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Section is moving to steam


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National news section has been amazing but its time for it to move to Steam.
Steam is a good place and might be even better for this. We want this forum to be purely development one and relate only to projects in early development.

Section will close down next week.

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So, no more newspapersrecruitmentship videos and other RP which once made the game and the forum great? Steam forums just don't accommodate that kind of stuff very well.

Why not revive this plan?:

On 2/18/2017 at 2:11 AM, admin said:
  • National news section will be closed to the general public.
  • National newsmaker forum category will be created (it might include youtubers, streamers and bloggers too)


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48 minutes ago, Anolytic said:

So, no more newspapersrecruitmentship videos and other RP which once made the game and the forum great? Steam forums just don't accommodate that kind of stuff very well.

Why not revive this plan?:


Newspapers - steam (as community news posted to all users) will be 10x more interesting and profitable for the creators. As we can post best newspapers to steam news (making all owners and all wishlists to read it)
Recruitment is better done through discord or on steam as most vulnerable players are there (they just came to the game and need help and ready to join). This forum is not ideal to get them recruited.
Ship videos are better on Facebook and Steam (in news section) as again - they will serve multiple audiences there. But they only serve one audience here.

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44 minutes ago, Christendom said:

Last I looked over there I was banned, not even sure why.  I think that's the idea though right?  Ban someone they simply just can't create another persona.   


I would be wrong, but Steam is an easier way to identify the account to be blocked in the game.

Not sure, but I'm trying to create a new account to protect the real account from being banned

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3 hours ago, Darth Sidious said:


I would be wrong, but Steam is an easier way to identify the account to be blocked in the game.

Not sure, but I'm trying to create a new account to protect the real account from being banned

глупости какие. Стим же айпи не показывает разработчикам. Мы как то в игре не баним за форумные прегрешения вон лиама спросите.
Steam community activity is part of the Steam algorithm. So they will show it more to users (old and new) if the forums are more active. + free mods. 

Кстати а чего постите  с разных акков? whats the point?

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2 hours ago, admin said:

глупости какие. Стим же айпи не показывает разработчикам. Мы как то в игре не баним за форумные прегрешения вон лиама спросите.

Разве вы не знаете, что IPv4 имеет общее количество адресов 2^32. Что-то около 4млрд. Учитывая рост использования сети Интернет, возникает проблема нехватки IP адресов. Одним из решений является NAT, которая позволяет использовать один IPv4 адрес для нескольких пользователей. А использование VPN позволяют изменить IP адрес.

Поэтому баны по IP адресам является устаревшим и неэффективным механизмом. Можете поискать в Интернете, что произошло когда РосПотребНадзор, захотел заблокировать Telegram. Они тоже по IP адресам выполняли блокировку.

Почти уверен, что стим дает больше информации для разработчиков, чем обычным пользователям.

Перед покупкой, я очень внимательно изучал, что есть в сети о вашей игре. И ваше утверждение, что вы "в игре не баним за форумные прегрешения" вызывает сомнения

Edited by Darth Sidious
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16 hours ago, qw569😳 said:

I'm thinking to move Inagua 's Institute of Statistics press release to reddit.

You move there, others move to discord, others move to steam, others move to fan pages, others... others... others...

If someone planned to damage game-labs by dispersing the playerbase, he could not have come up with a better idea than closing parts of this unified place, the original forum. ^^

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This combined with the removal of global chat and screening battles just makes me sad. There was lots of drama involved but it was still fun. I feel robbed. :(

Where did all the fun go? Open world PvP is a joke now so the only way to find meaningful content is through RvR and the patrol zone. What is even the point of the whole open world anymore?

Edited by Latron
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