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Testbed Feedback - Battle UI, Localization, Patrols, Delivery quests

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Немного не точный перевод. Давно существует Русская Вики по вашей игре, так там написано не "Уровень изготовления", а "Уровень строительства". Так может лучше как все привыкли написать? 


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5 minutes ago, TiM Maas said:

Что переведено в боевом интерфейсе?

Я пока не воевал, не знаю, но все идет к тому, что похоже мы сами сделаем, что сможем

Edited by Jim-Beam
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Может тут имелось в виду не "Остов" а "Киль" да к стати с размерами буков проблемы, нужно увеличительное стекло, чтоб можно было читать некоторые надписи, а в место досок "Доп Обшивка" или материал обшивки?


А то остов это обычно... 


Edited by Jim-Beam
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Two things about boarding:

  1. We can no longer scroll up and down the battle instance. Before we used to be able to see attack/defense history
  2. Make the crew shift slider bar be the max number the ship can handle, because what happens to the "Extra Crew" if we accidentally send too many crew to the captured ship? (img below)


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Just now, van der Decken said:

Good question....maybe it is available only if you have the "Prepared" perk?

Not available with Prepared, tested already.

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1 hour ago, z4ys said:
  • The symbols for "hull" "sail" "crew" etc dmg in the upper center are so small on 1920*1080


I would also say the battle/timer is way too big.

Was the buttons for changing ammo in bow and stern chasers meant to be switched around? I imagine that is going to cause a LOT of frustration for a while.

Also, you cannot chain ammo type before the battle starts with prepared, is this deliberate?


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PvP Zone: I would suggest switching the "PvP Solo" inner circle with the outer circle, because a solo-ist ;) will have to sail through a bunch of ganksquads to get to the center circle....unless a single player cannot be tagged in the outer circle.


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1 hour ago, van der Decken said:

And please change to the transparent blue so we can see the action happening around our boarding.

Hell, keep the color but we should be able to adjust how transparent some menus are in settings. 

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I like the changes of battle UI except boarding. The old boarding game looks outdated and feels like rock—paper—scissor. The new one does not look like a game at all and feels completely random. With the preparation bar and the numbers of muskets etc. it is possible to estimate what the opponent is doing but only for an experianced player. (Without the preparation bar, the whole thing would be completly random and could not be refered to as a game at all). It is now much to hard for a beginner. The old boarding game looks and feels better. The new intransparent screen is also not good.

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Make PvP zones different, one for solo PvP and one for the usual group activity.

Showing the orders of only your side in the boarding is a bad idea, against the AI, it's easy, they have the same set responses all the time, as someone with experience against them it's easy. For a new player it makes boarding far more difficult than it needs to be.

In PvP this will be even more the case because someone with experience knows how much prep each action costs and can predict what the enemy has already put, a less experienced boarder is going to get royally screwed over.

It should also be translucent like it was before.

You no longer win when attacking into zero morale which defeats he point of having it there at all.

Edited by Gregory Rainsborough
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@admin A mention of some good...I really like the delivery missions: letters / person. Add some goods missions also. However, I know these are mentioned as "being worked on", but may I suggest that the "Days To Complete" would be in-game days? As it is, I have 10 IRL days to deliver a letter that's only actually about a 20 IRL minute sail away. I suggest this because the game actually counts our in-game days at sea, so might as well use it and make these kind of mission urgent to complete. So if the letter has a 10 day timer, make that be 10 in-game days.

Further on this: It would be awesome if there were Contraband Missions. In OW our ship would show as carrying contraband (like it used to when we would select it to enter enemy ports). If an enemy captured us then the Contra Mission would be his choice to complete or abandon. i.e.

  • Contra Mission is to transport a Spanish Privateer Captain from La Tortue to Kingston / Port Royal (for court reasons) with an 8 day time limit
  • I sail from whatever port I picked this Contra Mission up from to La Tortue and pick up the capt
  • Once I pick up the capt I acquire the OW "Contraband" tag and I sail toward KPR but a Pirate captures me along the way
  • Pirate capt gets the option to complete my mission OR to deliver the captain to a random port to escape
    • If Pirate chooses to complete mission, he gets the OW "Contraband" tag and must deliver the dude to KPR
    • If Pirate chooses to accept "Escape" request, he gets the OW "Contra" tag and must deliver the dude to whatever random port it selects
    • Or the Pirate can choose to cancel the mission all together

Could be adapted for goods, or cannons, or other things also.


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