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Pirate on Pirate action

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Player named Genn Greymane joined my battle against a NPC trade ship. I had taken the sails down and the rear end of the ship i also had started to grape shot the crew. he smashed into the ship and took the cargo for himself> i had said a couple time no help needed  im going to capture this ship is all.  here is the clip   https://clips.twitch.tv/GentleRudeWerewolfThisIsSparta

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Same guy, different battle, same behaviour. He is a streamer and not showing a good light on the Naval Action community.

Yes, chat abuse should be reported with F11 and report button, but @admin also mentioned in another topic that toxic behaviour like this should be reported as it is immediate ban material. We can clearly agree that we don't need this kind of player in Naval Action, even more we don't need streamers like him.

Imo he should be perma banned.


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On one hand I like the idea of pirates acting as pirates, but I remember NA pirates aren't actually pirates so I'm torn. I guess you should've broke green on green and protected your loot. Stand your ground, I would've done that. Piracy is a gray area in NA, it doesn't exist in the context of the game but it does exist in people so that's what ya get sometimes.

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If thats the case let pirates attack pirates again then.. he came in cut me off and pulled i did break green on green and fired into him but because i had the crew beat down the fight lasted only 2 rounds.  I'd love for them to allow pirates to fight pirates again  this guy would get out of Mort even less often then he does now.

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Frankly this is what pirates should be doing, there's no honor among thieves.  That said, Mo's a piece of shit and his nazi toxicity fetish needs to be gone from this game.

Hot pirate on pirate action - good
Nazis - bad


bring back outlaw battles plz

Edited by Christendom
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5 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

God I wish they would make an example of this ass....   All I see is "Nazi" and "cancer" comments from this tool.

Why they haven't banned him already is completely beyond me. I know he streams NA and it is advertisement ... but not exactly positive. I wouldn't watch this anger issue stricken mongoloid, if you paid me for it and honestly witnessing a player like that is more of a turn off than a buying incentive.


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5 hours ago, traitorous mctraitoro said:

Pirates, stealing things, what a crazy world we live in

I don’t give two hoots about the loot stealing.  That’s actually fine with me, especially given they’re “pirates”.   

The problem I have is that every time he sinks he calls you “Nazi scum” and wishes cancer upon you.  

I think we should expect and work towards better than that.  

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4 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

I don’t give two hoots about the loot stealing.  That’s actually fine with me, especially given they’re “pirates”.   

The problem I have is that every time he sinks he calls you “Nazi scum” and wishes cancer upon you.  

I think we should expect and work towards better than that.  

You can even see at the end of the clip where he's stealing this guy's loot he also calls him Nazi Scum, it's right there in the clip, clear as day...

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On 1/18/2019 at 12:07 AM, BlueEyedDevil said:

Player named Genn Greymane joined my battle against a NPC trade ship. I had taken the sails down and the rear end of the ship i also had started to grape shot the crew. he smashed into the ship and took the cargo for himself> i had said a couple time no help needed  im going to capture this ship is all.  here is the clip   https://clips.twitch.tv/GentleRudeWerewolfThisIsSparta

No harm done here

The only real crime is the sleazy name he has from a other game imo ...

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