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Unity 5 - Testbed Feedback topic.


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On 17/08/2017 at 1:01 PM, admin said:

UPDATE Will be delivered today on 1st of September

  • Taxation added
    • Nations have implemented defenses in the national waters close to capitals and main regional centers
    • To support this protection level all nations have added national tax of 10% for all purchases and all sales on the market and through private trade
  • Clans owning the ports can change tax levels and invest into some port improvements
    • increase trading goods supply
    • make city open for everyone
    • reduce labor hours
    • Additional improvements are planned
  • Hostility updated for test bed
    • Hostility missions generate hostility 10x faster
    • Port battles start 30 mins after hostility reach 100%
  • All captured ports can be taken over individually. Map is reset. 

Captains are requested to conquer a port or two. 

All numbers are not final and will be subject to change. Testbed is not a stable environment - expect the worst.


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3 minutes ago, Skully said:

Do we need to take a look at resource production buildings or ignore until a later build?

The main purpose is to test new hostility, port managment and port battles itself. Other changes will be finalized for testbed server later

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19 minutes ago, Ink said:

The main purpose is to test new hostility, port managment and port battles itself. Other changes will be finalized for testbed server later

So pirates are still part of RvR and pay taxes like nationals but don't get SOL permits without alt account? ... ok ...

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3 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Leave the so called "pirate nation" and show the devs you're tired of being treated as such and maybe they'll give raids and dens to pirates.

I'd leave the game instead but i already did. I'm waiting for legends and look forward to drop some serious $$$ into it to give my support, maybe it'll help improve NA too...

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4 minutes ago, Ink said:


thanks, and I suppose also that - accordingly - in the area where i see in OS the indication "reinforcement available" there will be the "CONCORD like" support if I get attacked by another player. Is it correct?

Edited by victor
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56 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

Yeah don't nerf it, we will just all sail it. B)

I would like the Wasa to stay the same stat wise but it's BR put between the other 4th rates and the 3rd maybe so it can't be in port battles?  Though it's going to be interesting with the new system of just ports.  Maybe these ships should be special PvP/RvR rewards so they aren't for just any one to grab.  yes I know folks are going to say that makes you to OP, but if the Wasa can't be in 4th rate port battles it's not really that OP cause you can still fight it in the OW with other ships.

46 minutes ago, Ink said:

Captains, testbed server is live.

Dang you I was about to head out the door to take care of some things.  Guess I might put that off for tomorrow....lol

45 minutes ago, Cortez said:

Ah,thank you.

I had something completely different in mind, thanks for the answer.

I think you can't do solo port battles with a Mortar Brig any more like the old flag system.  Wonder if any one has captured a port solo on the new system. It can be done if you activate all cap circles, just takes time.

5 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

So pirates are still part of RvR and pay taxes like nationals but don't get SOL permits without alt account? ... ok ...

The Pirate Republic needs to fund it's operations too, if you don't like Tax's than there is always the outlaw patch. As for the SOL thing?  They should just make a call on this.  It's funny they bitch we use SOL, but I see more nationals using the Pirate Frigate than the Pirates do.  Makes you wonder how they got the BP's and Permits?  Hmmmmm I thought it was only pirates that had all the alts...lol.  I do supply them to one nation but they give me SOL permits back in trade.

2 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Pirates are the Patreon of Naval Action, you're just funding more content for the nations

Leave the so called "pirate nation" and show the devs you're tired of being treated as such and maybe they'll fix it

Hay good thing when this goes to live ya'll will get Savannah back.

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12 minutes ago, Ink said:


Just wondering since we can't see it on the map and I don't feel like sailing all the way out there.  I assume Kidd's Island is conquerable?  Was hopeing for a few more black dots spread out (traditional pirate havens) for those that don't want to get into the the RvR part of the game.  Guess my clan will have to take the brunt of it and put some controled ports around....you know so them pesky NPC's won't get the money instead lol....though honest I was expecting a bit more perm ports for each nation.  That is a lot of white/grey dots on the map lol

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1 minute ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Maybe these ships should be special PvP/RvR rewards so they aren't for just any one to grab.  yes I know folks are going to say that makes you to OP, but if the Wasa can't be in 4th rate port battles it's not really that OP cause you can still fight it in the OW with other ships.

Maybe i misunderstand you here but this sounds alot like you want a completely OP ship to be sailed by only the elite? Of course i can sail other ships but why would i when there is Wasa?

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4 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

Maybe i misunderstand you here but this sounds alot like you want a completely OP ship to be sailed by only the elite? Of course i can sail other ships but why would i when there is Wasa?

And I'm tired of giving every lazy PvE carebear the same options I have for my hard work.  There should be rewards for folks that do hard work in the game.   If they want the same ships than they can buy it off those that do the special extra stuff. Every game I been in to get elite stuff you had to do the elite dungeons and if you wanted that gear and didn't grind it yourself you had to pay for it big time from those that do grind them.   

And those ships are not OP if you keep them to OW only.  The wasa can be sunk by just about any 3rd rate or good 4th/5th rate players if need be.  It needs to be a rare reward so every one in there mother isn't in one for that exact reason you stated.  If I can be in it than why would I sail anything else?

Niagara since it can't be in Port battles is another good ship to make as a special rewards ship for those that do certain content.

Edited by Sir Texas Sir
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41 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

I'd leave the game instead but i already did. I'm waiting for legends and look forward to drop some serious $$$ into it to give my support, maybe it'll help improve NA too...

@Captain Lust has no previous warnings - clean record - thus he gets away this time.
@Slim Jimmerson has previous warnings - banned for 14 days for rant, off topic and shit-posting in patch feedback.

This is patch feedback topic. Off topic/rants is allowed in the tavern, national news, and clubs. The rule is enforced. 

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10 minutes ago, Kala4 said:

@Captain Lust has no previous warnings - clean record - thus he gets away this time.
@Slim Jimmerson has previous warnings - banned for 14 days for rant, off topic and shit-posting in patch feedback.

This is patch feedback topic. Off topic/rants is allowed in the tavern, national news, and clubs. The rule is enforced. 

You're new here... havent seen you in these forums before.


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20 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

If I can be in it than why would I sail anything else?

Well that is why you balance gear in games normally so not everyone uses the same... makes sense? So if they keep Wasa as it is on testbed that is cool, i like it BUT it most definitely should not be more restricted than other 4th rates in terms of availability by any means. You give the veteran who has time to play 8 hours every day a better ship than the casual who can barely afford a 4th rate... how is that logical? It only drives away casuals and new players harder and the game needs every player and more than anything casuals because they are the majority ( the people who don't have time to play all day long ).

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