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Patch 25: Open world user interface update.


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3 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

There is a solution to that....come to the dark side, there was never a promise from day one that they would have a PvE only server.   They also said they won't work on any content for the PvE only server until game is released.  Every thing now is for the PvE/PvP Server

One Texan to another... you may go to hell and I will go to PVE server ;)

Edited by Ahoy H.R. Matey
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14 minutes ago, Le Raf Boom said:

The question I have is this, does the additional income from these DLCs allow you to hire more staff and speed up the development of the game.

Well placed question mate.

Some people also buy DLC aiming to support the game.

Edited by Jim Tiberius
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Update 23rd June 2018

  • Potential fix for the disappearance of name and buttons from the friendly or enemy ship info panel
  • Forced the amount of extra docks from 5 to 10 received from the Admiralty Connection DLC (so you do not have to wait till next week)
  • Changed the leaks/speed dependence (ships were sinking too slowly before)
    • You only get the 50% leaks reduction if you are stationary
    • From 10% speed up to 80% speed leaks works without bonuses or penalties (just like before the patch)
    • From 80% speed and up to 100% they gradually rise to 150% 
    • To get full benefits of leaks reduction (to get a chance to repair the ship - you have to stop your vessel).


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9 hours ago, Vile Executioner said:

Alright @admin I bought all the DLC, let’s see where my money goes 😁 I seen a teaser of the new connie hull design, I’m super excited for that

Thanks Vile 
And thanks everyone for support. Lots of love :)


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The thing is - the ship without a structure left is stopping anyway, which makes them still able to take advantage of less water intake, right?

So I will still need to stay 3 minutes waiting for a ship to sink, if I want to loot it?

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Update 23rd June 2018

  • Potential fix for the disappearance of name and buttons from the friendly or enemy ship info panel
  • Forced the amount of extra docks from 5 to 10 received from the Admiralty Connection DLC (so you do not have to wait till next week)
  • Changed the leaks/speed dependence (ships were sinking too slowly before)
    • You only get the 50% leaks reduction if you are stationary
    • From 10% speed up to 80% speed leaks works without bonuses or penalties (just like before the patch)
    • From 80% speed and up to 100% they gradually rise to 150% 
    • To get full benefits of leaks reduction (to get a chance to repair the ship - you have to stop your vessel).


Wind profile changes made ships less maneuverable.

You made waterline like borderlands blinking critical hit location, broadsides deadly, force you to stop? You should also remove one broadside kills, it is bad hombre.

High sail damage, slowing to battle sails gives damage resistance. Slows you down.

Hull damage slows you down.

How much easier it is to board now than before all these changes?

Boarding is the worst part and you hopefully know it. Really no reason to make it any easier. There was a post explaining also that boarding was more like finalizer than what it is in the game right now.

You could consider that pressing a button does not instantly drop sails and start boarding. You could make it something that men try to do but not 100% sail dropping success. Maybe have upgrades that slow or make it faster to get in boarding after pressing a button. Make a skill factor here, that you cannot simply ram your enemy but instead you have to sail there.  If you ram you cannot board in X minutes. If I sail 3kn north and you sail 3kn south, speed difference is 6kn, are you taking this on account?  If not you definitely should.

There is one thing I don't really like in your development process.  To me it feels like you do one thing and don't think about how it affects to other things. If you get something in good balance, multiple changes later the balance is something not so good. It can be that I am wrong here but I have not seen patch notes were you introduce new feature A and counter it with balance modifications to other aspects. Nor I have seen really you explaining anywhere that you do modifications to counter balance affecting changes done in earlier patches.

Battle sails have damage resistance. Maybe more speed equals less accuracy? btw. Decreased accuracy might have saved you from many other changes you have done.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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1 minute ago, admin said:

There were no wind profile changes.

Sailing profile changes were done at some point.  After that it was harder to tack etc.

Also if I ram someone to rage board and my speed drops 10knt in a seconds.  That should mean radical damage to my ship.

And start to please care about balance.  PvP game without a good balance is a no game.


New graphics are really nice btw.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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2 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Radical damage to the enemy ship as well :) Both ships absorb the energy.

We had this
Unfortunately people overused it turning this feature into a ram-fest, a ram-job. It was switched off as a result. Originally you could ram a ship and sink it instantly (both of you) if you had enough mass and energy generating devastating hole under water or at the waterline. Because it was so realistic and dominant someplayers ignored combat and were just ramming and ramming everyone. 

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1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

Radical damage to the enemy ship as well :) Both ships absorb the energy.

Issue is that people start to sail like torpedoes to sink other ships.  So the one ramming someone should get the damage or crew shock to rigging, loading + no boarding.

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7 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Just tell us when are going to release this piece of art along with the Christian VII....

dont know yet. Lets first  see how imported 6th rates and 5th rate will affect the long term balance. 

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