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Hotfix for patch 9.97: Land in port battles


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6 minutes ago, DeRuyter said:

Mast HP was modestly increased (30% on average)

Is this increased HP on the lower mast hit box only or distributed throughout the whole mast?



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the change was done based on some active pvp players feedback, but the current feeling that it might be overdone taking into account reinforced masts bonuses. 

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2 hours ago, admin said:

same as sinking mechanics - you will be sent to port where you will be sent if you sank - so if the nearest port is a freetown - it will be a free town.

Perhaps you could consider sending the player to the last friendly / neutral port visited?  This would avoid using TP to shorten dangerous trade runs, but would make little difference for raiders (because the nearest friendly / neutral port is probably the last port they visited.  It would also encourage sailing further for PvP because you can avoid long, boring sail back.

40 minutes ago, Jeheil said:

If you are not at WAR with someone you should be neutral. Thats it. You cant capture ports after raising hostility with a nation your not at war with. Thats just silly. It just needs fixing. You want Spanish land. Go to war with them.

Then they will simply have temporary wars of convenience.  And if allies can trade land via a legit mechanic, why would they when they could trade ports and get best PvP rewards in game at no risk the other way?

Edited by akd
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43 minutes ago, admin said:

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the change was done based on some active pvp players feedback, but the current feeling that it might be overdone taking into account reinforced masts bonuses. 

Demasting is still a problem and I think 30% is perfect to keep players fighting side to side and not sails all the time. I had a fight in my Consti vs 2 Frigates. I was able to keep them off and enjoyed the fight up until they chewed my sails and fun was over. I had their armor down low, but I had no sails left to operate the 4th rate. This 30% is what I needed to keep fighting, it really works well in gank situations and will help many players. 

You are on the right track and if someone says it's too much I say it's not enough. Gank demasting is what is killing this game, making demast useless what you should do. Players should fight broadside to broadside. On the other hand, Demast in port battles will still work, since incoming damage is 10x heavier. 

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Why would Determined Defender be removed? How stupid is our crew now to not know how to prevent boardings? It was already lowered to only 25%. This is sad to know that now my crew will actually catch and attach enemy grappling hooks.

Edited by van der Decken
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11 minutes ago, Wind said:

Demasting is still a problem and I think 30% is perfect to keep players fighting side to side and not sails all the time. I had a fight in my Consti vs 2 Frigates. I was able to keep them off and enjoyed the fight up until they chewed my sails and fun was over. I had their armor down low, but I had no sails left to operate the 4th rate. This 30% is what I needed to keep fighting, it really works well in gank situations and will help many players. 

You are on the right track and if someone says it's too much I say it's not enough. Gank demasting is what is killing this game, making demast useless what you should do. Players should fight broadside to broadside. On the other hand, Demast in port battles will still work, since incoming damage is 10x heavier. 

You could have demasted one of them and turned it it into a 1v1 (but maybe not so much now).  Which is to say changes work both ways.

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1 minute ago, admin said:

Nation NPC still field large fleets in certain areas. We never said we want to remove them. 

this screenshot was just taken in sweedish waters and this is not only ai fleet there

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18 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

Why would Determined Defender be removed? How stupid is our crew now to not know how to prevent boardings? It was already lowered to only 25%. This is sad to know that now my crew will actually catch and attach enemy grappling hooks.

Becuase some stupid magic perks tells me I can't board you cause I don't have more crew than you?  All it did was make folks use grape more and more.   I beaten many a boards where I was out number by as much as twice my crew (they weren't board fit) so why would that stop me from boarding any one else other than a silly perk. It got to a point every dang ship we came across had that perk on it that we just stopped boarding and just sank folks instead.   Sorry I'm a pirate and I want my price and that is your cargo and your ship maybe, but if I can't board than you can't have it either.   

This one thing is going to make a lot of folks happy and many a PvE/Care-bears sad.  Almost makes up for other things.


Oh Pirate Perk got 3% to turning added to that might make folks use it more now.   I still want to know what the other changes to mods, ships and such was.

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Sorry for being off topic, but regarding BS issue.

Can you go to the nearest port with cargo in ship? If so, why not exclude the ability to go to the nearest friendly port if there is cargo in the ship.  If they can be moved with cargo, that's dumb, just killing any hunters. 

I killed my very first player LGV solo (w/out my gank group) the other day. Looking forward to capturing/sinking more traders. 

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44 minutes ago, Wind said:

Demasting is still a problem and I think 30% is perfect to keep players fighting side to side and not sails all the time. I had a fight in my Consti vs 2 Frigates. I was able to keep them off and enjoyed the fight up until they chewed my sails and fun was over. I had their armor down low, but I had no sails left to operate the 4th rate. This 30% is what I needed to keep fighting, it really works well in gank situations and will help many players. 

You are on the right track and if someone says it's too much I say it's not enough. Gank demasting is what is killing this game, making demast useless what you should do. Players should fight broadside to broadside. On the other hand, Demast in port battles will still work, since incoming damage is 10x heavier. 

"Making demast useless [is] what you should do. Players should fight broadside to broadside"....  Is this sarcasm?  Because that is one of the silliest things I have seen on these forums....

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3 minutes ago, Hodo said:

I agree that you may have over done it because of the reinforced mast bonus and rigging specialist.   You will have indestructible masts with those bonuses.  



I was thinking the same thing cause I have a ship with the perk and regional and it has a pretty tuff mast/sails. I guess maybe the demasting thing is bigger on PvP1.  For me it's all the sail shot they do that is annoying while you pounding on there broad side.

38 minutes ago, Sea Archer said:

Now that determined defender is removed there should be a chance to see if the enemy is preparing for boarding. Maybe some crew with axes crowding the weather deck.

You got ears?  Listen for that whistle.   It's the fist thing I hear when I know some one might be getting ready or they are board fit.  Well than other things like large crew on the ship, the fact they loose a lot of crew when you hit them cause of being in board prep and well just flat out knowledge of what folks do when they try to board as I do it too.

I do turn my whistle on and off some times to confuse folks and get them to back off my sides.  Than again some folks know I do board fit some times but you never really know when I do it or not.

32 minutes ago, Anne Wildcat said:

Sorry for being off topic, but regarding BS issue.

Can you go to the nearest port with cargo in ship? If so, why not exclude the ability to go to the nearest friendly port if there is cargo in the ship.  If they can be moved with cargo, that's dumb, just killing any hunters. 

I killed my very first player LGV solo (w/out my gank group) the other day. Looking forward to capturing/sinking more traders. 

Just wait until you get your first Indianan by yourself....lol

Yah that teleport with cargo thing just pretty much threw any of my Trader hunting out of the window now.

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7 minutes ago, Hodo said:

If you built a steel mast ship....

Regional mast thickness bonus, stiffness, reinforced mast upgrade, reinforced sails, rigging specialist.  You will have a massive mast and sail damage reduction buff.  


if u fear so much to be de-masted go on make such a useless ship, cause in combat u will be de-vasted.

imho 2 same class ships fighting should not be able to demast each others , or it should be rare at least. maybe only with charge shots loaded. so i have no problem if a surpise cannot demast a constitution, but the conny can easy demast the surpr. i see no prob there.

maybe we can introduce some skill based demasting instead of this single shot meta that is now. maybe if we can hit the same mast with several cannon balls in the same broadside we can demast.

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1 hour ago, akd said:

You could have demasted one of them and turned it it into a 1v1 (but maybe not so much now).  Which is to say changes work both ways.

I am not going to explain the whole story about how US nation acting in PvP battles. I know what I could do and what couldn't.;) The point is ,it will help players survive and prolong battle fun.  

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3 minutes ago, Hodo said:

I think two ships of the same class should be able to take out each others masts.  

The problem is our guns are too accurate.

yes u are right, cannons were not so accurate, i have a bellona french refit + pellew sights gold and it is a beast, less dispersion than a yamato lol.

we can try lower the accuracy but increase damage and penetration, i would be fine with this

Edited by elite92
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Demasting as a tactic = Gone. (It was fine before this hotfix so i do not, at all, understand this change...)

Bellona faster than some frigates and 4th rates = Why? 

Speed mods nerfed = Why? 
- If anything speed mods should not be changed while Pirate Refit should have been nerfed. 

Tommy = Frustrated. 


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11 minutes ago, Hodo said:

I think two ships of the same class should be able to take out each others masts.  

The problem is our guns are too accurate.

What if that's a gank group of 2 Frigates and 2 more Endys? We are not talking 1vs1s. In 1vs1 only noobs go for sails. However in a gank situation they always go for sails and that has to stop. If they ganked me with their friends let's go broadside to broadside like real men. 

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2 minutes ago, Wind said:

What is that is a gank group of 2 Frigates and 2 more Endys? We are not talking 1vs1s. In 1vs1 only noobs go for sails. 

in 1v1 liquicity go for sails LOL.

btw demast was a fact and it should be a fact also in the game. but not so easier than destroy a side. u need 2 min to demast and 20 to destroy a side...

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In regards to the battle screen changes,


I think it may be a bit too forgiving to allow the person in the battle screen to simply teleport to the nearest friendly port. If I catch an indiaman out in open waters and i miss my bow cannons for whatever reason and he gets out of the fight despite me gaining on him, he can just teleport away. Do you guys have any plans for a possible penalty for teleporting?



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17 minutes ago, elite92 said:

in 1v1 liquicity go for sails LOL.

btw demast was a fact and it should be a fact also in the game. but not so easier than destroy a side. u need 2 min to demast and 20 to destroy a side...

Kite tactic is still at large and will remain that way. With 30% increase to Mast HP demast will take longer , but it will still be possible if gankers use the fleet. Longer time means more time for a victim to cause returning damage on attacker that in some situations will turn out Victorious for the victim. This is what Naval Action needs, unpredictable ending or in other words great 'comeback'.

If a Victim can sink 2 NPCs and hurt 3rd player badly and force him to flee, then I can call this a good balance. It will cost attacker 2 npc ships and crew maybe 200k+ in damages compared to Victims 1 dura lost in 50% of cases. 

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5 minutes ago, Wind said:

Kite tactic is still at large and will remain that way. With 30% increase to Mast HP demast will take longer , but it will still be possible if gankers use fleet. Longer time means more time for a victim to cause returning damage on attacker that in some situation will turn out Victorious for the victim. This is what Naval Action needs, unpredictable ending or in other words 'comeback'.

Mast Thickness was increased.
Mast HP Increased. 
Reinf Masts Buffed. 

Tell me, are we balancing the game around relatively even fights or are we balancing the game around ganks? 

Gankers will always have an easy time, these changes will not change that. However it will remove Demasting from the game. Not because of HP Increase but because of Thickness increase.

I do not know who the Developers asked about Demasting and whether or not they should Buff mast thickness/HP. 
But i can tell you this much. The people they asked lack some serious knowledge.
Masts were fine before this hotfix. No reason, at all, to change it.

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