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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. don't forget, correct paint on the ship in the port.
  2. i think some mission will expire by time restrictions
  3. so if i am correct we can produce it now? from learned books to > upgrades ...?
  4. is winged out ballast removed, /and/or/ is something changed (names) or added? cant find it ..
  5. check your settings for the headphone (select headphone type) in windows bottom right corner in window s screen when selecting youtube do you have sound as well?
  6. +1 or give it as a build in already we also have the mortar book upgrade
  7. well not only financial advantages .....the financial aspect is only to lure the lonely player into the clan remember this,... is it also a benefit for the lonely player if he is attacked by a clan what exists of ten players and ganking the lonely player? if he is not in a clan , help always comes to late... the lonely player does not see the benefit to become a member of a clan most of the time but also we have nothing to offer them to get actively into a clan and become a useful player for that nation in eve there are a lot of rankings types what gives benefits to clan members over lonely players (even the negative ranking can get a boost for example to a + ) its mostly not a big + but all little thinks can help.. there are too many lonely players out in NA who don't have a clue over what it means to be a member of a clan we have to lure them in the clans even today lonely players can make their own clan with only themselves in the clan as the only member and i do not believe that's a good situation. the clan warehouse can only be bought if the clan exist out at least 5 members for example (thats a task to)and 1 member with a clan warehouse is not a clan ...in my opinion(mostly alts are this way)
  8. agreed. but i was more talking about the membership for being in a clan. (game wise) let us say something like 50% reduction in ports on tax or something when being a member of the clan who owns the same clan port. (just an example) (clan ranking wise so to speak, more in that direction where a reduction is on taxes for example) at the moment there is no big advantage to be a member of a clan what gives benefits to be part of a clan as a member. like access to territory or reduction for trade good from a clan port, stuff like that .
  9. Hi all, especially defs What is the benefit of being a member of a clan... apart from talking on ts or going out on the water to sink someone i don't see it at the moment, nobody wants to join a clan and we can not tell lonely captains any great benefits the recruitment department is painstaking at the moment( i see a lot of alt lonely in the water doing mostly trading stuff ,but the cooperation in the nation is just not there. there is no benefit for them) so I want to ask about development if there is some progress in that direction.,or plans, or something
  10. nation hometowns have the small rates you need also shallow ports have them take a lynx and go explore your needs.. first
  11. or you can only loot a ship . if you killed it . or have an assist on it if not participated in killing a ship you (just like determined defender ) are not allowed to loot (keep it game based) perhaps the duration of looting a chip must have a bigger time set (when sunk deep you still can loot remnants of loot) as an owner of the loot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also, it is not allowed to loot friendly nation ships who sunk (deliberate turning friends into enemy fire and sink because of it) it seems the greed is here and the Caribbean turns in to a hostile place
  12. yes, good idea shows the books transparent (in ship knowledge) so we can know and see which books we still need...
  13. but that can be adjusted as well i saw a stream were a Bellona get sunk and he got over 8000 doubloons (if i am correct , the man clapped his hands)
  14. its just a name change not a big deal, you need some adjustment thats all
  15. i think we still need some time in our heads for the adjustment of the real value of the dublouns and reals
  16. agreed on natural birth, i mean; ships made by shipbuilders in the game by players [time factor] ✝️ every ship need to be baptized don't you think its Sunday after all
  17. The discussions about DLC ships should actually be avoided by everyone (for big ships) we all believe i think, that we don't need NA legends in the first place. the NA legend type of game can ruin this one (building ships and rvr and economics) lets be smart and focus on other DLC features. just an opinion and you are all entitled to scream on other ships DLC, but i believe they have to come in the game in a natural birth manor and not as DLC ufo,s to make an exception is the 7 and 6 rate, and some more specific (DLC 7~6 ) ships but that's it...i would rather see some more unusual DLC 6 rates [ yachts~fluits ~fishing vessels ~cutters~aken and other transport vessels~ row boats ~sampan~ ] i also believe that the current Ships DLC is already too strong on the game, and has a to big impact on the current economy...(we need fine tuning on spawning time ) my 2 cents on DLC @admin bronze foundry ( DLC) to make bronze guns in the game {just a feature to make the ship lighter, nothing more} ps. DLC is completely a matter of the decisions of the developers to implement or not to implement.
  18. so true the first rate can use some turning rate buff does not need much just a little bit more no one ever uses turning speed on big ships they use other features like marines or dispersion or other stuff ,carta and hull protection, no one uses turning on it because the basic (turn) value for those ships is to low (the upgrades do almost nothing on those ships)[ 2.0 + 5% = 2.1 turning after . the upgrade it is still sjit ]
  19. Last night i had a dream I saw thousands of sails explosions and fire and a lot of smoke it looked like HAllO ween "The Battle of battles" The Arrows of the nations together in one claw
  20. I would go even further than that, i would like to see the DLC{hercules and le requin} used only 1 time in 72 hours (the same crafting time as a sol) Hercules and the requin , they are now used as garbage and suicidal ships, its a disgrace sometimes.
  21. have you have seen the teeth of the sponge, you can park a bicycle in it
  22. well ...you sunk this afternoon at Willemstad (Bellona) but it was a good fight... you are always welcome to practice some more, for the higher level of shooting at carebears
  23. nah not much of an issue just prep for the next couple of days no worries actually just remove outstanding contact to your warehouse and you are good
  24. Do you really think that a real french is a real vassal?
  25. Those defected French are now with the Russians and were this evening in dutch water also, the Russians/defected french, flipped a port cocuibacoa so it was not the russians.. but it is the french defectors who stab us in the back its always the same story For the real french be proud to sail your own flag, and defend it ...your kids will be proud. les Français défaits sont maintenant avec les Russes et ont été ce soir dans des eaux néerlandaises aussi, les russes / français défectés, ont renversé un port cocuibacoa donc ce ne sont pas les Russes .. mais ce sont les transfuges français qui nous poignardent à l'arrière c'est toujours la même histoire Pour les vrais français, soyez fiers de battre votre drapeau et de le défendre ... vos enfants en seront fiers.
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