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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. "I could not join" exactly the point of it all . why should i bother to sail and find it closed... BR has to go...if you ask me(oh sorry i said it already) why make it so difficult; 3- 5 / or 10 minutes to all and close and no BR captains in the battle can not even tell you what the battle rating is (mostly)
  2. True.. and distance. and location. and many other things as well.(population -cheats-and other strange inhabitants -restrictions ..but that is just speculations )
  3. Hmmm," this is best idea"? it would be 3-5 minutes and no BR. after 1o minutes you are shot to pieces already, where do you need help for ...if they are not coming in the first 5 minutes they are not coming at all (mostly) also when i arrive at the scene it is always closed by the BR.... 9 times out of 10. (i call it a denial and a game restriction i am not even allowed to have a look. (and when i am allowed to spawn in a battle at 20 miles away in my 3 knots against the wind sailing ocean )
  4. @admin i understand that point of view. but one of the reasons they are not supplied is, i cannot sell them because of the restriction to provide them in the first place.(not enough slots to sell them) also, another thing if the guns are not provided by the shop, people have to make them just like they have to gather the wood types for their ship and it becomes a necessity as part of the shipbuilding process. (except the basic cutter guns) NPC buying them for 1 real will also not provide guns in the shop. i have 2000 mediums in my warehouse and i am not keen on selling them for 1 real there is no profit for it .(or even slots to sell them) at the moment i am selling long guns at a port what is not even my main home port for doing my trade, what ends up in stockpiling in the main port. sidenote: if i capture a Pavel i should capture poods (but that's another thread i think) restrictions for selling by contract is not very effective for the community valuable stuff cannot be sold ,....
  5. totally agree we as players are too much restricted on sale contracts. for every rank, you should have 3 extra sale contracts (give ranks a meaningful reason except for only crew) it will boost trade for example, if i am a cannon manufacturer, i can only sell carronades and not the long cannons. and if i sell carronades the rest of the trading spectrum is useless to me i can not even sell the rest of the types of cannons on the market or other types of goods one of the reasons people pile up so much stock in the warehouse even the admiralty DLC does not provide that option this game is too restricted for doing a trade . if a captain can sell a rifle 1777 for 150.000 in the shop, for me as a cannon manufacturer i only can sell that rifle in the shop for 400 reals.
  6. i dont agree ever played EVE ? the problem is , now you have to think what you are going to do, instead of taking goods (push random button) from the shelf and load it in a trader and push the sell button.
  7. but it is not 3 minutes it is 2 minutes and that's to short...(you cant even turn your ship even when you are on the circle) ps. i am beginning to hate restriction and timer the more i think about it......
  8. yes, but some areas have fast waters with huge distances (time-consuming) something that is not calculated (timewise) in certain areas and is making problems for those who can use some help sometimes. if the other island is 1 minute away(danced arias) it is no problem to get help or make shelter but if an island is 10 minutes away ....well you get the answer...2 minutes is nothing ps. i deal on my own terms not yours
  9. (?)it was 3 minutes in ow they changed it to 2 minutes. the patrol zone can be 2 minutes. ow, 3-5 minutes would be better. speed boost and invisibility is sufficient atm in general: locked nation choice is a restriction were i am not a fan off (it kills the effort to hunt or doing battle) i am not a fan of restrictions in general.(the game is(becomes) to complicated by all his restrictions and special ROE) if you see a battle it disappears, or cannot participate or join a side or there is something else..(?) development is encouraging pvp, but on the other side they restrict is by rules who are not important for players when they want to achieve something that's important to them. it's a restriction what in itself is a contradiction in the effort to make the game working for everyone the 20-minute rule is way too long, and the 2 minutes is to short. i think we need a 1 general rule of ROE : my suggestion is 3 minutes for patrol zone and 5 minutes for OW. and get rid of the BR rule
  10. you mean use the magic of cheats? that is one of the reasons admin wants to remove it.....(distance in TT ) think about it,,,,,,,, perhaps a sign on the beach in front or next to the port where we can look for it with the telescope........ sometimes i see text but mostly i dont see it.
  11. its also called easy way of live instead of wearing out the mouse by click fesifity
  12. sometimes i sail along the coast and can click on every ship in ow and a popup shows me what kind of player or AI ship it is when i sail along the coast i see towers in the distance (telescope does not reveal the name of the town) but for some who do not have the sextant (on default)sometimes are disorientated or missed a port, and have to guess where they are. could it not be possible to click on the port (right mouse) and a popup will show up witch town it is we can see ships but why not a port? you can see a port and a ship you can click on the ship but not on the port perhaps it can be added to the game
  13. something to consider: 1.poods are most effective for certain frigate size ships. and should only be used with the combination double charge... 2.guns are separate items what is not necessarily an item what is needed, you can sail without them if you want. 3.iron is very expensive in the days of sail and mostly if a ship was captured, they took the guns and sunk the ship ( apart from the trade what was on board.) 4.medium guns drop if it is rain in the game it is unnatural to be one of the most expensive items and become meaningless items because the price is dropped to zero. this is not logical and actually.... well...dumb. (we throw a trading and meaningful item in the ..... overboard ) 5.for the beginners in the game with the basic cutters and the 6 pounders medium gun that ship can have his guns for free, but only that ship. perhaps we need " basic cutter 6 pdr medium" guns.(new in the game). 6. by not dropping mediums like flys, you making medium guns a part of the building and trade community what is an extra dimension and extra content useful to the game it is right under our nose and we aren't using it, 7.captains and players and outsiders see the opportunity but it is not used the reason for that is the help the pvp guys got , as if they are a separate breath of people. who need instant help... (asked by those shouters, and given by the kind-hearted developers. it is not needed. it cranks the trade business. 8. if you capture a ship: you actually should have the option to take the guns out of it and sink the ship... that could and should be.... the replacement for the drop of medium guns what we have in the game. 9. make medium guns recyclable....(in some way) those guns wore out when used. i have seen guns who became almost double caliber ( 12pdr >18 pdr barrel diameter ) and were used for metal and glass only (they became unusable for a 12 pdr ) ball) 10. the game needs more gun types, brass and bronze guns, and howitzer sized guns. with their own characteristics. 11. in the ui of the ship (ship picture) we should see the type of guns we sail on the ship . so we don't have to guess when we are in the OW sailing around seeing what kind of trade you have in the hold but not able to see what kind of guns you sail on your own bloody ship. perhaps a separate tab for the layout of your ship? (like we have in EVE) not so difficult to code use the port icon also in the OW UI (and you can see the guns and upgrades on your ship anytime and throw them overboard if you want to do so for making speed if necessary) ([destroy] greetings.
  14. i agree with OP for making medium guns only by players. and mediums do not drop in the shop as if it is Christmas every day. its better for trade and crafting only the guns for the basic cutter should be free (available) in the shop.
  15. oke make a proposal make it simple 5 or 10 minutes for all ROE (both sides and even AI n pc ) and throw the BR overboard. i would go for 5 minutes
  16. i think that everything should be visible to the other side. 1. the: br, 2.the clan, 3.and the ships types also, 3 first rates in fleet or 4 is not possible by the shortcomings of total men. they can barely set sail. its poverty what we have now. for a game, it's a restriction we should not have in the first place, and hope it will change in the future. but i do not know if this is purely an engine based issue if so, it is trouble before the journey started, and that's not a good sign.
  17. i do not like The ROE for going into battle on battle rating closing the battle by visible slots also, the 2 minutes is to short its a denial of pvp for others what i also don't understand is that some are screaming for pvp and those same people say close the battle instantly and it needs battle rating 1:1.5 the more i play this game the more i dislike timers... and denials... pls stop with all the denials and restrictions, it's killing the fun.(there is a destriction for almost everything for example slots on ships, denial of goods and upgrade availability, i can go on forever ) WHY....? this should not be" the game of Denial"
  18. if we have to ask for it in biblical proportion here it comes just asking for it its weird not to have it.....
  19. @admin excellent, there is a light in the darkness. it's a lighthouse when the update sees the light........ it burns in the evening.
  20. Affecting weekly line ships events mission for the Dutch region and the South American region is seems there are no 4 /3/2/1/ rate in that eria (only frigates size) what affects the weekly line ships mission (you will see no dutch captains visible for many years to come ) they have no access to that mission in the vicinity of their own waters (except in hostile capital waters of other nations) request is for some routes of 4/3/2/1 rates in the south American Venezuela and gulf coast .
  21. V P Flag of Rotterdam (2 flags) separate flown on the ships of the Admiralty of ( Rotterdam*) Holland [ VOC ] https://www.schemecolor.com/rotterdam-flag-colors.php Name: Ao (English) Hex: #008100 RGB: (0, 129, 0) CMYK: 1, 0, 1, 0.494 WHITE Name: White Hex: #FFFFFF RGB: (255, 255, 255) CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 * just a little footnote Rotterdam the BIGGEST HARBOR in the World (even today) ref: https://fotw.info/flags/nl-indco.html#in
  22. as part of the Verenigde Nederlanden : Verenigde provincien a little forgotten history with his own flag and as forgotten existence forgotten in the united provinces. it's the year 1790 : where the southern part of the united provinces had his own flag from January to December 1790 where it finally becomes separated to the now known Belgium part of the former united provinces its a period called as the Oostenrijkse Nederlanden (Austrian Netherlands) after that period is no longer part of the United Provinces the flag: 1790 Dutch: Austrian Netherlands 1790 https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verenigde_Nederlandse_Staten and: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Belgian_States The United Belgian States (Dutch: Verenigde Nederlandse Staten or Verenigde Belgische Staten, French: États-Belgiques-Unis, Latin: Foederati belgii), also known as the United States of Belgium, was a confederalrepublic in the Southern Netherlands (modern-day Belgium) which was established after the Brabant Revolution. It existed from January to December 1790 as part of the unsuccessful revolt against the Habsburg Emperor, Joseph II. after the revolt, it was decided it became an own republic of Belgium Frankische tijd:Volksverhuizing in de Lage Landen · Frankische tijdMiddeleeuwen:Geschiedenis van de opkomst van vorstendommen en steden in de Lage Landen · De Nederlanden in de MiddeleeuwenBourgondische tijd:Geschiedenis van de Bourgondische Nederlanden · Zeventien ProvinciënHabsburgse tijd:Geschiedenis van de Habsburgse NederlandenSpaanse tijd:Geschiedenis van de Spaanse Nederlanden · Tachtigjarige Oorlog · Republiek · Zuidelijke NederlandenOostenrijkse tijd:Geschiedenis van de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden · Brabantse Omwenteling · Verenigde Nederlandse StatenFranse tijd:Franse tijd in België · Franse tijd in NederlandNederlandse tijd:Nederlandse tijd in België · Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden · Groothertogdom Luxemburg (1815-1890)Moderne tijd:Belgische Revolutie · Geschiedenis van België · Geschiedenis van Nederland · Geschiedenis van Luxemburg
  23. in your navy tab in the port ui we have the ports attached to it ,so we can have a peak show of the ships in that other particular port, it now only has the port warehouse in the port ui and that gives you a view of the goods in that port is it perhaps possible to attach the other ports on the left on that tab so we can have a peak in the other warehouses
  24. that means we need standing in the game but to the op topic : punishable for treason is hanging on the shore of the capital......
  25. yes some redeemable paint like item i would appreciate that far more, there is no competition in combat behavior, so no harm is done...
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