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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. what do you mean exactly? I don`t quite understand what you mean by that, sorry
  2. yes, everybody seems to make a one person clan... make it so.....one person clan is only valid for 2 weeks... after that, you are not worthy to call it a clan or company devs like restrictions, so this is a nice one the problem of all those good ideas is that it delays the port ui every time
  3. or at least some better price money from the Admiralty
  4. When renaming your char after using DLC we actually should have a notification after the new name for 2 weeks or some kind of mechanism would be a great feature..
  5. i still see captains who do not see the need to join a clan. so it's up to the devs to do something about that, instead of limit or restricts clans by not having clan docks or other features there is still a lot we need badly in the game. so all for it . for example : .Taxation towards another clan from port ownership .Taxation income from the port for all transactions done in the port . clan tax on players .port tax on privateers (independent not clan or casuals players) .tax on foreign nation players .taxation refundable % to all players of the clan automatically ( every clan member shares in the profit of the port , but also in the dept of it) .clan dock free port. when you have fought for the port you get a % of the profit from the port as a defender of the port (for now you get nothing for the title, just letters in a letter, not even price money just a lot of bull talk)
  6. put an egg alarm clock next to you screen that helps to.. lets say nice workaround :prussian way
  7. well...for the Dutch to orange pls it would be nice
  8. rp: "Tout le monde marche et je ne veux pas rester dans la nation, je suis tellement bon que je ne peux pas me trouver dans mon propre pays" lol NOUS, APPELEZ QUE LES CONTRE-INTERRUPTEURS DIFFICILES! il n'y a qu'un remède à cela; la guillotine ... Au moins dans notre propre pays, les Français semblent trouver cela normal, et ils en sont fiers, même si fiers qu'ils le décrivent ouvertement. lol
  9. Why? ,..... should all change nation? There is no need for it. And never was. it is funny that people want to change there nation flag; or is it the zerg.. and the popular guy, or follow the leader of the criminals. or the goodie stuff interpreted by the developer who changes the harbor port... I have nothing with nation flag changers. only the traitor and a criminal has a benefit for it. I remember the big words in the back of my mind what can you do for your nation instead of what can your nation do for you. let's see...? ...? ... what shall I choose .....China...o.O or the Mexicans o.O...ohhh... Nooo! wft flags are coming...soon ...lol A good advice is: choose wisely before you start. (perhaps a neutral flag for the first rank is an option and after the tutorial, you must make a choice for the nation..you want to enlist for[what can be a part of the tut] improvement )
  10. I miss a specific function: can i have one pls...... every nation have his own specific role Dutch KONSTABEL (SUBSCRIPTION AT THE MARINE) N. van der Sijs (2010-2015), Dutch words worldwide constable "non-commissioned officer in the navy; gunner; supervisor '-> Russian † konstápel' 'officer's rank, gun commander at the sea artillery'; Indonesian setabel (an) 'artillery'; Javanese kestabel, setabel 'non-commissioned officer; gunner'; Madoerees satabēl, satabēllān 'artillery; police officer '; Sundanese istapĕl 'gunner; police officer '; Sinhalese kostapal, kostāpal 'policeman'. M. Philippa e.a. (2003-2009) Etymological Dictionary of Dutch constable zn. 'Non-commissioned officer in the navy' Mnl. that coninc stauele 'the subcontractors' [1285; VMNW], coningstauel 'commander' [1285; VMNW], comestavele of the here 'commander of the king' [14th century, copy 19th century; MNW comestavele]; vnnl. who conestable of Castilien 'the commander of Castile' [1530; MNW stegelreep], constapel '(sub) officer on an armed merchant ship' in those ... officers, namely, skipper, connestapel ... [1595; WNT], king-stable, coffin table, constable constable 'supervisor of the gunners' [1599; WNT]. Derived from old french connestable '(top) commander' The Dutch constable has become a 'non-commissioned officer in the navy' via 'supervisor of the gunners'. In English constable has gained the meaning of 'policeman' via 'enforcer of public order', as well as konstapel in Swedish. The meaning evolution, from 'servant' to 'supervisor' and 'captain', is very similar to that of → marshal. other nations konstabel znw. m., first after Kiliaen 'non-commissioned officer in the navy yard ; head of the monitoring of a yard '<mhd. konstabel 'chief, commander'
  11. yes the shallow ships are a little off balance (for doing battle or boarding in that 5th and 6th rate ) the Rattle heavy what is the highest not DLC ship for normal players are confronted with the DLC ships in a rather bias way made a vid about it to see the difference @admin also look very good to the first line in the boarding attack, there is a difference of numbers counted in favor for the Hercules ? (due cannon fire before boarding)
  12. well, they once said in a post a long time ago it is a legit way of getting points. perhaps they will change direction, they said it is working like intended... but i don't know..whats the verdict on the matter should be..
  13. we need a search box in the warehouse!
  14. It is one of the "good" upgrades in the arsenal. but: - to expensive! Why?: you should not be in the position to get raked in the first place, in the end, it will not help you ... it is more a psychological upgrade, its good for your confidence. - if you look at the bow upgrade it will not be chosen by many ...(to expensive vs the need for it) if you need help with your stern, it's a good one... more usable for the 4th and 3th rate ( and in some cases for the 2th and 1 th rate - depends on the build you use)
  15. I was talking in general and not a particular ship in mind
  16. good, good job. small question, is there also a little ship balance in the new update?
  17. When going to the battle of Vieques a Pigeon landed on the Admiral leader's ship ! Rumors of the intelligence pigeon told the Dutch Admiralty, there was a Golden ship on the water sailing towards the Dutch invasion force to finish the Dutch and Teach it a lesson ... "There are many salts on the Water" ( the message said) "The Admiralty (secret orders) gave the call .... "Destroy that ship" (All the seven Admiraltys send their captains and warships to battle.) It will go in the Books as the golden battle on the coast of Fajardo... "The Golden battle" phrases "Roronoa "i am mind playing, I am not in a Bellona... "Reverse" HAHAHA Biel Poulka No no no no I am friendly "when the Parrot whispers in the earphone of Reverse" Palatinose is a magnet for Dutch ships "palatinose" if it were only Dutch ships what'...o.0 it is Gold... No!! ... It was gold ....that ship.
  18. - There is something else important about the game i should know? The only thing what is important is to look for a good clan AND JOIN it and if you don't, you FAIL big time from the start, so be smart, and patient. in this game, you need to be taken by the hand, to grow and to become a real skilled captain. many clans are willing to help you but you need to look for them Watch youtube and see if you like it
  19. well, in the meanwhile ... we have 4 lights -tail lights, deck lights, and cabin lights - and lighthouses ...
  20. well, its funny, I learned all the books but i cannot use my brains............. and make it a book of 5 rings, or gunnery book... I believe that if you have learned all the books (in parts), you also can make it a bundle and put it in your/ my library... >>> slot but in this game, there is no cohesion in learned books, and/or knowledge. very funny and stupid at the same time. OT: ps perhaps we need a blueprint of the printing press and or, the art of bookbinding bleuprint to make it a real library with encyclopedias thank god there were Greeks who invented it all i have seen captains who have the *book* given... but not the knowledge in their bookcase, i call it instant OP lol
  21. I hope the perk and point system got a revamp to in the new port UI update, because of its an integral part of the whole picture of a build
  22. you can buy labor contracts in the shop or from contract and from the Admiralty for 150 cm (you can earn cm by doing missions and combat) the higher the rank you are the more LH you earn each day in the beginning of your building career, only make goods and materials what you need, and don't spill it to big quantities on one product
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