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Early access started! Congratulations

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Cant sleep!


Hello Captains!

As we said multiple times before We are extremely happy to be developing this beautiful game for you. This message is a general guidance for newcomers and veteran players who are coming back just now. For everybody else you know everything anyway :)


General Information


We believe in open development and actively involve community in everything we do. A lot of game features proposed by players were implemented in the game. Even more things were cut or changed based on the player feedback. If you don’t like something – post about it. If you love something share it with others. We will listen. If we miss it - people will remind us about it because you shared it.


It is early access so please expect the worst: crashed, interruptions, lag, data lost and other problems. But if it happens please speak up and send us an F11 report. Bug reporter works even without launching the game. If you see something strange or broken – report it.


We also would like to thank our community for Greenlighting the game. All promises given during Greenlight campaign are delivered to Early Access build. You can check them on our Greenlight page.




Our plans for the early access.


Development Principles


Combat is more or less finished and we do not expect radical changes in this area – it was being perfected since Nov 2015. Of course new things will be added (mortar brigs) or improved (boarding). In other areas we will continue doing radical changes to find the perfect spot and balance (the so called local maximum). Sometimes you won’t like those changes initially, sometimes you will hate them. Do not worry if some of our changes are not good enough they will be cut or reverted immediately. Ask our veterans they will confirm this.


Development priorities.


First we will continue tuning and balancing the ships and general gameplay. This includes ship performance, damage, resources pricing, distribution of goods and many other things.

Second we will add new ships. We plan to add at least 1 ship every month. We of course will try to add more. if the game will continue doing well we will add as many as possible.

Third we plan to expand the feature set focusing on expanding functionality for basic features like crafting or adding new things like officers and better crew management. Current priorities are discussed in this topic http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7978-development-plans-prioritization-proposals-and-feedback/. Please come and share your voice by voting on what we should do first.

these three things will be done together of course. not in the order i wrote it.


User interface/Guides/Tutorials


As many things have changed dramatically before, we are not investing into beautiful naval manuals yet. We plan to do this at a later stage. Same with the tutorials.

Port user interface is technical and we know you all hate it. It works and it’s the only good thing about it. We plan to start working on the User interface in ports once officers, port production, and port investment is added. We are sure new awesome ideas will be proposed by the community that will have to be added before finishing UI. But we promise it will be as good as other visuals.


Development schedule.


We plan to deliver content patches approximately every month. Gameplay tuning patches are going to be delivered weekly, sometimes bi-weekly. Hotfixes will be delivered immediately when they are needed (like the hot fix of chat tomorrow)


Maintenance times.

Usual maintenance time is 12am -14pm Kiev time (GMT+2). Extraordinary maintenance could happen for hotfixes at any moment, but usually we try to warn players at least a couple of hours before.



Ps. Sunny days.

We are aware of the lack of sunny days in the open sea. We are addressing this issue.

English is not our native language so if you notice mistakes in texts let us know.



Immediate fixed for tomorrow maintenance (could be delayed for 30 mins)

  • Coal supply 
  • Iron supply
  • Chat hotfix (we made it!)
  • Something else that I forgot we did because its too late. But its there. 
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You guys have been doing well with keeping us informed. I've not been able to sail as much as I would have otherwise liked, but what I have played has been fantastic.

I might set up a topic with a few suggestions I've had brewing, since you mentioned it.

It's a great game, and only looks to be getting better. Now we'll get to see how the game handles a bit more load.

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Immediate fixed for tomorrow maintenance (could be delayed for 30 mins)

  • Something else that I forgot we did because its too late. But its there. 



Was it the missions thing where it stays open? I know you had talked about that bug recently.


Also thanks for the updates!

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Will graphical updates still be worked on? The combat could use a lot of work in the graphics area. For example boards breaking and crew actually running about and doing stuff... It's really a pity the great mechanics are being blahed out by the mediocre animation.

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Will graphical updates still be worked on? The combat could use a lot of work in the graphics area. For example boards breaking and crew actually running about and doing stuff... It's really a pity the great mechanics are being blahed out by the mediocre animation.


Boards breaking, etc. will likely not be added.  This requires multiple damaged models to be generated, for each and every ship, or a totally different engine.  You'll notice most games that involve lots of players fighting together have just a few damage states for their vehicles, this is due to the sheer volume of polys on the screen, and the complexity of generating those damage models.  Additionally, most damage to ships of the time didn't involve large sections of hull missing, but little holes punched through with splinters and paint missing, just like you see here.  The displayed damage to hulls, as is, is far more realistic than just about any other Age of Sail game out there - those games took a Hollywood-esque, Michael Bay style license with history.


With regards to additional crew, possibly.  Framerates are a huge concern, and stacking tons of people onto ships will bring even the best computer to its knees when there are a lot of ships in close proximity.  There are some ways around this (only show them on your own ship, toggles, etc), but that is a concern for a later phase of development. 

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Boards breaking, etc. will likely not be added.  This requires multiple damaged models to be generated, for each and every ship, or a totally different engine.  You'll notice most games that involve lots of players fighting together have just a few damage states for their vehicles, this is due to the sheer volume of polys on the screen, and the complexity of generating those damage models.  Additionally, most damage to ships of the time didn't involve large sections of hull missing, but little holes punched through with splinters and paint missing, just like you see here.  The displayed damage to hulls, as is, is far more realistic than just about any other Age of Sail game out there - those games took a Hollywood-esque, Michael Bay style license with history.


With regards to additional crew, possibly.  Framerates are a huge concern, and stacking tons of people onto ships will bring even the best computer to its knees when there are a lot of ships in close proximity.  There are some ways around this (only show them on your own ship, toggles, etc), but that is a concern for a later phase of development. 

while i understand this to some extent. it was done in multiple games(total war empire just off the cuff as an example) and empire was out a decade ago! i understand it could cause lag with 100s of ships of the line but how often does that happen. even in empire every single crew member was there and capable of being shot. in fact in those games every bullet was tracked... i'm not sure i understand why the technology that existed a decade ago can't be used here.

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Ah !


After being drawn away by other projects ( for an year almost ! ) I knew I missed the unique smell of gunpowder and splints and salty sea travels.


Many thanks for carrying this through with your original vision and while we acknowledge it is still a work in progress ( yes I am sure in half an year many things will definitely look and work differently ) it is already my primary gaming choice overtaking all the other titles that pulled me away from here.


A thousand cannonades in salute!

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