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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. own crafted ships build have guns to, it is almost the same amount for guns, so there is no significant difference. you say i have a lolly , and you have a ....lolly...
  2. ok, let me start here. the DLC Hercules: = 3 clicks with the mouse select teak / white oak and craft. no reals no lh no materials. so zero zero zero. on resources and mats and labor hours. the rest of the crafted ships have no data because it differs from player to player building your first shipyard = how much reals? crafting a similar ship like a surprise= is how much LH? (time) value of materials differs from the player so no data on that one, but it cost reals.(that's what we now) we do not have that data only develops have that data.
  3. i leave that to the developers. it takes time. we must give them that time,
  4. ? / (he never claimed) and never tasted the moon though. perhaps it taste like cheese but there is no air right ...😜
  5. I agree with your post here ... Forger DLC has to get rid of the Nation change option Its a deliberate Human power shift for the server, what brakes the entire initial power balance for nations Forger DLC should only be a NAME changer. remember when rediii left the dutch and went to the brits, (his entire clan followed the leader). 3 days later players who did not have the DLC forger left also the nation, they never showed up again. the fun to sail out together was gone ..they were left alone in the dark. left alone with empty thoughts on former friends who betrayed them the easy way the DLC forger as we have now is a game breaker on human resources its a zerg provider for the other (big) nation if there is one big hard shouter, who says he is going to the big boys, the heard will follow the so-called leader of stupid thoughts. a game should actually prevent such things, but in this game, it is a deliberate feature invented for the single player who made a mistake of choice of a nation, but it ended up as a power shifter for entire nations. if the captain who made a mistake of nation choice; THAT CAPTAIN MUST START ALL OVER AGAIN. (IT IS HIS MISTAKE AND NOT A BLAME FOR A ENTIRE NATION) What shocks me the most is that it is an expected feature by development and probably don't see the power of that feature to break their own game. (or perhaps they do, i don't know) The forger is tested and.... FAILED IN THIS SETTING. MY 2 CENTS ON THIS ONE.
  6. no ...now you are laying words in my mouth. it is fine to have DLC ships in the game (just like paint and other stuff) you see constitution classic cost you also dubloons so there is an effort to get those ships (what is fine) the Hercules does not cost you anything just mouse clicks and i don't like that, compared with shipbuilders who have to make their own ships what is time-consuming and a lot of work (for some at least) so only a permit in my eyes is more than enough. (having a DLC is only with no REals costs, what is a more than a nice benefit for having a DLC ship )
  7. not worse, but equal. on mats and LH (and no reals)
  8. just to give you an idea at some point i had four Hercules in my docks. (in 3 days) and it only cost me 12 clicks with the mouse. now compare it with the normal player to get 4 surprises. (and the effort he has to do to acquire those 4 ships ) the difference is just not oke.
  9. my last intel told me : you have around 6 million Reals, so you can afford it 😜
  10. see it this way sinking your Hercules, has consequences (same as normal builds) but this goes in another direction, doesn't it. also, your DLC Hercules looks more like a spawning repeat machinegun. in my proposal, it is more in equal term with the normal player who has to build their ships what is also time-consuming (and that is an aspect you haven't discussed yet in comparison to non DLC and DLC players.
  11. i am not forcing anybody, they can go play Tetris if they want. also, Hercules is not a bad ship at all, it is actually a great ship. (if you lose it in battle you should be keelhauled by the Admiralty of your nation.) or go down with your ship.(not uncommon).
  12. look at it this way ; why should normal players be punished and the DLC players get only the benefits in this game, normal players (no dlc players )have to pay for everything (LH, Reals, materials)... making a DLC ship do not cost Reals. i have the dlc but brake a lance for the shipbuilders and the players who have to pay for everything in the shallows what most DLC players want is a ticket on the first row and easy life in comparison with the regular player, and i don't like that at all... equal monks equal heats
  13. ohw and i forgot to say indeed : no insurance for DLC. sorry....you get enough already...(remember Hercules is a special.) you dont have to pay reals so no reals in return by insurance (only normal ships were you have to pay with reals )
  14. in that case, you are forced to play other ships as well (and a little bit punished for losing your ship perhaps?) by the way : normal build ships cost Reals DLC do not cost Reals ...
  15. because perhaps you like the ship and that's all. just like paint .....you like it or you don't like it .
  16. my 2 cents make for the 2 DLC Hercules and LeRequin,... only available as a permit where you have to build the DLC ship just like any other ship in the game with materials and LH, in that case, it will be accepted far more easy in the shallow just like any other material build ship... DLC ship >>>> is a permit . - so there is no issue with shipbuilders anymore and does not disturb the shipping market and building market - the ship is not capturable and you can not sell it. - you can only make 1 ship every 24 hours. problems solved
  17. I'm pretty sure your labor hours represent slaves - after all, you get free work without paying for it For labor contracts at least you have to pay for the work which is performed statement: labor hours should have been actual online game hours. after a week log of, everybody has the max hours (when logged in again ) and that's strange. this means the actual player who plays the game every day is restricted over the day in comparison with the guy (with slaves workers it seems) who logs in once a week for 2 hours. perhaps paying only with reals is the way to obtain labor hours (pay the workers) and no free LH after a week of absence.
  18. Are the hubs ? region capitals, or nearby islands from the main capital.
  19. NO.NO.NO.NO. i am still a poor merchant, (But sometimes a forced member of the home guard) you can still sail to dutch waters nothing will arm you ...and at the PVE server?, it is not such a good idea,.... there living sea monsters and bad water creatures ...not a save place at all.
  20. Trincomalee vs Constitution classic.(Year of the lord 19th December 23.00 hours) WHEN DOING HOSTILITY MISSIONS ON MY OWN. And after a long battle in the hostility battle against an Essex i was really badly damaged, my men went home to the port when suddenly from behind a Swedish ship with the honorable captain Elias on a constitution classic [450BR340] (B fitted 54 marines) attacked my ship the Trincomalee build "nepthonis" 325BR300 and her crew...(B fitted 34 marines) Me as a captain i decided to take the battle for the other day, (my heavenly trained men needed rest) and set a course 35 degrees downwind (i have no quarrel with the Swedish captain).... but when the constitution under command of Cpt. Elias fired chain on my ship i decided to engage the constitution classic to board him (he boarded me first + disengaged, and my experienced men (Board) it the second time ) It was a welcome catch : All the glory and the loot went to my wonderful crew who serve under me. footnote: they got many medals from the Admiralty for doing battle against an essex and a constitution in two engagement in one mission.
  21. when the intel told us there was a Ship sailing in our waters the home fleet dispatched After a search of 15 minutes, we found the enemy when engaging in battle and after a brave fight the result: Santisma down (we saved a lot of Shock(ed )survivor crew,.. we dispatched them in 3 long boats to Sinamaica to join their family)
  22. we have our own rewards
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