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Abusive negative Reviews for Alt on Steam

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6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

There are reviews from people , telling everybody else how bad the game is, with several hundred to thousands of hours game time played... who are in game at his very second.  probably the same people who got forum banned and instantly created an alt forum account to continue to cause trouble.

There are lots of things I have spent a lot of time doing in my life that I wouldn't recommend to other people, and I still indulge in some of them to this very day. I don't see why time in-game means anything other than "this person probably knows what they are talking about."

Additionally, you have no idea when those hours were played. If someone fell in love with the game in 2016, that game no longer exists. Are they bound to recommend a game new buyers can't actually play?

6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

Early Access  games create a sense of ownership and foster the idea that players are part of the development process and once they feel alienated by something, they start to feel vindictive and act accordingly.

I think this is a lot of presumption and hogwash being presented as a fact. People leave bad reviews for all kinds of reasons. Rather than trying to type everyone into a particular category, so you can ignore them, why not engage with their actual complaints and judge them based on their merit? 'Cause that would take time and effort?

6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

Alts give advantages but by paying more , you feel more invested and sadly by using a 3rd party to sell the game , you become hostage to somebody elses rules.

See above.

6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

I am hopeful that once the game gets nearer to release, more players will come back

This, at least, I can agree with, but I'm not holding my breath that they'll stick around for very long if they do.

6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

and leave honest reviews, rather than the sort we see right now. Bitter vets venting their frustration at not getting their way and being reprimanded at last for their poor behaviour

New Steam review moderation notwithstanding, who should get to decide which reviews are "honest?" That seems like an unproductive way to tackle the problem of negative reviews. As for "poor behavior," I've seen people get forum banned for honest criticism, for meme posts when a certain administrator was having a bad day, etc. The definition of "poor behavior" seems to be relative, but it should be obvious that if you remove a player's ability to give feedback in a place like this, they're going to use whatever other options they have at their disposal, whether it's Steam reviews or a subreddit.

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15 hours ago, Aerospace said:

Yes you are right, but steam reviews make a point, which is, let me check... 

STEAMDB RATING 61.34% out of 4000 reviews. That is much more accurate for me from game review websites. I do favour metacritic more btw.

I find 61% to be very accurate regarding EA phase of the game. The superb battle instance which is for me a 9/10 helps this game to push 62%.

What potential players/buyers see is the Steam “Recent Reviews” of the past 30 days.

Using all reviews (of all time) to justify "best case scenario" is doctoring the actual situation, it's like falsifying the result by using "out-of-date" data. Over time the game has changed, somewhat, therefore while the game is in development, reviews can become out-of-date, quickly too, neither positive nor negative out-of-date reviews can be use for or to justify the current rated status.

Also nobody is going to read reviews much older than 30 days anyways!


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All those 3 post are extremely negative view on all aspects of the game during the entire development period. At some point they might have been true, but imo not all at the same time. At some point you have to consider if it is an honest opinion or if it is slandering. I would say that is slandering.

I'm guessing he wrote those in "rage quit anger", right after he got banned on the forum. So those posts are like his last words in an heated discussion..

On an other note, game chat and forum posts are a lot less toxic now, than it was like a year+ ago. Maybe this guy leaving the game was for the better :) 


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17 hours ago, Meraun said:

I stumbled over this funny Boy here:



Some People really take this shit to serious. I reported him to Steam reviews spamming/ bombing


You're weirder than he ever will be.. Making a thread about someone who is posting something about NA on Steam.


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18 hours ago, Dibbler said:

 Makes me chuckle seeing people on steam with 500+ hours with reviews that are so negative.

 Sad really.

what makes s me chuckle seeing...... it is your avatar.

let's talk about that ...you seem to have more hours than 500.

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All developers can manipulate reviews and even Game-Labs. They have more power to increase their steam rating than usual unhappy player.

Example :D



To celebrate the increase in the steam ratings 4 ships will be added to the game as event ships.

  • Rattlesnake Heavy – event blueprint
  • L Ocean – event blueprint
  • Agamemnon – event blueprint
  • Gunboat – redeemable for existing users and event blueprint. Redeemable will be given out by end of the week.

Event ships are available from special events only – that will be available for for all users on PvP and PvE servers.


If ratings continue to grow we will try hard to add more ships before release. We need your support to make the game better. Please go to Steam and rate the game if you have not done so. Thank you for all the generous support!

And result


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Dibbler said:


I like Banished but if was game i had worked on for 2+ years  i would have banned his ass forever :D .

I think he did over react  some for a forum lock.

Every costumer has a right ot his own review. You might not agree with it, but if you are sure of your own product quality you do not silance it. You combat it with facts and stay positive, Locking out those oppinions actually gives them credibility.  Unless you actually agree with some of his points and cant argue against them.

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He literally made a video on YouTube telling people to report the game to steam as a scam. I hope for his sake he changed his name in-game. I mean honestly, how can you be that much of an entitled shithead to actually demand your money back after multiple years and thousands of hours, and not only that but actually attempt to torpedo the game. These videos are nothing less than infantile vindictiveness. People who negatively affect sales through mass media utilizing falsified or twisted facts should be permanently banned from the game itself not just the forum.

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7 hours ago, manuva85 said:

Every costumer has a right ot his own review. You might not agree with it, but if you are sure of your own product quality you do not silance it. You combat it with facts and stay positive, Locking out those oppinions actually gives them credibility.  Unless you actually agree with some of his points and cant argue against them.


 True they do have a right to review,  I meant more reaction vs cause seemed a bit excessive.

 Not that all sides in this affair were without fault. :)

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1 hour ago, Routan said:

Not all the money are spend on the game alone. There is also some dlc witch is bought much later. The new damage model as an example might have changed the value of those ship. Dlc is a thing brought in to the game lately.

If you are a streamer I think you should tell how you see the game, good ore bad. What fact in his video is wrong? 

When those ships came out there were a great deal of people requesting them to be nerf. Now that they were nerf to a level that is more balanced, a small group of people are complaining they were nerfed and many like Banished showed once again their true colors.


I am for one glad that the DLCs we have gotten came out now rather than post release. Better to balance them out when in early access compared to going through a headache in release. 

I stated this elsewhere that I plan to write once release occurs a positive yet honest review. I also have not been streaming as of late because I want to stream significantly more once release does happen. When it comes to Banished video and what he stated wrong, There are little truths in his video at certain points but majority of it is blown out by exaggeration and absolute lies. He played victimize like a child surprised to find out there are repercussions to ones actions. Banished stated that he is probably leaving at release. He more than likely wont, but if he does not come back the game is better without him like so many like him that are on the fence because they got their emotions hurt when someone stands up to them and they lose. 

Edited by Velhelm Von Marrius
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57 minutes ago, Mr. Doran said:


A sarcasm correction factor should be applied, but the quadrant seems about right.

How about adding another point in that graph? Just an uneducated guess of mine.


Doran's economy.png

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7 hours ago, Routan said:

So yes the ship you bought, was nerfed. Is it then not fair to get a refund when you actually didnt get what you plaid for. That was just abouth the money. A  demand ppl sounded funny, from a guy with that many hours in the game. I dont care abouth that question honnest. What matter is the game. 

To me it Sound funny to blame him for the bad rewiew. If enough thought the game was great, my guess we would have seen more god than bad once.

Nothing in the description of the DLC ships is misleading, nor has changed. And as far as I know, not a single stat of the ship has changed in game. It was the entire damage model that changed the characteristics of every ship.

There were many many more good reviews than bad ones. But someone went apeshit batshit crazy with all their alts and friends alts  just to try to sabotage a game and bad mouth the devs. Perhaps when the game is released, everyone else with their alts will write more honest reviews. Who knows. What I will do, however, is post this forum link on all of his reviews so people can read the truth, and see how the majority of people feel about his temper tantrum.

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7 hours ago, Routan said:

So yes the ship you bought, was nerfed. Is it then not fair to get a refund when you actually didnt get what you plaid for. That was just abouth the money. A  demand ppl sounded funny, from a guy with that many hours in the game. I dont care abouth that question honnest. What matter is the game. 

To me it Sound funny to blame him for the bad rewiew. If enough thought the game was great, my guess we would have seen more god than bad once.

The negative will always overwhelm the good. For one it's just human. A person who is at least content with the game is not really going to bother with a review. However someone who is displeased tends to do whatever they can to disrupt order and in this case that would include writing a negative review. And no you should not get your money back. If an engine in a car starts showing its age or medication for an illness stops working you don't demand your money back. Things change and it is a fact that people seem to be very resistant to. Not to mention the changes made to the dlcs ships were for the betterment of the game overall and did not destroy the usefulness of these said ships.

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13 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

There were many many more good reviews than bad ones. But someone went apeshit batshit crazy with all their alts and friends alts  just to try to sabotage a game and bad mouth the devs.

Do you really can recommend this game in it´s current state? I for sure can´t.

It´s an absolute grindfest with good graphics and a decent combat model. Nothing more, nothing less.

On top of that, it's an EA with a base price tag of ~ 37 Euros plus 80 Euros worth of DLCs. That ratio alone puts it in the 'Don´t buy' category.

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Probably cause game don't get new content (PVE) since month/years, don't have interesting economic system, force players to grind like hell, PvP is currently one-way (H24 ganked by groups of "1000000 hours" players) and nothing more. 

BUT ! BUT ... devs will add new ships DLC (9 DLC before release ? for real ?)

Sometimes negatives reviews can have meanings.

PS: I will be probably banned for that post, like my old account ... Telling truth and being banned. Another points for game detractors.

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Christendom  has become Moderator of Naval Action Subreddit. He is extremely negative about Game Labs and Naval Action.

I fear the Subreddit will turn into a  Tool against Naval Action


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2 minutes ago, The Banned Sailor said:

Probably cause game don't get new content (PVE) since month/years, don't have interesting economic system,


Waht about the New Delievery and Cargo Missions? The RvR changes with the Frontlines back? The Rare Woods change?

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5 minutes ago, Meraun said:

Waht about the New Delievery and Cargo Missions? The RvR changes with the Frontlines back? The Rare Woods change?

Big deal. FedEx will be proud of that.

Rare Woods ? Like old Fine Woods ? :)

What about Raids on cities ? 

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9 minutes ago, Routan said:

You simply can compare the ware of a car engine with a dlc ship. Even if they changed the combat damage as they did,  they could still have changed the stats of the ship to adjust for the change. They choosed not to. The better of the game is an opinion, yours and others, but my guess there is the same amount of ppl that disagree.

 No with the nerf it is ofc less usefull, think that is clear. If nothing changed. Why the nerf?

Well I do think if the game general was ok, we would not see all those negative rewievs. I do think numbers online says it all about the game tho. We all will be weiser when released, and the month to follow.

If you were paying attention rather than acting like that depressed child at six flags you would have seen that they did change the dlc ships post damage model switch and made adjustments multiple times. The ships have use and are good at what they do. Now however they are not these overpowered juggernauts making craftable ships obsolete. But I guess you rather be curb stomping everything with a single ship rather than play with a ship that had downsides along with the upsides apart from a sailing profile. 

After so long of early access many games of such nature you get many negative reviews. People who are exhausted or expanded egos. It is common and I tend to ignore reviews overall on steam seeing that they are a poor representation of a product.

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