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New ship coming - lets discuss the role and performance


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Thinking about it a bit, never mind the actual ship in real life, I'd say this ship should have a mean punch. 9-pounders in the side, optional carronades (18pds?).


Surprises should be faster by a noticeable margin while being a less well maneuverable vessel. As for the planking, a certain resistance to 6-pouders should be there but above that enemy broadsides should become something a captain fears thus utilizing his maneuverability to the best. It should not be an easy ship to sail, but reward excellence in combat.


At the same times, while this ship should handle well, the Snow/Brig should be able to out maneuver it but remain slower (difference to Brig less noticeable than difference to Snow).  That's pretty much standard balancing imo.


I support the addition of carronades, this ship looks like its at a level where a player begins to use a lot of tactics and skill to take on the enemy so flexibility might be nice.

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Do you have any good sources for this, wiki is kinda lacking

Everything I've been able to find has routinely talked about how fast the Rattlesnake was. One source said it was the fastest ship in the British fleet when they captured it. I'll have to try and find it again.

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Please provide thoughts on the speeds at various wind angles.

based on surprise or trincomalee for example


(Keep in mind that in NA we currently have relative speeds. We tune the speeds for feel not for exact units because in game engine units are not appropriately scaled usually and need tweaking). Once most ships are in and balanced we will provide modifiers that establish correct numbers for speed reflecting real life performance. 

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Please provide thoughts on the speeds at various wind angles.

based on surprise or trincomalee for example


(Keep in mind that in NA we currently have relative speeds. We tune the speeds for feel not for exact units because in game engine units are not appropriately scaled usually and need tweaking). Once most ships are in and balanced we will provide modifiers that establish correct numbers for speed reflecting real life performance. 

I would say it would be little slower then the surprise based on its larger width and slightly shorter keel more maneuverable.


Also is it possible to drift in this game? so if i am sailing with the wind coming in at an angle and i have a small keel (like the trincomalee) as i heel the velocity vector furthur strays from the length axis of the boat.


So during strong winds my small keel ships velocity vector is actually slightly angled away from the ship causing more drag?

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Please provide thoughts on the speeds at various wind angles.

based on surprise or trincomalee for example


(Keep in mind that in NA we currently have relative speeds. We tune the speeds for feel not for exact units because in game engine units are not appropriately scaled usually and need tweaking). Once most ships are in and balanced we will provide modifiers that establish correct numbers for speed reflecting real life performance. 

Trincomalee is best comparison, similar in hull form and rigging (Constitution and Surprise are quite unusual frigates). Top speed of course will be lower because this ship is smaller, if you take Trincomalee's speed at each wind angle and reduce them in proportion 8-10% this will be reasonably accurate.


Surprise should be faster overall because of narrow hull and taller rigging, but perhaps will heel over more and lose a little speed the closer she gets to 90 degrees where Trincomalee and the new frigate will not suffer so much

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well thats a nice suggestion to give her the ability for greater carronades. I like it.

Maybe we can have a close range brawler wich is fast and nimble enough to get to her enemies without receiving too much damage in the process of closing in.

On the upper decks id say give her the long 6lbs and some 18lb carronades.

The game is currently very skimpy with carronades for some reason. Looking through a bunch of armaments on various ships in the period, it becomes apparent that replacing 9lb cannon with 32lb carronades was not unusual, and even smaller ships and sloops carried 32lb carronades. Maybe smaller carronades are are necessary for balance, but I'd think carronades would be self-balancing to a degree given their other charateristics. Maybe gunports required alternation for the larger carronades on smaller ships, which I suppose is a reasonable justification for limiting rearmament.

Note: to put things in perspective, 12lb carronades could be mounted in the bows of ship's boats.

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According to Wikipedia, HMS Cerberus was pretty much the same size as Surprise (Unite). Slightly beamier, longer gundeck but shorter keel. I guess she will be a weaker ship in-game because of the lack of upper deck guns.


In terms of handling characteristics, I'd say that Surprise should be the fastest square rigger close-hauled and on a beam reach, while Cerberus is faster downwind and not as good upwind. Turn rate slightly better than Surprise. Maybe a bit stiffer as well (less heel).

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