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Patch 15: Tutorial testing and many other things


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1 minute ago, NethrosDefectus said:

I agree, you have to account for play-ability. This is not an interactive historical documentary 

First rates thickness was overdone. Everyone here knows it. Playability will be better now

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Feedback toturial Combat:


The ship is placed on the portside but the first instruction is to look at from the starboard side away from the ship. The first intention of the player will be to look towards the enemy ship. Furthermore people that have no idea of nautial terms will not know what direction starboard or port side means. Maybe do it like this:

Click right mouse looking towardsfrom the left side to the right side of the ship (starboard) to enter firing mode



Is Id: 0: and Id: 1. just a error? will it be fixed an go away?


Make steam achievments for the tutorial to make sure people do it. Everyone wants to collect achievments

Edited by z4ys
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5 minutes ago, admin said:

First rates thickness was overdone. Everyone here knows it. Playability will be better now

Yet you've nerfed the thickness on every ship and reduced the thickness on masts as well? So the de-masting issue (which as much as you bury your heads in the sand over, IS an issue) is now even worse

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5 minutes ago, z4ys said:

Feedback toturial Combat:


The ship is placed on the portside but the first instruction is to look at from the starboard side away from the ship. The first intention of the player will be to look towards the enemy ship. Furthermore people that have no idea of nautial terms will not know what direction starboard or port side means. Maybe do it like this:

Click right mouse looking towardsfrom the left side to the right side of the ship (starboard) to enter firing mode



Is Id: 0: and Id: 1. just a error? will it be fixed an go away?


Make steam achievments for the tutorial to make sure people do it. Everyone wants to collect achievments

please report this in the combat tutorial feedback section

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2 minutes ago, rediii said:

Didnt want to believe it until I saw a screenshot :D

I also want to have Surströmming Long Guns on my ships!!!!!!!  :lol: Best ammo for the Russians :ph34r:

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6 minutes ago, Rickard said:


Well, the terrible iron harrings. Didn’t you noticed that? It is murmured that the poor pirates fish them with some grape balls in a net, the herrings come and they are captured and used like a cannon ball. They devasting the upper deck...

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@admin just a thought we know that bottom masts are thicker than top masts could there be a way that the mast thickness per section of the mast is shown on the mast thickness section of your ship stats so bottom mast thickness , middle mast thickness and lower mast thickness cause the term "mast thickness doesn't mean anything if i don't know what part of the mast is what thickness

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11 hours ago, koiz said:

Base speed reduced for ALL vessels by 7%

Good. The best fitted and equipped ship, with the best crew, with the best captain will achieve the historical recorded best speeds.

Thank you very much.


38 minutes ago, Fox Proudfoot said:

@admin Your players value fun/balanced gameplay over historical accuracy. 

Which players !? You or me ? Them or us !? The others or these ones !?

Let's test please.

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11 hours ago, admin said:

Carronades now penetrate better and their penetrations don't drop so much

Why no real physics for carronades? 

Historical gunnery - Realistic ballistics and cannon performance of the period.

I guess nobody expects 100% super accurate physics, but your carros are 0%.

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