. Says a guy.... who has a Ferrari as a banner.....( pay to win car) and yes i mean outposts...they are strangely enough not in the admiralty DLC so ask for it separately and only greed will make this item developed.... otherwise it will not happen for the community (we as a community have to make it work) ask yourself the question,.. why are the outposts not in the Admiralty DLC? and something else.... you say, i quote: ". The only reason alts are not as bad is because you " i say Alst are bad.! for the game: 1 .they are more used for cheating in some sort of way 2. it is a bad copy from the EVE mechanics ...where in eve they cooperate with each other, for use as a different combat play, or for mining. 3. the rich guy is in advantage over the casual 1 account player. (unbalanced advantage, player vs player) 4.it gives unbalanced fair play in NA... the advantage is just too big (in grinding for port ownership, buildings, defenses, and building capacity ) 5.Alst are used in battle, alts are used in making hostility, and the feeling ends up in a counterpart of fair play, and produce more grief than fun. 6. it is very hard to cope with that kind of gameplay, development has a hard way to deal with the unbalanced situation to make it all work for everybody. 7. alts ar not integrated in the player ability to let them work together, but when a third party (another player)is used it works.(just fine) 8.conclusion: Alts. .... is just more outpost.... and nothing more .....resulting in complicated gameplay.
  6. can we have a port DLC i need extra ports every freaking day..... 1 euro for 1 port
  7. it would make a great group mission in the game ...(for example) but our mission was in OW so i believe that destroyed fort needs real damage in the game hopefully, the devs make it so
  8. trolling a bit: Oops..his punishment and verdict ....Pirate life... :)) Alts..... are the devil's thoughts... back to op.... it's for the Admiralty headquarters to decide what's going to happen.
  9. well .,..that needs a fix..... don't you think.
  10. A bucentaur of the [ BF] clan was also in the battle scene, but because of good sailing by the specially selected officers of the Dutch Admiralty, the bucentaur was outrun by our frigates with the use of the wind and use of good tactics and after a couple of hours of evasive maneuvers and returning gunfire the bucentaur gave up his hunt. and was never seen again so this entire mission was definitely also with pvp . it turned out to be a darn good mission where we also send the f11 pigeon to admiralty headquarters to tell about the success of our mission the result will be doubloons by the hundreds for sure .....Kuch ..Kuch .
  11. after a week of preparation, today we made a special operation to damage the economy of a certain nation under heavy gunfire and incoming damage, the crew of our vessels participating in the ops did very well after a long gunfight where our vessels were hit many times, and one was almost sunk and the other one completely demasted, we accomplished to destroy one of the forts the fort was brought out of action and raised the white flag. we believe this fort needs to be build up again special operation completed. also, the fort was still standing in OW (?) will it disappear after maintenance?
  12. so now.... we can pause sinking also ..................lol this game begins to look like premium hackers and cheaters fun game
  13. the same thing happens when you jump to another port and have to select the port where you jumped to when you do not select it you see other stuff as well in default position (instead of the port you jumped to) also when having a ship in the fleet and put it to the docks again your ship is cleared of the upgrades what alters your ship stats. sometimes it looks a mess
  14. in many games we have statistics i miss those in Naval action would it not be nice to have some overview of your performance in some sort of simular way
  15. or a other possibility is .!! with the new damage model, the damage from explosions is not buffed, so the explosion can not make enough damage to cripple a ship.
  16. exploded 10 meters behind a ratavisan and it did not damage to the ratvisan perhaps a new bug was created made a bug report [[Template forums/front/topics/topic is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default t
  17. got this message when adin admin to the post [[Template forums/front/topics/topic is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  18. a question i have seen that a full ship upgrade (4) is a total of 10 points (x5 =50 points) are there bigger ports than 45 points ?? and if they exist... where are they situated.. and why!
  19. well at some point nobody knows anymore, so it can be made clearer in the pictures on the Info timers and restrictions and closed battles always ....nice when you can not join make it RED
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