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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. i also believe if you want to sell a book , you need a bookstore from the buildings tab called the second hand bookstore....lol
  2. well.....i always go to the bookstore every new kid in town, now thinks books are loot off the ocean thank god the dutch invented printing .....but some cultures are just ....medieval... some cultures are just too smart to read, or just to dumb to understand....that..you can find it in the bookstore .....
  3. lol well it seems you have to say it first, before you can click
  4. well months after release, new captains face the same thing.. so i see no point for removal all the work captains already have done .. the only thing were a removal comes in place is when there is a corrupted server active , and that needs reset... or when there is a corrupted imbalance .but that is not the case atm
  5. well give comment, and say:: " I LIKE it " problem solved.
  6. well it is only player driven money , so a option for abuse is that he can give it anyway to a player by using alt or the option give money to player transferring money back and forth has nothing to do with bounty, there is tax involved... so it would be cheaper to just give (money by trade ) or doing it by alts... reputation is a other thing..and not part of the bounty
  7. hi all for what i see a lot is that the forum threat Marked with the Black Spot - Caribbean it is a thread who is running daily what means people like it and there is a need for it perhaps it is not a bad idea to have a bounty system build in the game. and also to make more content for the players and the game and if it is possible to have some kind of bounty system what is automated as well...now it is player driven were rules are not clear or removed or money is denied . a system: were you select your victim with a amount of money on the head of the captain who you want to see sunk . you can do it by right click on the captain ,and follow the put bounty where a popup system takes in place ,where you can select the amount of money yourself or pvp marks or whatever. perhaps with a option also valid for 7 days , or 14 days and if the captain is not sunk 50 % the money goes to the state(adminstation) and the other 50% is refunded when a captain is sunk the bounty system puts the amount of money on the account of the captain who sunk the ship [minus state /port tax 10 % ] . and generates a line in the news report in nation where the bounty is shown to the public..[just to stimulate bounty hunting ] who is in favor ?? to have some kind of system.. @admin if this is on the next stage list please tell us ..
  8. yeah ..logs told ya.. not that we need them, there s nothing to log , lol i must take a hide ...Incomming
  9. its a old idea , asked many times before. but it seems it had server restrictions in the old engine now we have engine 5 so i don't know the server restrictions for that engine.
  10. well we all live in a "a global world " if i am chines i would choose a chinese flag to start with i have no problem with a other nations. it seems not historical but it is the way it is ,we can not rule out other nations ,many nations were on vessels together , and many flags were flown (look at banners and flags) i believe RNG is more unrealistic than anything else ...
  11. well it counts for almost anything, look at all today's games for one thing many ships who encountered pirates would surrender and not a shot was fired , in those days the souls of the men were more important than the cargo but in this game crew is worthless, and way to cheap and in a huge abundance , i never hear anyone complain about that, it's just the shoe who fits i think.
  12. for all the people who want a merge with nations ,If you want a merge > you can all use forged papers you have the time until 15- 03- 2018. use it and stop whining about merge nations i personally don't see the grass greener at my neighbors backyard nations are just fine we actually need more...... lol. perhaps there is a chinese jonk captain who wants to sail to the caribbean... perhaps people needs to be told basics rules: like a ball who miss the target does do no damage, the only benefit for you is, you will be faster to run away...if you throw your cargo overboard:))
  13. when you attacked a trader after fishing > was it a french npc trader when you attacked the trader ? can you remember that ? or was it a other nation..
  14. well we need more type of guns. the edinorog is just one of them . so there is no use in removing them.(testing atm) make them craftable,... yes good idea, but i think at the moment it is not the time to make them craftable, until new gun types are introduced .
  15. what was the time of the earnings, was it before the reroll of the database, or after ?
  16. i think the logs are to heavy if adjusted he can take it
  17. well to start with , they (develement) can adjust the rng parameters to give some more output on purple or orange ships. for example : just to start with...20%grey, 50%bleu, 20%purple, 10%orange rng upgrade /knowledge 3/4 , 3/5 , 4/5 , 5/5 rng i don't know all the colors ,only got bleu so far.
  18. Yes good idea. made a post for it (in bad englisch) but people did not see the intention or meaning of it so just a shout: "Make ship building great again" (i bet this is bad/good englisch/american to The reroll of the (builded) premium ships, was a bad idea to start with (and also necessary), but just a little adjustment would be more appropriate at that time at least people would build more ,what would boost the market and old bad ships would be put in battle more..> pvp. and shipbuilding would be more important for young captains to make there own premiums. Give us a break
  19. having enemies in your friends list does that mean other alts or just a friend rule out alts abuse i would say is a good reason for not having this option
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