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The Praise Thread

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Hello captains and @admin!

I read the forums a lot and i feel that the devs get a great deal of negative feedback and criticism.
Getting almost all feedback as negative feedback is not fun at all, and can lead to the devs loosing their spark towards this game. (although negative feedback is required in game development so don´t get me wrong.)


This thread is about the good things in the game, the things we like and love.
Please respect that and only post good things here.

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I love the solitude of the open seas in Naval Action. The freedom of commanding a beautifully modelled ship is everything that I have ever wanted in a game.
I love the hunt, hunting players in enemy waters. Capturing a prize is the most satisfying thing ever! And the graphics are fantastic in this game, breathtaking at times!

I´m truly in love with this game and rarely play anything else.

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I love the artwork. The Game-Labs' artists are fantastic. It is inspiring to play this game, look at the details of the ships and the game-world. And the promotional artworks that are sometimes published are what attracted me to this game in the first place, and what will make me never give up on this game. Game-labs attention to art, to details and to historical facts deserves all the praise I can give.

I also love the community. It is not always pleasant, but there are so many interesting and friendly people in this community.

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Thank you for givinging the statement, Anolytic,

I have the same opinion like you. I hope that the developers make their mind up in finding a useful compromise between spending hours of sailing (too long in my opinion) and having action in game. They should have a  look on dropping player numbers and react in a efficient way.

Cheers Don

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I love the game, because it brings conflict to the tip of my chair without any fear of (real life) losses. (Except maybe the relation with our loved ones... :P)

PS. Tonight is my date night, so I won't be making the mistake of setting sail. :D

Edited by Skully
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1 hour ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

This stuff...

Thats a pretty nice shot, mate. Yeah the game is a unique piece of art and no other age of sail game can compare in terms of visuals and combat, all the more unfortunate is the current state of the game but lets keep it positive. The game is a true gem and we should keep in mind that many of the people giving negative feedback love the game too and want it to succeed, otherwise they would just drop it and move on. Much love devs xoxoxoxo

Edited by Captain Lust
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  • 2 weeks later...

1- The graphics are truly amazing. Also, the work put into the ship models is unbelievable! I often find myself staring at my ships under sail, use the free camera and try different angles and look at the different details.

2- The open world concept is pretty awesome, sailing from one port to another, running into other players, discovering new areas...etc. By the way, all the 700 + hours I've spent and I barely scratched the surface!

3- Being able to interact with other players online, asking for help or helping others, or just chatting away is a significant plus in the game. I met pretty cool people from around the world.

4- Battle mechanics are fantastic, even though I often miss the broadside (no pun intended) of a barn unless I'm at hailing distance.

5- and my final praise is for the tremendous potential this game still has if the effort continues to be put into it.

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Dev's, having read the above I really don't know what to say except that being from Corpus Christi Texas I have always loved ships and sailing. I was in the US coast Guard. After that my jobs took me inland. Now I am old, with this game I can be what I dreamed of in my youth but was never able to do in real life. Sail the seas.

Your stunning graphics, the modeling of the ships, the storms, the battles etc. All lets my mind fill in the rest. As far as I know, no one else has made a game that comes close to this realism. With the exception of Silent Hunter, all the others that I know of are cartoony. When I sailed to the Pacific and sailed beneath the Andes Mountains I knew this would be a keeper. That they would take the trouble to model what no one would ever see? I was in awe. When I popped out into the Pacific I was stunned. Shameful plug, please open the Pacific, at least for the PvE server. Too good to waste.

We go forward, I've gotten more than my moneys worth and I'll never look back. Dev's, "Don't give up the ship!", "I haven't begun to fight!" and "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead!". Let the chips fall where they may.

I know that I sound like a fanboy. Okay I'll take that. I know what I like and I'll play it. I know what is wrong and I'll deal with it. It's alpha, and it is our duty to BREAK it so they can fix it. Behind the scenes I would expect they are pulling their hair out trying to fix what we are so busy breaking and being as mouthy as my new dog about. If any one of you grumps can make a better game? Do it ! I'll be sailing in your game in a heart beat.................................................................................Do I hear the sound of silence?????????????????????

So let's get busy breaking, ripping and tearing apart this game and in the meantime having the time of our life. To the Dev's, a great THANK YOU for the most beautiful game I have ever played,  Elder Scrolls first runner up, but by a squeak. To all of you who put forward all these great criticisms, a great THANKS! Without you the Dev's would not have the input they need.

Good night, Iv'e stayed up too late. Even my sea dog had the good sense to go to bed a couple of hours ago.  



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I love how you determine your own fate. Every decision you make changes the course of things a little bit. You make your own objectives, and cross paths with others on their own missions, then emergent gameplay happens... two opposing captains attempting to outfight and outsmart each other. The PVP in this game is a super addictive drug that no other game has ever come close to touching. A grand chess match where every pawn counts. The devs put it all in your hands and let the chips fall where they may. As much bitchno that goes on around here, you can look and see the devs listen to us and try to do what is best for the game. I'm in for the long haul.

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