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Patch 10.1 - Changes to conquest


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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 5:25 AM, Vaan De Vries said:

Decks are always stacked somehow, as in real life. Nobody promised equal chances for any nation. The map historic design itself guarantees loss of territories for Spanish, Dutch (Oranjestad), British (Windward islands) and others and BIG difference in gameplay for different nations.

As a captain of a Dutch nation and an active privateer I can complain on the density of Ports in Danish/Sweden/French waters. It's very hard to tag a trader there without being near forts or AI fleet. While bigger distances between Dutch/Spanish port allows easier privateering in these waters.

Map design also guarantees lots of fight for Danish/Sweden/French part of the map. It wasn't obvious who would ally whom but it was obvious there will be a fight. And initially French had advantage - a coal port (even before coal expansion) which they just decided not to defend.

My comment was also due to the fact the I don't remember a significant period of time in Naval Action without French complaining about this or that aspect of the game. No nation complains that much.

Devs implemented forged papers now. You can either stick and fight or change for the winning side. But the last thing to do is go to the forums and complain about how hard and unfair MMO game about age of sail can be.

Pathetic.  I forged papers to help France.  Not join the winning side.       Hopefully there will be forged papers for 1million or so to switch back as alliances are not in effect.       Update.   Forged papers will be able to be bought through admiralty in due time.     So stick with current nation and grind away.

Edited by EL LOCO
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Why does the port change only the sale price when it has the full volume of the goods.

I think it's also better to change the buy price. Thus, it will be profitable to buy in this port and sell in another.

Edited by qw569
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When you lose a ship, it can be that you should have an option to teleport to capital.

You sail to location X, and then you have to sail back in a Basic Cutter from nearest FP.

Also you have to fix Basic Cutters.  Should not be allowed to join battles that have enemy players.  Basic Cannons only available from Capital.  Teleport should be to your nears outpost, not to nearest port.  You die and are teleported to faraway port, from which you to sail all the way back to your outpost -> Just incredibly useless time sink.

Random drop crafting materials -> Worse than crafting without RNG, you wont get anything if you were not lucky.

Masts are too weak, you can increase HP, and a lot.  You can so easily, with lucky shots, demast a ship.  I am not even close to good in this, and I was able to demast 2 AI ships in 10 minutes.  Were small ships but lol.  Another time removed a mast with one broadside, turned close right after and sniped off the other one with my other broadside.  This is just so simply stupid.  And I do not think that I am anyway good at this, just lucky shots.  If you want to have these extremely thin masts, I recommend to increase HP a lot.  Also provide reinforced masts.



I had 6pd cannons, and ships were small.  Still, way too fast.  Can you fix this obviously shitty combat mechanism already?  If some player gave you this idea, do not please listen those guys ever again.  It actually took less than 10 minutes, I just figured out to take a screen shot later.

2 bots - 10min demast.png



No skill, pure luck PvP.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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3 hours ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

...You can so easily, with lucky shots, demast a ship.  I am not even close to good in this, and I was able to demast 2 AI ships in 10 minutes...

I would love to learn how to demast ships with lucky shots or else! Cause so far, I have not been that lucky at all and have been struggling since the wipe.

I've been back into the game a couple of days ago and feel the low level combat missions have become extremely difficult to complete, at least as far as I'm concerned. I had 50 hours prior to the wipe, a few hours on the testbed and a few more after the wipe.

Prior to the wipe, I was able to win about a half to three quarters of the Midshipman combat missions I played. On the testbed, I had noticed noticed a significant buff of the AI, especially the accuracy. I was unable to win any of the new featured missions (I think the were removed now). I thought it was my lack of skills since I was not great with manual sails. After the wipe, I'm still having great difficulty winning any Midshipman combat missions in my basic cutter. So far it's a 4-0 in favor of the AI. It seems the AI maneuvering remains the same, a lot of circling, but the gunnery is unmatched. In cutter vs cutter, I lost half my sides before I was able to even land shots.

My next step is to hunt down enemy traders and see if I am more successful in making some money. Maybe Midshipman missions are not the way to start if you are a beginner with a basic cutter and basic guns. But I surely would like to be able to demast AI opponents though.

My starting treasury is still 0 Gold, so I have not been able to experiment with trade at this time. Earning those few first thousand Gold has been quite elusive to me so far. Maybe the new Patch also brought in a new starting strategy, if so, I would love for anyone to give me some tips. Or maybe making the game more challenging has overshot its mark and is making it just too hard. There is a thin line between challenging and hard. Challenging is fun, hard, not so much.

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I think we need:

1. Teleport to capital.

2. A map with longitude and latitude.

3. Speeding up the OW sailing.

4. Greater rewards for completed missions.

5. For uncompleted missions, rewards for hits on opponent's ship(s)--as was the case before the wipe.

6. The game has become a GRIND, once again.

Edited by Lannes
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1 hour ago, Lannes said:

1. Teleport to capital.

No no no! That urgently needs to be removed from the game. Better today than tomorrow!

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32 minutes ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

You have to remove endless repairs from battles.

Unless you're in a basic cutter, there are no endless repairs in battles. You can only use repairs you carry in to battle and they degrade ship performance a lot.

I know you know this and Im not trying to be flip but if in the course of a 90 minute battle one side can't take advantage of the finite supply of repairs with cool down timers coupled with the vulnerability of ship carrying a lot of repairs and crew vulnerability during repairs to achieve a victory, perhaps such a battle really should be considered a draw.

However, I'm a firm believer that XP and Gold should be granted to both sides in every battle based on damage done.

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30 minutes ago, Farrago said:

You can only use repairs you carry in to battle and they degrade ship performance a lot.

It is turning this game to... Mass > Skill

Lets say you are in 2vs4 situation.  One from 4 gets in a bad shape, can always just take distance from battle and repair.  They can endlessly grind their enemy like this.  Realistic, could be.  Good gameplay, fun?  Definitely not.

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17 hours ago, Lannes said:

I think we need:

2. A map with longitude and latitude.

No, please no! When you see your x/y position, it's the same as having a dot on the map showing where you are. The current system is fine, especially with that new tool. As long as you know your current position, you can plot a decent course to your destination. Please, no radar in this game.

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Strategic Goals is great idea to nudge nations away from their capitals - stretching supply lines.

But have care to balance with regard to Nation member size to prevent large zerg nations snatching up all the conquest points.

Must provide incentive for new players to join smaller nations too!


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3 hours ago, codyproxy said:

No, please no! When you see your x/y position, it's the same as having a dot on the map showing where you are. The current system is fine, especially with that new tool. As long as you know your current position, you can plot a decent course to your destination. Please, no radar in this game.

Read Hodo's post. He explained it well.


13 minutes ago, Hodo said:

I like the protractor, it is still pretty useless, and I am going to straight up say that I use an outside map tracking program like most everyone else, for long sails.  But the issue isnt that it is too hard to find your way around, it is just unrealistically vague.  Real ships of the time had accurate charts by the 19th century (1800 for you who cant count), and were damned good at navigation, as most captains had a life time at sea, 20+ years of learning and navigation under their belts.   They also had several senior people on the ship who would also check the charts and the course to make sure the ship was sailing where it needed to be.   I am not saying we need 8 digit grid coordinates or anything like that.  I am asking for the lat and long lines on the maps grid lines.   It could be every other line so we have the WHOLE number, not the 31.5, 30.5 and so on.  

This is more for map reading access, it is a simple thing, nothing to stupid or unrealistic.  

You have to remember by the time this game takes place, and most of these ships are in use, the Caribbean had been sailed for over 300 years!  Columbus 1492 -> Napoleonic War 1815 = 323 years!

Right on!

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I sailed a long way--a waste of time--to a port to sell iron ore. I made circa 10,000 gold and lost my empty unarmed trader brig on the way back. So, I lost way more than I made. This is no way to design a game, when it's a grind to get out of a cutter and a grind to get up the ladder.

I cannot recommend the game to anyone, at this stage. This was not the case a year ago. Too many things that I liked have gone and have been replaced by a banal grind.

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2 hours ago, Lannes said:

I sailed a long way--a waste of time--to a port to sell iron ore. I made circa 10,000 gold and lost my empty unarmed trader brig on the way back. So, I lost way more than I made. This is no way to design a game, when it's a grind to get out of a cutter and a grind to get up the ladder.

I cannot recommend the game to anyone, at this stage. This was not the case a year ago. Too many things that I liked have gone and have been replaced by a banal grind.

I warned Devs about this. This game is too hardcore now. 

ex. Clan guys were grinding port about 2 hours from my outpost. I log in, there was no action around where I was, so I decided to sail there knowing I will not see any action by the time I get there. 2 hours wasted sailing hoping to get action? No thanks. This game is a complete time wasting sink. Looking at what we have I will not recommend this game to anyone unless Devs make it more new player, group and travel friendly. I can't afford to waste 2 hours trying reach and have fun with my group, I got more important things to do instead of wasting 2 hours sailing empty oceans looking for Action. 

Edited by Ned Low
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16 minutes ago, Lannes said:

I sailed a long way--a waste of time--to a port to sell iron ore. I made circa 10,000 gold and lost my empty unarmed trader brig on the way back. So, I lost way more than I made. This is no way to design a game, when it's a grind to get out of a cutter and a grind to get up the ladder.

I cannot recommend the game to anyone, at this stage. This was not the case a year ago. Too many things that I liked have gone and have been replaced by a banal grind.

Dont you hate it when the bad guys you just outran go back to port then teleport ahead of you with 10 friends and kill you anyways? That pisses me off enough to make the game unbearableto play at times. 

I wish i knew the thinking or reasoning behind letting you be re attacked endlessly in a loop until eventually you either lose or have to log off and lose your ship.

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On ‎05‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 11:36 AM, codyproxy said:

 As long as you know your current position

...and when you don't its next to useless, you end up on a 3rd party map using f11

On ‎05‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 11:36 AM, codyproxy said:

Please, no radar in this game.

there is no radar in OW, its more like  a gps. There is, however, plenty of radar in battle instances. Did you mean that?

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1 hour ago, Mrdoomed said:

Dont you hate it when the bad guys you just outran go back to port then teleport ahead of you with 10 friends and kill you anyways? That pisses me off enough to make the game unbearableto play at times. 

I wish i knew the thinking or reasoning behind letting you be re attacked endlessly in a loop until eventually you either lose or have to log off and lose your ship.

DEVS should make it so if some or group attacks you and you escape that you stay invisible to them for 30 minutes which will stop that .so they can not teleport and get you.

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18 minutes ago, EL LOCO said:

True , Game is hardcore right now but there are hardcore gamers loving it. 

Thete is hard core and then there are people and groups go around ganking easy target's like that guy ,if some one is in a trader brig he new and grinding to move up I my steal his goods but that's all I let them keep there ship , I would like to see them stay in the game then run them out of it!!!! Gankers

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I got attacked maybe 20 times by a single clan as they tried to run me out of their waters. while it was mildly fun id enjoy the game more if i did not have to spend nearly 2 hours running upwind from the same guys over and over...

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On 2.6.2017 at 11:08 AM, admin said:

Capitals of the regions your governments demand to bring under control of your nations and will provide additional benefits for them:

  1. Santo Domingo
  2. Cartagena de Indias
  3. San Juan
  4. Port Au Prince
  5. San Iago
  6. Morgan bluff
  7. Vera Cruz
  8. Campeche
  9. Nouvelle Orleans
  10. Bridge town
  11. Road Town

We need on of those regions between Sweden and France imo

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1 hour ago, EL LOCO said:

True , Game is hardcore right now but there are hardcore gamers loving it. 

Teleports are not harcore. No cooldown teleports are the tool of the lazy gamer or the guys not smart enough to have a plan.

Granted the game is much more time consuming to get to the same goals as before but hardcore is not what this game is. Permanent death is hardcore, xp or gold loss with death is hardcore,  one nation winning and causing a reset is hardcore, NOT being able to freaking teleport ahead of guys who just outwitted you is hardcore. 

No cooldown teleports make this just a moba with the option to look at a pretty map.

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