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Seasoned Woods poll

Do you like the addition of seasoned woods?  

244 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the addition of seasoned woods?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I like the general idea but would (slightly) adjust them, by.. (post below)
  2. 2. Do you believe it will create an imbalance?

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You craft ships until 4/5 or 5/5. As you have alts, strong clan or stronk nation, it easy for you. 

Now you put 2 best repair upgrades, use remaining 3 for whatever you like, you can still print out a new ship while you can have lots of speed, gunnery or boarding mods!!! 

Watch some Russian streams, enjoy the repair meta. 

HARDCAPS needs to go down or stacking needs to have penalties. 

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Not everyone has 20+ hours/week to devote to a computer game.

People who want to play 2-4 hours on a weekend don't want to log in, only to get ganked by super-ships that came out of a wind worm-hole at 40 kts.

That's not a level playing field, or even close.

In most cases, there is no way a player with a standard ship with mid-price mods is going to beat a port bonus ship with the new seasoned woods, plus Northern Carps, Navy Hull Refit, Naval Clock, Copper Plating, etc., etc. They can't "work hard" at NA because they real-life responsibilities, work, etc.

Veteran players with tons of hours have the advantage of vast experience. That should win you plenty of combat medals. You shouldn't need seasoned woods & hundreds of mods to have success. A reasonable number of mods that don't require weeks of grinding should be enough.

Or, is this just going to forever be a game for a small group of retired people, YouTube broadcasters, and "gap year" students??

We're missing hundreds of potential players. There's a reason.

P.S. This forum is not just for PvP, but also PvE. I've got about 2000  hours of PvP time, but recently spent time on PvE. Many players' comments on PvE show they switched servers because of the lop-lopsidedness of the PvP game-play. It would do well for players to pay attention to their comments on this forum & find solutions as to why they left PvP...

Edited by Quiet Assassin
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8 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

Is he maxed out on speed? He escapes or keeps catching you). If he is speed capped, he is probably fir, he is gonna get smashed any day, if he pulls away and turns back every 15 min to fight, receive 1 broadside almost dies, and then repeats its considered griefing, because you're trying something you're obviously not able to do.

Is he maxed out on shooting? (He out shoots you or with pen mods demasts you). Doesn't matter, will never pen with the thickness meta, slight angle and he has no chance to hit side or demast because the other guy can just repair back up the mast hp while he is slowly catching up.

Is he maxed out on boarding? (He boards and caps you.) Doesn't matter either. He will never get you in boarding, the guy with the fully modded repair ship will probably have knowledge enough to keep himself out of boarding, aswell as determined defender, and as you prep up you lose alot of crew aswell as armor and whats the next step then?

I suppose you would find it just as unfair when he boards your ass with 5 boarding mods.... With all the repair mods available, the guy can still put on marines and barricades etc.

In the end you have choices and that's what's great about this game. Trust me i've tested it all. I've tried alot of troll builds. But it all falls back to that the meta is repair.

The only chance to kill a fully repair fit player would be if he didnt know how to shake off a guy from the stern and you do  can rake him into submission by boarding or sinking, but that usually doesent happen. The people you see us veterans kill by stern raking with a smaller ship are usually guys that dont know how to sail properly and get people off their stern, because they are to afraid to do something and are literally paralyzed.


Besides you're talking about that more stuff makes you customize your character.

Well news flash. Take a look back in the history for the last 3 years and see how much they removed that made builds unique that worked. There you will find everything from 3 repairs, to a crafting system you only could have dreamed of that got removed because people wanted to click less buttons which IMO ruined alot of economy and crafting.


And for the record, this isnt some kind of whining or salty comment, these are facts that any veteran you ask that knows the game well will say the same.

Edited by erelkivtuadrater
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Seasoned Woods for DLC ships, another bad ad hoc idea thrown into a game that's already released. Just forcing players into a corner to buy DLC ships unless you want to treat this as a second job.  No wonder the player base is basically a flat line for the last three years. 

Edited by Mad Dan Morgan
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3 hours ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

Besides you're talking about that more stuff makes you customize your character.

Well news flash. Take a look back in the history for the last 3 years and see how much they removed that made builds unique that worked. There you will find everything from 3 repairs, to a crafting system you only could have dreamed of that got removed because people wanted to click less buttons which IMO ruined alot of economy and crafting.


And for the record, this isnt some kind of whining or salty comment, these are facts that any veteran you ask that knows the game well will say the same.

I've been playing since mid 2016 and I say BS on your 'expert' analysis.

The game now is good. The mix of mods and of ships is great.

Your old fir speed meta is well passed. Teak ships now easily reach 14.5 knots plus with speed mods and port bonuses. 

Reload mods will smash ships fast. 12 min repair is 13 or 14 broadsides and more with reload mods and carros.

Sail damage and then boarding is still possible and effective with max board mods.

Stop talking like your a know everything vet talking like you are quoting facts.

Anyone who knows what he is doing and uses the mods and ship builds he likes to use, has a chance in any, fight.

And by the way the old crafting was slow and cumbersome and was complained about a lot.

Rose tinted glasses I think.

Edited by Stars and Stripes
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3 hours ago, Quiet Assassin said:

That's not a level playing field, or even close.

Life is not a level playing field. You want fair, go PVE server. Play four hours. Have fair games. Relax. 

Stop trying to force a system that favours everyone and all play styles.

The more you Play, the more you earn, the more rewards you get. 

That's fair.


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2 minutes ago, Never said:

What xD? You lost the argument here my dude. 

How so ?

You think you can have a system that is fair for all playstyles??

So 1 guy plays 4 hours per week is going to find the game as easy as someone who plays for 10 hours and he will have everything that someone who has 3 alts and plays for 29 hours a week.

Not possible.

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13 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

So your facing someone with all repair mods and port bonuses.

(No shooting, boarding, speed, turning, reloading, or hull or sail hit points).

You can only repair hull or sail every 12 mins. With nothing else at all, your dead.

If you max out on repair mods that's your choice.

While repairing what's the other doing?

Is he maxed out on speed? He escapes or keeps catching you).

Is he maxed out on shooting? (He out shoots you or with pen mods demasts you).

Is he maxed out on boarding? (He boards and caps you.)

I suppose you would find it just as unfair when he boards your ass with 5 boarding mods....

In the end you have choices and that's what's great about this game.

Are we playing the same game?

Because you can easily stack some excellent repair bonuses, mods for iron masts, mods for speed, hull thickness, etc.

  • How can he outrun you if you also have speed mods? 
  • How can he out-shoot you (as you put it) if your masts are invulnerable and you're mildly competent and angling your hull?
  • How can he board you if you're semi-competent at manual sailing (you should never be boarded 1v1 when you have more than 70% sails standing; if you are boarded under those conditions...its entirely your fault).
1 hour ago, Stars and Stripes said:

Reload mods will smash ships fast. 12 min repair is 13 or 14 broadsides and more with reload mods and carros.

What wonderful area are you hunting where players sail side-by-side with you and let you pump 13 or 14 broadsides into them without them turning away? Because I'd like to take my Santisima there and farm some combat medals :D

2 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

Your old fir speed meta is well passed. Teak ships now easily reach 14.5 knots plus with speed mods and port bonuses. 

Sure, teak is fast enough most of the time. But fir is faster still.

You should look at the netlify map. You might find some interesting things happen with mega speed stacking and fir/fir. I'll leave it up to you to do that investigating for yourself though.

2 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

Sail damage and then boarding is still possible and effective with max board mods.

Have you ever tried to board a competent player who didn't want to let you board him? Its quite hard to do, actually.


You're inventing scenarios that simply don't happen unless you only fight the most unskilled players.

14 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

In the end you have choices and that's what's great about this game.

Its fine to have customization abilities. Its fine to min/max builds (even if those builds are useless), or go with more general purpose stacking.

What isn't fine, is introducing all new woods that are incredibly difficult/expensive to obtain, and only further widen the gap between the skilled veteran players/clans, and the unskilled/newb players/clans.


5 hours ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

The only chance to kill a fully repair fit player would be if he didnt know how to shake off a guy from the stern and you do  can rake him into submission by boarding or sinking, but that usually doesent happen. The people you see us veterans kill by stern raking with a smaller ship are usually guys that dont know how to sail properly and get people off their stern, because they are to afraid to do something and are literally paralyzed.


Besides you're talking about that more stuff makes you customize your character.

Well news flash. Take a look back in the history for the last 3 years and see how much they removed that made builds unique that worked. There you will find everything from 3 repairs, to a crafting system you only could have dreamed of that got removed because people wanted to click less buttons which IMO ruined alot of economy and crafting.


And for the record, this isnt some kind of whining or salty comment, these are facts that any veteran you ask that knows the game well will say the same.

This captain gets it. Well said here + the green text.

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4 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:
4 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

How so ?

You think you can have a system that is fair for all playstyles??

So 1 guy plays 4 hours per week is going to find the game as easy as someone who plays for 10 hours and he will have everything that someone who has 3 alts and plays for 29 hours a week.

Not possible.

And what do casuals in let's say battlefield?    The only thing is you will gain new weapons by a rank.    In na you get new ships that you are allowed to crew.  The rest is the same. The difference is when you reach it.   That's fair and nobody is hurt. You spend more time you have faster access. Lowers this your game experience? I don't think so. The only thing is that people with less time will play it because they have also access to everything and nothing is really equidment beside 

Not sure if we both have pink glasses on or not but as I can see in streams pvp and by myself the repair meta is still the strongest thing. And if you have more repair amount than the enemy it's just an more relaxing win.  I played also at 2016. Back than I was always pride to produce a ship etc. But as time moves on and I tried as pirate to build everything myself I was just realising you will end up more grinding resources than everything else. If you don't have an alt or clan that provides each type of materials it's way to hard to do something. Or I am just lazy. And when a casual sees what he has to do with out joining a big clan, than I know why they are frustrated.    Btw if you really grind with pvp as a new player or let's say mid player (like I am) you will probably gain XP. The reals you get will put into a new ship/cannons.  So actually you doing something for getting better but in return no money for a. Competitive ship and b. For books. The only ship I personal have that allows me to grind in big gaps is my ocean. Privateer Fleet is like 100-160k reals.   Otherwise you have to do trading. But if a casual wants to fight and have a chance he don't wanna spend 5 days a week to grind 1. Ship 

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1 hour ago, Stars and Stripes said:

No I don't think so.

In your game your sailing around in a Fir Fir Santi with repair mods; invulnerable masts, speed mods and only firing a couple of broadsides.

Buy hey. You get it. 😂😂🤣🤣

Don't waste your breath. Some of these players are just pissed because noobs and casuals have access now to the new woods through DLC and their super ships are no longer so super.

Your right you get what you Play for. If you put the time you will have more of everything. Every MMO is the same. Its just a fact hence why so many have  alts.

Funny thing is all those on here crying have all the mods already.

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5 minutes ago, Jack Jones said:

Don't waste your breath. Some of these players are just pissed because noobs and casuals have access now to the new woods through DLC and their super ships are no longer so super.

Your right you get what you Play for. If you put the time you will have more of everything. Every MMO is the same. Its just a fact hence why so many have  alts.

Funny thing is all those on here crying have all the mods already.

I have the mods and good ships m but I want that everyone has the access that the pvp is more challenging. Yes every mmo has this m but in an mmo you as new player aren't gonna do pvp versus the better players right from the start. That's the difference. I mean now with ai fleet they are protected m I love this feature. But the question is really will it stay as it is or not. 

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1 hour ago, Lukas97Austria said:

And if you have more repair amount than the enemy it's just an more relaxing win. 

You make some good points. I am just saying I like the rewards I get for the time I play and I think the game is getting better. 

I like the fact that you can customise your ships how you like. I like fast mobile ships that fire quickly. Others like tanky repair ships. This game let's you decide.

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34 minutes ago, Stars and Stripes said:

You make some good points. I am just saying I like the rewards I get for the time I play and I think the game is getting better. 

I like the fact that you can customise your ships how you like. I like fast mobile ships that fire quickly. Others like tanky repair ships. This game let's you decide.

Well true that. But most "good" players spend most of there time in front of Mt or kpr. Well nothing wrong with that because you can catch traders and fight it the economy way. But there are many that try to force new guys out or jump there battle. Even rank shows them they are new. The guys mostly panicing and can't even manual sail. And than they get hello kittyed.   Well in that case the new guys also try to shot boardside. But because many mods and books helps to compensate some mistakes (not angling Vs the new guy as example) will allow him to stick at this boardside and the other guy has no chance at all. 


I do love that you can choose from wood types etc. But realistically speaking what wood types are the most common. Teak  Wo lo and fir /bermuda.  The other wood types don't get into this meta. And because mods and upgrades there is no need to sail some other wood types. I mean you can make a armor ship fast. When golden 4 speed mods and you are ready to go . Now with the s wood these armored fast vessels will increase even more.    I got a fir fir pfrig. It does -14,7 knots with books and mods m well I could change 2 mods vs better ones. So we are at 15 knots m as a blue ship. So how fast must be a armored ship to deal with a lot of stuff?. The average speed is maybe 13 knots.  Golden ships with good speed mods can go 14. With tanky wood or atleast some tanky wood  t/Wo. Transform this into an s wood there is absolut no way for not so rich people with out mods etc to competit.    +  you need to see does this ship gets port bonus or not. Yes dlc ships are fine for these new players. But when will a new player decided to put money into it?   I never saw in chat in my nation that someone said yes dlc are good. Everyone says the craftet ones are far better don't spend money.   Confusing isn't it? As a new player you have to chose. But if you getting hello kittyed all over the place no chance of sinking the attacker I doubt they will spend 30 bucks (more than the game itself) to have a ship that is OK. 


But we'll I also see your point of view. Not wanna start a war here. I am just pointing my opinion out on this as you do yours.  As further more we both will end up playing the game until it gets closed or we find another game that attracts us. 


Enjoy your weekend guys and good hunting o7

Edited by Lukas97Austria
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I sunk a seasoned wood ship 

they sink just as fast , as the not seasoned wood type ship.

noticed nothing special and was surprised he sunk that fast. 

So...what's the fuss.....

just give it time ,   to get used to the fact it exists.

Edited by Thonys
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10 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

Reload mods will smash ships fast. 12 min repair is 13 or 14 broadsides and more with reload mods and carros.

you're basing your facts of that you're hugging a large ship with carronades, nice ofc you would win, but that only happens if the player you face doesent know what to do.

I played with a guy that ran 12pd carronades on endymion with boarding mods, hugging inexperienced guys in 1st rates that wasnt able to hit him, but if he faced an experience player he would just pull out and run.

This is the equalient of that if you play any other game and have alot more knowledge than a more or less new player you could beat him with your monitor turned off

Edited by erelkivtuadrater
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8 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

No I don't think so.

In your game your sailing around in a Fir Fir Santi with repair mods; invulnerable masts, speed mods and only firing a couple of broadsides.

Buy hey. You get it. 😂😂🤣🤣


Your apparent comprehension of what I wrote is as lacking as the “logic” you base your arguments off of. Do you have any facts or informed opinions to counter the points I made in my previous reply to you, or do you prefer to just troll in the patch feedback thread?

If I was unclear in any point, I am happy to explain in further detail if you’re actually curious to understand why these overpowered bonuses are bad for the balance of the game. But something tells me you’d prefer to keep your incorrect ideas and hide behind the kind of trollish comments as above. 

In response to the one point you bring up: I only said that fir ships still have their uses if you read a sailing profile chart for a ship with a mega stack of speed mods. Again I’ll leave it to you to investigate that and see if you think there might possibly be any use for a ship that hits the speed cap at multiple sailing angles.


Oh, and btw, fir first rates were great before the speed nerfs 🙂


7 hours ago, Jack Jones said:

Funny thing is all those on here crying have all the mods already

Forgive those of us who are “crying” if we choose to point out massive imbalances that punish the players who aren’t super skilled and competent enough to get the OP gear.  Don’t you worry about our access to OP gear, in time we’ll each have a full fleet of seasoned ships. 

But ask yourself if it’s worth it to further widen the skill gap between a skilled veteran player and someone who has done maybe 10 port battles in their entire time in the game. Isn’t it punishment enough for that player that he sinks every time he meets a decent player in a somewhat equal battle? Does he need to be punished further because his nation can’t get good port bonuses, and his access to seasoned woods is severely limited? Is this what you’re supporting?


Back when I was just getting my feet wet in PvP, I could get a ship that was comparable to my enemy’s ship without any issue. If I lost it, I could get another easily. We even had durabilities back then (there’s good and bad with that, granted), so the mods (which were cheap and somewhat balanced) lasted a while. 
Unfortunately modern NA punishes the losers so hard, many don’t stick around long enough to get good. And that’s a shame. 


6 hours ago, Jack Jones said:

DLC ships allow new players and casuals to play in decent ships right from the start.


Maybe your argument is that players should just buy the DLC. And if that’s the case then I guess there’s a fundamental difference in how we view the role of the dlc ships. I think they should provide an easy way for someone to sail out and fight in a ship that is better than a shop frigate or AI capped ship. I don’t think they should have to be relied on as the only way players in a nation without access to port bonuses and capabilities to get seasoned woods can get a competitive ship. See the preceding paragraph for why easily obtainable competitive ships should be built into the game. 

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3 hours ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

I played with a guy that ran 12pd carronades on endymion with boarding mods, hugging inexperienced guys in 1st rates that wasnt able to hit him, but if he faced an experience player he would just pull out and run.


I fought a player who sailed an Endymion with a DPS build (I think he said 12pd carronades....might have been the same player you speak of lol)

Anyways he had a friend in a Bellona with him. I was sailing my Wapen. I could outrun the Bellona, but the Endymion was trying to hug my side until he sank me. 

I faked a couple tacks and eventually pulled enough distance to demast him and he ran back to his Bellona friend and I escaped. 

DPS builds only work when the player you’re fighting is inexperienced enough to not know what to do against it. 

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19 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

How so ?

You think you can have a system that is fair for all playstyles??

So 1 guy plays 4 hours per week is going to find the game as easy as someone who plays for 10 hours and he will have everything that someone who has 3 alts and plays for 29 hours a week.

Not possible.

All that extra playing time should be enough of an advantage, plus a modest level of increased mods. That's fair. Superships that require huge reals & grinding time is not.

Any more advantage than that & the new, or occasional, players say "what's the point?", then leave. It happened right after release, and it's been happening for the 2+ years I've been playing.

It's easy to prove my point. We used to have more players, now we have less. And it's not getting better.

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Grinding for woods is not content. Seasoned woods was the norm, not the exception.
Wasn't on the road map. Nobody asked for the addition of MORE wood types in the sandbox.
LH expenditure and the high requirement, appeasing more power to the top.

Edited by Slim McSauce
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5 hours ago, Wraith said:

 the developers did a huge disservice to the game. Basically all we have is a race to the heaviest broadside weight, on the fastest gun platform possible, for content.


It should have stopped at Speed built Bellonas. 14+knt SOL's of course make everything obsolete. 

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1 hour ago, Slim McSauce said:

It should have stopped at Speed built Bellonas competing with frigates. We were so close, then Wasa and nothing was real anymore.


Those who think 74s cannot out run frigates are mistaken (deeply) This misconception also influenced us initially. Not anymore. Its incorrect and we suggest everyone to burn this outdated and incorrect standard out of their mind 

If you read any real literature on the age of sail by the end of 1820 only 3 classes left. Building ships longer than 65-70 meters was impossible, building shorter ships was useless. 

Design settled on the best determinant for success of the vessel = max broadside weight per length = which gave best speed and firepower for class.

  • Long one deckers (heavy and super frigates) (fastest)
  • Long 2 deckers (3rd rates) 
  • Long 3 deckers (1st rates) 

Speed fit Bellona cannot compete for speed with long hull frigates in our game and could not catch endymion in reality. But Bellona (properly fitted) can outrun any shorter ships - which is correct and historical. Because main determinant of speed is hull length and sail power to this length and weight. 

A properly built 74 could be faster than any light ship due to hull speed and number of sails (power to weight). 2nd rates quickly died out because they were costly but did not have broadside weight per length). 

We balance for light breeze that's why rattlesnake is faster currently. If and when we implement wind power it will become more varied, and there will be cases where 1st rates catch everyone.


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