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Mega Patch 10.0


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3 hours ago, The Red Duke said:

Is there any community made list of the breakdown of repair amounts per cycle per ship ?


Yes. And no, you wont get it from me.

You havent made your homework if a a surprise consumes 21 Hullrepairs (average price 1k) to recover its 2100 dmg.

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3 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

Yes, repairs are very expensive.  I agree completely. (Maybe even a bit too much)...    

However, keep in mind the point of this.  We had it very easy before.  Anyone could easily become a millionaire and sail any ship with impunity.  Those days are over. 

Sail what you can afford to lose.  

Yeah I will. I was really busy and put a lot of time into some business, so I was able to buy myself a Yacht. And thats what I am going to sail now. Not in the carribean sea, but in the baltic sea .... I gonna sail my 18m yacht in real life. Keep on wasting your time to be able to afford to loose some bytes and pixels. ;)


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Port Battles.

No Fix here.   Same .  In fact ..made it worse.   How?    Well.   Why should Spain try to defend some ports when most likely they will be outnumbered and that gives PVP marks to the winner.   No PVP marks for showing up.   So...most if not all port battles will be empty.  

I wanted a way to have NPC ships in port battle that I could command to defend.   Maybe some sort of number of npcs based on some thing..   

Currently..there is absolutely no reason to defend ports now except for maybe coal ports.

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So let me get this straight, basically repairs are so expensive that you can actually lose a battle over it.

So you are now telling me with this new system that if my clan doesn't grind AI on a PvP server we can't be competitive?

Because who in their right mind can afford to craft 160 hull repairs at the cost of 480 Oak Log, 640 Iron Ingots? Large clans will be able too. I'm sure many right now are ignoring this and don't see it as a problem. But when a Trincomalee can use over 160 in 3 battles and it costs that much to craft them then there is a huge problem. 

I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to grind AI for hours for repair kits or spend all day crafting just to PvP for a FEW hours.

This patch was supposed to move closer to hardcore PvP, but with the cost changes it's more like hardcore PVE and Trading just to do a few hours of PVP.

Edited by Neptune
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1 minute ago, Neptune said:


I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to grind AI for hours for repair kits or spend all day crafting just to PvP.


Unfortunetaly you have to play anothergame, if thats what you are looking for.

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Well, kept playing over the last 1-2 months, wanted to keep in practice for when the new patch came out.  Even tried the test bed server (lasted about 4 hours there and gave up--too many bugs, exited Charleston USA and ended up at the bottom of the map in French territory and just gave up, couldnt stomach the time it was going to take to sail all the way back.

So far in the current patch--ai ships sailing through land, missions where the crossed swords are on land, materialized on shore after the battle, sailed through the land to return to the sea.  Not a very impressive set of visuals...

Today, the mid ship missions are bugged, always end up facing 6th rate ships in my basic cutter.  Can't get out of the damned basic cutter as I can't do enough PVE missions due to being outclassed.  Sailed several hours to join up with allied players to attack ai enemy fleets....no pve points, no gold, nothing....basic cutter was too small to be effective, so huge waste of time today. 

Tried crafting and selling goods....yep, I suck as a trader.  Lost most of my money.  Can't use the larger redeemable ships as I can't pay for the cannons....

So, too many bugs, too much wasted time, too little reward for the grinding effort.  NOT A FUN Game anymore.

A damn waste and a damn shame as it could be a great game, but I just can't stand wasting anymore time on it.



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20 minutes ago, Neptune said:

So let me get this straight, basically repairs are so expensive that you can actually lose a battle over it.

So you are now telling me with this new system that if my clan doesn't grind AI on a PvP server we can't be competitive?

Because who in their right mind can afford to craft 160 hull repairs at the cost of 480 Oak Log, 640 Iron Ingots? Large clans will be able too. I'm sure many right now are ignoring this and don't see it as a problem. But when a Trincomalee can use over 160 in 3 battles and it costs that much to craft them then there is a huge problem. 

I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to grind AI for hours for repair kits or spend all day crafting just to PvP for a FEW hours.

This patch was supposed to move closer to hardcore PvP, but with the cost changes it's more like hardcore PVE and Trading just to do a few hours of PVP.

Large clans,large nations, and players with multiple alternate accounts...if you're not one of the above, seems you're out of luck in this game.


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18 minutes ago, Brogsitter said:

Unfortunetaly you have to play anothergame, if thats what you are looking for.

Agreed Brog, just what I'm doing now.  Got to find something that is more enjoyable, and less frustrating.


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700 Iron Ore = 49,000, 480 Oak Log = 21,000 Total of  70,000 Gold, 704+ Labor Hours (not counting production building withdraw hours)  for 160 Hull Repairs. So that's Potentially 3 battles in a trincomalee. That costs more than a whole NPC trincomalee just for 3 PvP battles. Now you may say go cap AI for a few days to get them but.. should it be like that on a PvP server?

Does something seem wrong with this?

Edited by Neptune
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Wow a big patch this time and a lot of good changes. The new Ship level System, ilove it. But as always you betterworse some things. 
1. the Navigation. I think I'm not the only one who thinks that the system with the grid and your cooordinates was great. You have to take it in consideration that many casual players will see the new kind of navigation and qiut the game forever. To navigate should be easy if you wish for it. So it might be a good idea to leave the choice to the player how he or she wants to navigate with the map. Maybe you could implement a sextant tool where you have to do a little minigame to ping your position on the map. 
2.the new health pack system for ships is not really a good idea. I played it and no packs were available in the shop. I'm not that great in crafting and it would be a waste of gold. The old system where you buy those health packs for your ships were great. The packs for the crew are good.
3. The new gun system is not that bad, but the prize for the guns is to damn high. I just gunned my Indifedigable and it cost around 250k gold and i not even got long cannons because they're not longer available over the shop. For new players this seems not very attractive. They see the prizes and know they have to grind a lot for that.

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1 hour ago, Brogsitter said:

Yeah I will. I was really busy and put a lot of time into some business, so I was able to buy myself a Yacht. And thats what I am going to sail now. Not in the carribean sea, but in the baltic sea .... I gonna sail my 18m yacht in real life. Keep on wasting your time to be able to afford to loose some bytes and pixels. ;)


Same     Though I sail around Cartagena.     Love my boat.  I have 2 water filled ballast chambers in case of extreme weather.     Fast too.


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1 hour ago, Uilleam said:

Well, kept playing over the last 1-2 months, wanted to keep in practice for when the new patch came out.  Even tried the test bed server (lasted about 4 hours there and gave up--too many bugs, exited Charleston USA and ended up at the bottom of the map in French territory and just gave up, couldnt stomach the time it was going to take to sail all the way back.

So far in the current patch--ai ships sailing through land, missions where the crossed swords are on land, materialized on shore after the battle, sailed through the land to return to the sea.  Not a very impressive set of visuals...

Today, the mid ship missions are bugged, always end up facing 6th rate ships in my basic cutter.  Can't get out of the damned basic cutter as I can't do enough PVE missions due to being outclassed.  Sailed several hours to join up with allied players to attack ai enemy fleets....no pve points, no gold, nothing....basic cutter was too small to be effective, so huge waste of time today. 

Tried crafting and selling goods....yep, I suck as a trader.  Lost most of my money.  Can't use the larger redeemable ships as I can't pay for the cannons....

So, too many bugs, too much wasted time, too little reward for the grinding effort.  NOT A FUN Game anymore.

A damn waste and a damn shame as it could be a great game, but I just can't stand wasting anymore time on it.



So True.  Can you imagine what the newbies are going through.     It is sad as we all want this game to work yet the developers are bent on wrecking it.   Just the announcement of this patch was like a wrecking ball.  

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 3:11 PM, Hotfish said:

I think that there are aspects of this new patch which will discourage new and casual players. The Devs have apparently decided to lean more towards realism at the expense of ease of play. That's absolutely fine but I believe that it will come at a cost. The number one objective of a game like this in a highly competitive market is to attract and hold new players. If learning the game is not made relatively easy it will tend to lose a significant number of new players who decide to go off and find something they can learn more easily. The game already suffers from a lack of guides and instructions, which is astonishing when you consider the amount of effort that has gone into its development. New players having to feel their way with very little help unless they discover You Tube which provides a lot of guidance  through contributors like Jeheil and OlavDrang but you have to spend hours watching these to work out how to play the game. It shouldn't be necessary to include third parties in the basic learning process. The game needs basic guides on sailing and fighting at least.

Given that the learning curve is already very steep I believe that the ability to hold new players will suffer as a result of the following changes.

Removal of navigational aids 

Change to combat missions so that low ranked players no longer have assistance

Removal of the Delivery and Tow functions.

I believe this latter issue also affects more casual players who play in one or two hour stints. While the seascapes are very pretty to watch with the sun rising and setting, sometimes you just don't have the time to do things the 'Real' way. While this approach may please the hard core realists in the playing community, if the game is looking for a wider customer base to increase player numbers then the Devs need to be constantly aware that this is a highly competitive market and the life blood of games like this is new players.

If however the Devs prefer a more realistic game that will attract mostly hard core players at the expense of new and casual players then that's fine, but that decision will probably have consequences in lower player numbers.

I will certainly play this game less than previously because I don't have the time to make all the long voyages necessary to trade, gather resources and move ships about. 

Removal of Delivery and Tow functions was a big mistake.  I have time as I work while playing..watching 6 screens  (1 for this game).  So I can sail for 4 hours.  This must be implemented back into game or we will lose everyone.     And why should spain have to sail good ships all the way to south America to protect its ports when we are already there.    Playing SPAIN right now may have a lot but we must open like 8 outposts and sail across the map.     UGHH

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9 hours ago, Brogsitter said:

Short feedback on the first impressions:

Some things are good, some are just screwed .... as  usual :D

Specially the economy needs to be fixed ASAP. The NPC are still selling Matrials / Resources cheaper than a player can produce it. Thats just wrong and game killing.

Here is a quick "how to" for a possible fix:

  • the whole economy (ship production) should be player driven
  • remove all NPC production of resources, materials, consumables and cannons
  • raise the amount of building slots up to 10 (8 might be enough though)

=== discuss ===

Yeah..that too.      Love this idea.

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