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Seasonal Patch: The Missing Links Part 1


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5 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

I will hold off until more testing but I suspect anything less than 3rd rates will be useless in ow pvp now except for shallow and PZ or ganking defenceless traders and then running away. Wind Shadow might have been interesting but to increase large caliber penning and at the same time reduce mast thickness is madness or a cynical ploy to sell more Vic DLC? The cycle continues: the more this game is worked on the worse it gets.

You still have the speed to run away from a line ship. Brawling a line ship will become highly risky now. Is there something wrong with that? I think it was always a cheap tactic to attack a line ship, and as soon as you got some damage you just used your speed to sail away.

Don't think that intercepting traders in front of important ports will happen with line ships now. There frigates still have their playground.

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mast mechanic is broke. Im tired of this. When last patch about woods some of us dicuss here about some woods were absurd OP and make the game crazy. Solution: new patch with a fix for solve that. Now the same. mast mechanich is totally broke. I read all post and a lot of players write about that for nothing. Mast mechanic now is totally broke and absurd. I waste tons of money, time and medals for mast mods for nothing, now i have expensive mods that are now usseles. Any compesation for that? Because is frustrating. I think this game is enough for me, i take a holidays.

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30 minutes ago, Isaac J Smith said:

RIP Frigates: 2016 - 2020.

Before the patch taking frigates out, despite challenging was at least viable. Now, getting demasted from 42lb spam from 750-1000m is just not fun. No point sailing frigates when more than half the server sailing around in DLC lineships with exactly the guns that demast you with long range spam before you can even close. Is it realistic? Sure, I guess. Does it make the game fun? Not really. Before it was inadvisable to do open-world PVP in anything smaller than a 3rd rate. Now it's basically impossible.

All that's left now is hunting traders... who more and more are being escorted by combat lineships, or shallows - where half the frigates can't go.

Upgraded lower sections of masts on frigates exceed numbers you state. You cannot penetrate upgraded masts at 700m

is it just a theory of yours or you demasted Endymions at root from 1km

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Dear @admin, dear @Ink and all the Others devs/mods i missed

Since u Posted that u want to remove the globalchat the Toxic Ofencive post where going back. I guess that community is willing to learn. (I hope at least) 

So i would have some suggestions for u to have less work and for us to get Our Loved globalchat back:

1.) Use on own risk (If Toxic content: Ignore the guy or just close the Gloabalchat up to the Player and how he feels)

2.) Global chatbanns without warning on the First abuse. I guess we have around 1200 Players plaing that game including alts. so it would not be that much work. And time by time u have to kill a Hostagde to get the other croud controlled. 

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If you were in a mixed fleet or joined a battle with larger ships around you still had a role. Now you will be useless and you may as well not join, you will just be demasted by anyone with a 1st rate DLC with just enough skill to shoot vaguely in the right direction. I don't sink traders and not really into PZ so there is no point of me even sailing them.

If some people like this patch then great, but I have just been on my nation's TS and everyone was excited about wind shadow and had logged on to test. After an hour, people just laughed and 80% left to play other games. It is the most negative and deflated response to a patch I can ever remember. Not anger, just disappointment and lack of interest.

I have redoubtable DLC. I will spend my money on pimping them a bit and when i lose them I will play other games until the cool down is up. I will not craft anymore it's a waste of time.

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I'm starting to see why these forums are so angry.  Patch after patch is mostly forcing through changes no one wants.

Wind shadow is not fun and absurdly overdone.  Being penned at close range by 6pdrs in a well-built 1st rate is silly.  Demasting this easily is silly.

Edited by Rektified
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32 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

If you were in a mixed fleet or joined a battle with larger ships around you still had a role. Now you will be useless and you may as well not join,

There was probably a reason why out of 73 ships at Trafalgar (33+40) only 9 were frigates. I wonder what it was. Perhaps Nelson knew something about frigates otherwise he would have taken more of them to pwn the enemy by superior nimble ships.

Our goal is historical flow of in battle. 

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27 minutes ago, Rektified said:


I'm starting to see why these forums are so angry.  Patch after patch is mostly forcing through changes no one wants.


All changes serve the purpose; to recreate the historical combat in battles. 

Deadpiratebob knew this since feb 2016.
I am pushing for changes i want in game. We were rookies before and allowed some features to be designed by the committee of the arcmchair designers with no experience in game making, were not appreciated for that nor got any reward. We value all feedback very much, but not all feedback is valuable for the game (or possible to implement)

Now we weather storms with calm. Wind is howling, ship is going. 

Wind shadow is perfect and all professional sailors said it is almost exactly the same in real life.

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2 minutes ago, admin said:

There was probably a reason why out of 73 ships (33+40) only 9 were frigates. I wonder what it was. Perhaps Nelson knew something about frigates otherwise he would have taken more of them to pwn the enemy by superior nimble ships.

Yes for these changes: 10 out of 10 for historical accuracy, minus several million out of 10 for fun gaming improvement.

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4 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

Yes for these changes: 10 out of 10 for historical accuracy, minus several million out of 10 for fun gaming improvement.

In your own personal, subjective (and certainly perfectly valid) opinion of what is fun, perhaps.

You may be shocked, however, to find that not all of us seek to attack fleets of first rates in frigates and (gasp!) some of us like to use them for what their historical roles were, and enjoy the generally historical nature of the game.  You may be further shocked (oh, the humanity!) to learn that some of us find the idea of a pine mast tanking fifty shots at 200 yards to be game-breakingly stupid.

Mileage may vary.  Bottom line is they will never be able to reconcile every competing interest and opinion, but given that admin literally just said they strive for historical accuracy...attacking fleets of first rates in frigates and then whining about getting rekt seems a little silly.

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Sorry but you sound like the guy with no skill and the vic DLC who whined about getting rekt by better players in smaller ships?

Historical accuracy? Like fixing a whole mast with sails and rigging in under 2 minutes? Like reviving crew members with rum? lol


Edited by Hullabaloo
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39 minutes ago, admin said:

There was probably a reason why out of 73 ships at Trafalgar (33+40) only 9 were frigates. I wonder what it was. Perhaps Nelson knew something about frigates otherwise he would have taken more of them to pwn the enemy by superior nimble ships.

Our goal is historical flow of in battle. 

The historical broader canvas :

Royal Navy rating system in force during the Napoleonic Wars


1st rates  7

2nd         8

3rd        103

4th        10

5th       134

6th        25

unrated (smaller)  360


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1 minute ago, Jan van Santen said:

The historical broader canvas :

Royal Navy rating system in force during the Napoleonic Wars


1st rates  7

2nd         8

3rd        103

4th        10

5th       134

6th        25

unrated (smaller)  360


they didnt have unlimited amounts of forests or dlc's though 😕

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1 minute ago, You said:

they didnt have unlimited amounts of forests or dlc's though 😕

Yes, but if devs were right, they would have spent near everything on ships of the line (leaving trade unprotected from privateers w fast ships....)

And if we take battles as example: Nelsons fleet at Copenhagen:

12 ships of the line
5 frigates
7 bomb vessels
6 sloops

It all depends on which battle you want to use to support your point....

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4 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:


It all depends on which battle you want to use to support your point....

There is a tweet for everything right?))  lake erie battle could be a great counter example
Or genereux vs leander

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55 minutes ago, Lieste said:

Full 32lb shot fired from a Carronade would at 1nm (around the limiting range of the carronade carriage/ports at 11 degree out angle) pass more than 39" of Poplar.

not only that
any admiralty test shown that the carronade first graze was not far from medium size armstrong guns

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@adminJust spent 2 hours in a 2v2, 2 implacables vs 1 implac and 1 christian. ( @Prometeo and Looxie)
U N P L A Y A B L E. It became a demasting fest. It is not enjoyable like before the patch! FIX PLEASE.

Just 2-3 broadsides well placed in the masts and they fall. I don't even want to imagine how it is with smaller ships (I was told the situation is tragic).

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11 minutes ago, Frosty said:

@adminJust spent 2 hours in a 2v2, 2 implacables vs 1 implac and 1 christian. ( @Prometeo and Looxie)
U N P L A Y A B L E. It became a demasting fest. It is not enjoyable like before the patch! FIX PLEASE.

Just 2-3 broadsides well placed in the masts and they fall. I don't even want to imagine how it is with smaller ships (I was told the situation is tragic).

need to increase mast hp it seems

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1 hour ago, admin said:

There was probably a reason why out of 73 ships at Trafalgar (33+40) only 9 were frigates. I wonder what it was. Perhaps Nelson knew something about frigates otherwise he would have taken more of them to pwn the enemy by superior nimble ships.

Our goal is historical flow of in battle. 

Maybe some day y’all can expand on the water depth some so that we had deep harbors and battles, normal where SOL might be limited cause of shallow waters And than the true shallows.  I like how shore and land effects some battle areas along the cost.  Would be nice to see more of this.  

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Just now, Hullabaloo said:

Sorry but you sound like the guy with no skill and the vic DLC who whined about getting rekt by better players in smaller ships?

Historical accuracy? Like fixing a whole mast with sails and rigging in under 2 minutes? Like reviving crew members with rum? lol

Ad hominems are ill advised, especially when you don’t know anything about the person you’re trying to attack.  The largest ship I own or care to own is a Constitution.  And if you’d stop complaining long enough to actually think about the implications of more realistic mast hits, you’d realize that with a modicum of seamanship and accuracy it would facilitate your frigate dismasting line ships, thereby multiplying your already considerable maneuvering advantage.


But nah pal, frigates are done, gone, obsolete, ruined.  Because after all, only your opinion is valid or matters. 🤙🏻

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14 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Maybe some day y’all can expand on the water depth some so that we had deep harbors and battles, normal where SOL might be limited cause of shallow waters And than the true shallows.  I like how shore and land effects some battle areas along the cost.  Would be nice to see more of this.  

a great example imo is if you end up fighting just outside Montecristi, you have that middle channel, but shoals all around so if you're in a smaller frigate and if necessary you could sail wherever deeper draugthed ships couldnt.

Maybe someone has a screenshot from battles around that area :)


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