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[Commonwealth] The new face of Poland - The Privateers - PRIV


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27 minutes ago, OjK said:


Polish waters. 
Just so You know.

Now show me Your screenshot, and try to convince me again it was us who started.


We've already talked about that incident and I had a talk with Gorgons. As far as I know there have been no further attacks from Gorgons since 21/9. This however was Friday, and Staunberg claims to have been attacked Saturday morning:


That was inside the Christiansted reinforcementzone. I don't know what was worse, the attack on a trader or that your guys were dumb enough to tag inside the reinforcementzone. Regardless the end result was the same - a bunch of sunken PL ships Saturday and Sunday, PL wasting time on a two hour flip on Amalienborg that couldn't even be completed and Rediii and HAVOC losing a bunch of ships to the russians today, while we now owe the russians a screening.

37 minutes ago, OjK said:

Let's dont talk about past, because it's pointless.

Enough to say, when You were not playing, there was no "extra rules" about where we do, and where we are not fighting.
It was clear - no attack. But You can't know that - You weren't playing then.

So no point to waste our time on discussing that.

For me - it is You who is 100% responsible for the war.
For You - it is us who is 100% responsible for the war. 



Let's just focus on what's next.

This time, it's us who are making a democratic vote. Wondering how many votes belongs to people who lost their ships quite a few times from Danish cannons, just outside of Vieques.

We'll get in touch soon.

And again to clarify - I have not broken any deals. The deal as far as I can tell from every single DNP player that I have spoken with was that we would allow your presence in CS since you couldn't survive anywhere else, but no OW agreement anywhere else on the map. The deal was broken by a bunch of PRIV players becoming angry for losing ships - IN THE PATROLZONE. Who even take a ship to the patrolzone and expect to get it back alive? - But I agree, pointless.

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14 hours ago, Lars Kjaer said:

We've already talked about that incident and I had a talk with Gorgons. As far as I know there have been no further attacks from Gorgons since 21/9. This however was Friday, and Staunberg claims to have been attacked Saturday morning:


It is s fact I was attacked. And there can be no doubt that it was in oure reinforcement zone. I called reinforcement. He asked for a 1vs 1. I denied to fight, not to escalate the situation, yeth he contiuned to attack  He first ran when another dane joined. 

Then we took the gloves of and had a day of fun with the polish players.

@OjK I think you misread the situation. You like many players think ports matter to us. That we fear to have enemies close to us. We hold those ports for the new players and for the Carebears in the nation.

What will happend if foreigen nations get in. Well then they can hunt much easier. And I am pretty sure they in general wont care a bit if they kill a dane ore a polish player. So can we to, kill the polish players. We in general only are in CS area very little time, so for us there is no Real downside. Neither for the polish if they like days like we had saturday and sunday. But this will be what happens if a new nation have a port in the area ore we dont find a solution here. 

Bare in mind it was my idea. As help to a nation that seems in trouble. But as it is now. I personally would have a total war. I had fun saturday and sunday. I had fun when Havoc was dutch and hold ports in danish waters.

If you think the polish would like more PvP, well then war and more nations in the danish/polish waters is the way. But if you think the polish rather would like it more peacefully, well then you might be heading in the wrong direction.

Oure politic is simple. Somebody does us a favor, well then we repay it. So as Lars said. We own the Russians a favor. And I am pretty sure that @North and @Anolytic not are going to use it to arrange a 1vs 1 against Lars. My guess will be a screening where we can be around 10-15 players. And we will honor oure debt if by anyway posible.

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On 10/15/2018 at 8:21 AM, rediii said:

denmark wanted to relocate the polish nation and get all of their ports back to the danish nation. Only after HAVOC came and sweden denied you help in this war you reconsidered and went to the solution to make peace.

Not forgiving the attack on fajardo ... how about not forgiving the declaration of war together with the thread to capture all polish ports that exist on the map atm?

A fun war ... HAVOC and denmark are equal. Let's have a fun war and let poland and sweden out of it.

It seems you forgot russia.

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4 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:


Nah it is not. It is a game. An honnestly if all I could do was PvE and trading iit wouldn’t be fun. Had 2 good battles with the polish after that.

2 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

It seems you forgot russia.


Well He also forgot the other gb players that joined with him.

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17 hours ago, OjK said:

Well, @Lars Kjaer I think the roles have switched now a bit.

Two weeks ago, You came back to play, unhappy with Alliance, looking for a way to start the fight. (Yes, I do know about the poll, when You tried to start the war by "democratic decision"). I was trying to reasonably support the alliance.


If you know there was a poll, then I guess you also know the resault. Dnp is not a dictatorship.  When We disagree with the situation we take a debate. He argued his case. 

You then proberbly also would know I left DNP because he wanted to change the stranding with the polish. The fact is that he didn’t get ppl behinde is idea. 

It wasent him that attacked danes in the reinforcement area. Pretty sure it was polish captains. I gave the ordre to go hunt polish, I told him to put up the post in the Caribbean news. So if any dane is to be blamed, it would be me. The one that made it possible for you to relocate.

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42 minutes ago, vazco said:

Did Commonwealth just invite foreign power to their homeland in order to help them fight an enemy neighbor? History says this can't end bad ;)

Don’t think they invited Havoc. They just put up a screening around the hostillity mission, when Havoc flipped Fajardo. I wouldn’t Call it an invite, more like they found the biggest gun and shoot then self in the head. We sold, actually Lars sold oure soul to the  devil, to avoid the caos this stupid mistake would cost the polish. But guess they like PvP. 

Who would have thought Lars was the one with common sense in the Danish nation. I would never had made the deal with Russia. I just have taken the PB. Lost it and get GB a Fajardo, I give a shit, it would have been interesting.

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11 minutes ago, rediii said:

don't give us bad ideas

We were already joking some time ago to go sweden and attack denmark :P 

Don’t think you need to be swedish to attack Dk, but if you go to DK think you might have a problem attack DK.

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31 minutes ago, rediii said:

Yea we didn't calculate with russia turning up.

We were just looking for a fight, just like HAVOC at Bani x2, Coquibacoa, etc. Don't try to pretend you didn't choose sides long ago. Brits and Swedes want to ally? I never expected any less.

We were still having a discussion about who we were going to hunt around Fajardo when I got your message asking us to back off. So naturally you made our choice easy.


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Just now, rediii said:

would be nice to attack sweden then tho. Didnt you want to take a break from forum?

Yep, But I think it is s slow proces. Think it is called a cold  turkey. Shouldn’t be  healthy. So slowly getting it Down..

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1 hour ago, rediii said:

You chose by attacking us, don't be pissed now :) Also noone talked about a alliance, we just have a enemy now

You made the choise at bani for us and yourself😊 nye you attacking swedes won't happend as you can't defeat their fleet or get through their many allied screening.

And calling danish a equal fight is a strecht.

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1 hour ago, rediii said:

? Now that russia is on your side you want to keep getting attqcked?

We attacked to help poland, your differences were put aside and we still wanted to go for PB because we dont do pve for nothing.

Attack us or deal with it now to be a dead nation again :D


You just broke my heart again. Are you sure that we again are at peace with the polish?

I haven’t heard anything, maybe you sources of information is better than my.

regarding Russia,does it makes  us the vassal of both the Russian and Swedes. Think that might be Mighty  confusioning. Well guess we then only need Gb and we have a strong hand.

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17 minutes ago, rediii said:

more than staun atleast

Except something changed again now that russia supports denmark and strength shifted again lol

Don't really think russia supported DK/NG as much as it opposed you.

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19 hours ago, rediii said:

don't give us bad ideas

We were already joking some time ago to go sweden and attack denmark :P 

when rediii joined russia, people where sure, that Navoc would attack here and there and then switch to the enemy. Now Navoc is GB, so dont see the quote above as a joke :)

Oh rediii, you dishonest small battle genius.

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Just now, Poryv said:

when rediii joined russia, people where sure, that Navoc would attack here and there and then switch to the enemy. Now Navoc is GB, so dont see the quote above as a joke :)

Oh rediii, you dishonest small battle genius.

Well.. The emphasis is on dishonest..

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31 minutes ago, rediii said:

more than staun atleast

Except something changed again now that russia supports denmark and strength shifted again lol

Yeah, something has changed I guess.

perhaps the Admiralty should offer me a Pension :) 

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