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Bad reviewers on Steam with 1,000+ hours: You are an absolute disgrace

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39 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

Youre kind of a idiot i guess...

... and negitive reviews should be banned...

None of us can force you to act, think and speak sensibly. If the game is dead to you because you don't get everything the way you want, then...

I admit I get a bit annoyed with your misrepresentation, though. Northern's justified and holy anger isn't directed at banning anything at all, he's appealing in glorious colorful language to you who have liked the game for 1k-6k hours to not let yourself slip into childish behaviour when something needs fixing.

Anyone can do whatever they want, nothing will change that, it is your right and your privilege

But what kind of behavior do you want the rest of us to witness?


About using steam reviews as a way of voting against changes in the game:


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19 minutes ago, Magnum said:

Jodji ......

oh nevermind - have fun playing with yourself .....

So... Help promote the game in any way we can while we all contribute to make Naval Action better ends up with me alone wanking?

It's not like everything is exactly the way I want it. I'm full of unpopular opinions. I could throw loss, hauling and even the economy in a fiery pit. Should I start bitching and moaning about you guys and the devs having a different idea?

This game still has that fantastic core gameplay it always had. I still have faith.

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9 minutes ago, jodgi said:

So... Help promote the game in any way we can while we all contribute to make Naval Action better ends up with me alone wanking?

It's not like everything is exactly the way I want it. I'm full of unpopular opinions. I could throw loss, hauling and even the economy in a fiery pit. Should I start bitching and moaning about you guys and the devs having a different idea?

This game still has that fantastic core gameplay it always had. I still have faith.

Reviews are not there to promote a game when it is having a hard time!!! They promote games that are continuosly providing good content up to the point of the review being written or they warn people from buying the game if the game has developed into crap or has been crap since the very first moment!

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16 minutes ago, jodgi said:

So... Help promote the game in any way we can while we all contribute to make Naval Action better ends up with me alone wanking?

It's not like everything is exactly the way I want it. I'm full of unpopular opinions. I could throw loss, hauling and even the economy in a fiery pit. Should I start bitching and moaning about you guys and the devs having a different idea?

This game still has that fantastic core gameplay it always had. I still have faith.

NOT ONCE in 6 pages has anyone (no Dev, no Mod, no tester ... nobody) said "hey Mags - what's your beef with the game - how can we address it? It has been all about "you have no right to have a beef with the game cause you've played lotsa hours" or "your a childish babygirl for voicing your beef"

Well _____ that - I DO have a right to have a beef(s) with the game and the mods and the Devs.

As our President elect would say - "Deal with it"

Edited by Magnum
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27 minutes ago, jodgi said:

So... Help promote the game in any way we can while we all contribute to make Naval Action better ends up with me alone wanking?

It's not like everything is exactly the way I want it. I'm full of unpopular opinions. I could throw loss, hauling and even the economy in a fiery pit. Should I start bitching and moaning about you guys and the devs having a different idea?

This game still has that fantastic core gameplay it always had. I still have faith.

Hahahaah you would make a great communist dictator .  

Oh and yeah "this game had great core play"hahahahahahahaha. ok youhave fun playing with your 9 friends till servers close.

Youhave always been tbe same.i gave up . i see thie game lost its niche. please stope tryint to tell me how awesome youbare.

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Mags, it's about how you voice your beef and not that you have a beef. But it's true, I don't know what your beef is. I've been away for a while and when I got back you were already pretty much in destructive rage mode.

Do you remember when I had a beef with the game? I am among those who made a lot of noise about long timers. There  were weeks when I brought that particular beef to the forums on a daily basis. People were mad at me but I didn't get the impression my beef wasn't allowed. I wonder why you feel you're not allowed to have a beef?



I don't want to play with my nine friends only. I find many of your forum posts to be... A little over the top, but I still want you to stay. I won't bring you out in the woods and shoot you in the neck, so I have that going for me. I will duel you if you like, I can even make you a great ship if that would help your server transition.

Yea, I've been the same pretty much the whole time. All I truly care for is shooting at ships. I notice that some don't love me for that, if I set out to please everyone I would fail, crash and burn. Sorry.

But, doomed, pls. I'm not walking around, dick swinging, trying to impress upon everyone how great I am. If I ever had such a bone in me Doran has long since crushed it.

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I played just under 1000 hours right now (994 to be exact) and I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy my time playing this game.

but the current state of the game, in my opinion, is just not worth continuing to play. So how do I show that in a review? I rate the game positive for having a good foundation, but at least in its current form I rate the game negatively for the many recent blunders that have caused myself and many others I know to stop playing altogether.

Look, I want this game to succeed but in its current form I find it hard to keep a positive review...and is that bad? I want to properly explain my disappointment without sounding like a child, but it's hard to do so when others will just plaster you for not enjoying a game you've played for so long.

Edited by Teutonic
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so after 5 days this is what I logged back in to... - I don't understand how people would even dare demand a positive review from me due to the play time! @Llewellyn Jones RN quite frankly I consider your arguments beat with this screenshot alone... Yeah I logged in again today and got my ship to the capital and logged out seriously considering whether I should deinstall the game - that aint playing and that aint fun.

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48 minutes ago, JollyRoger1516 said:


so after 5 days this is what I logged back in to... - I don't understand how people would even dare demand a positive review from me due to the play time! @Llewellyn Jones RN quite frankly I consider your arguments beat with this screenshot alone... Yeah I logged in again today and got my ship to the capital and logged out seriously considering whether I should deinstall the game - that aint playing and that aint fun.

You do realize this simply supports Northern's point (which was not to demand positive reviews), don't you?

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Well, with my 5K hours playing this game, loving most and enjoying my experience immensely.  At the current time I cannot recommend this game to anyone.  Face it folks....IT IS CURRENTLY BROKEN.  

To be honest, I'm quite surprised that  the DEV's haven't made more of an attempt to fix the current broken patch..  Honestly, one half-hearted attempt to slap a used bandaid on the broken War Supply exploit problem and.....NOTHING.  Didn't fix a thing and no more attempts to fix it.    The single Patch didn't solve the problem.  Instead what we have now is Naval Craft War, where every one is frantically sailing around, like a drunk chick looking for some fine wood.   Or hauling materials into alt crafters to craft a bomb, and when a bomb is set off, we have people logging off under the flag hours, or days before the port battle for the soul reason to avoid PVP.

So honestly ask your self this "Is the current game fun"?  My answer is NO and I cannot recommend it at the current time.  I hope that the next patch fixes the issues the game has because taken as a whole, I have really loved this game.  But to be honest, when I saw the latest 7 port battle hostility neutron bomb, I logged off and went and watched TV.

still NOTHING from the DEV's on how this bombing is going to be fixed.

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On 11/22/2016 at 3:49 PM, admin said:

we mentioned in the patch notes that lord protectors will come back if night flips become an issue 

also war supplies will be tuned/fixed to only provide the hostility up to a certain level


On 11/23/2016 at 0:02 PM, admin said:

hostility will only work from 0 to 50% in the next patch

regarding night flips there are 2 options

  1. potbs style universal time window for example port battles can be only set up from 7pm to 23pm european time for european server and american time for american server.
  2. lord protectors based on attacking or defensive hostility points for that region who will then set up an acceptable window for the port

we are inclined to chose option 1. Its funny how some things we did not like in potbs are actually the only ones working :)


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1 hour ago, Powderhorn said:

Apologies, I didn't catch it was in an inaccessible spot.  Regardless, it's being addressed this coming patch.  Hopefully we can collectively put those torches and pitchforks away.

I think 50% is still too high, for me  25 or 35% is reasonable. 

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It still doesn't address other reasons people give bad reviews. It's not just ONE issue that turns off a player that has played thousands of hours - it's a straw that finally breaks the camel's back.

For me it was a smug mod who arbitrarily demoted me for no reason whatsoever that broke my back - but I was already pretty sad about the direction "REAL" PvP has gone (the kind me and Jodgi and Prater and many others like). I also really hate the way these stoopid 25v25 "port battles" and day flipping have gone - are you kidding me "LOGGING AN ALT OFF IN FRONT OF A BATTLE SCENE 36 HOURS BEFORE JUST TO AVOID PvP"? Well I guess I can understand Wolf13 doing it after the loss of 2 first rates in front of Bermuda - but still.

It's not just one thing ....

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23 minutes ago, Magnum said:

It still doesn't address other reasons people give bad reviews. It's not just ONE issue that turns off a player that has played thousands of hours - it's a straw that finally breaks the camel's back.

For me it was a smug mod who arbitrarily demoted me for no reason whatsoever that broke my back - but I was already pretty sad about the direction "REAL" PvP has gone (the kind me and Jodgi and Prater and many others like). I also really hate the way these stoopid 25v25 "port battles" and day flipping have gone - are you kidding me "LOGGING AN ALT OFF IN FRONT OF A BATTLE SCENE 36 HOURS BEFORE JUST TO AVOID PvP"? Well I guess I can understand Wolf13 doing it after the loss of 2 first rates in front of Bermuda - but still.

It's not just one thing ....

muffin you think your special because they took your tester status away hell i lost that and a fancy forum tittle and i am not that butt hurt about it 

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17 minutes ago, Young said:

muffin you think your special because they took your tester status away hell i lost that and a fancy forum tittle and i am not that butt hurt about it 

You miss the point cupcake, I was pointing out how it is the death of several dozen cuts - NOT just one.

And I am Special - see my picture .... I'm the one with my arm up: ht7o4QB.png%20

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8 hours ago, akd said:

You do realize this simply supports Northern's point (which was not to demand positive reviews), don't you?

Really? I dn't see how. Apart from being a response to Llewleyn's post Northern does pretty much dictated that should I wish for the server pop to go up I need to rate positive no matter my real opinion! And should you refer to the temper tantrum kiddies - well yes the game right now enrages me. however the fact that it does so on a regular basis would show that in the end even a calm assesment of the situation comes down to a negative perception. I play games for fun and enjoyment not to be angry or disappointed all the time. Quite frankly I don't care anymore. The game right now is fucked up and the simple 50% hostility lock fix took a full month - that is unacceptable - coding that takes about 2-5 days and the suggestions was there from day 1. I myself am waiting for the patch before I post a review but I can guarentee you that I am heavily inclined to write a negative one at the current stage of the game. And to pretty much end the discussion now - the reviews are being done on steam not on naval action - I am allowed to post whatever opinion I have no matter whether you like that or not. As long as the steam rules are satisfied and I am not lying out of my arse I do not have to cater to your enjoyment!

Edited by JollyRoger1516
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10 hours ago, Powderhorn said:



I am quite disappointed to find that topics that are being so hotly discussed on the forums and ones that people have been looking for direction on from the Devs are being discussed by the Devs on some section of the forum not accessible by everyone. I can understand that there is no requirement for Devs internal discussions to be openly debated on the forum, but judging from the quotes provided these appear to be some form of response to the playerbase, which then begs the question as to which section of the playerbase is being given this information? is it just people with tester status? if so why has this info not filtered down to the rest of the players. It is clear that these posts were about a week ago, yet majority of the players do not know about it.

Another issue I have is that it seems that the way forward with war supplies has been decided by limiting them to maximum of 50%. I can tell you now that this will not work as you may as well just halve the hostility points required to generate a port battle. The people who do not like grinding PvE will still complain. If it can only be used to generate the first 50% of hostility then it will easily be countered by the defenders having counter war supplies in important regions (assuming of course that war supplies can be used in this way) and if not then it will just mean a quick rush to do counter PvE missions. If the war supplies can be used for the final 50% of hostility then the attackers will have them ready in the port and then do a rush on PvE missions to hopefully hit 50% hostility before defenders can react and then drop the war supplies.

Either way I do not think that it is a good solution to the war supplies issue. It may stop the multiple port battles at the same time but will not be much different from what we have now. There may be even less port battles.

I do think it is an idea that some of these contentious issues and their solutions be put to the forum in a heavily moderated topic so they can be discussed in a civilized manner and any pitfalls raised before implementation, rather than pushing them out in a patch for testing and then finding we still have a broken mechanic and have to wait another month for a fix to it, which again may not solve the issue. I understand that there may be many views on the solutions but I am sure out of the discussions some obvious problems with a proposed solution would surface.

It also appears from the quotes that a decision has been made to go with region specific servers, this may work in the final release, but in the current phase of the game it will lead to empty servers. Restricting the port battle time from 7pm - 23pm will eliminate a hell of a lot of players from nations that have a lot of players from outside that timezone. I think it will be that serious that some of these nations will not be able to continue effectively. Since the last patch the issue of night flips has not been major, if I remember correctly apart from the initial couple of shallow water regions taken by the USA there has only been one other time when 2 port battles were simultaneously carried out at 01:00 server time and there were sufficient people online that both battles were fully contested.

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14 hours ago, Salty Dog PVP1 said:

Well, with my 5K hours playing this game, loving most and enjoying my experience immensely.  At the current time I cannot recommend this game to anyone.  Face it folks....IT IS CURRENTLY BROKEN.  

To be honest, I'm quite surprised that  the DEV's haven't made more of an attempt to fix the current broken patch..  Honestly, one half-hearted attempt to slap a used bandaid on the broken War Supply exploit problem and.....NOTHING.  Didn't fix a thing and no more attempts to fix it.    The single Patch didn't solve the problem.  Instead what we have now is Naval Craft War, where every one is frantically sailing around, like a drunk chick looking for some fine wood.   Or hauling materials into alt crafters to craft a bomb, and when a bomb is set off, we have people logging off under the flag hours, or days before the port battle for the soul reason to avoid PVP.

So honestly ask your self this "Is the current game fun"?  My answer is NO and I cannot recommend it at the current time.  I hope that the next patch fixes the issues the game has because taken as a whole, I have really loved this game.  But to be honest, when I saw the latest 7 port battle hostility neutron bomb, I logged off and went and watched TV.

still NOTHING from the DEV's on how this bombing is going to be fixed.

Agree wholeheartly !!!

...introducing a mechanic which could get exploited to the absolute opposite what was intended is one thing...but letting the players abuse this to an extent which left all reasonable people headshaking is not excusable (...speaking about the Devs inactivity)

This coupled with many already for months existing loopholes and exploits and some fundamental wrong design choices (about which there are no consensus in the community to be honest) in the past, ...yeah, do i have to say more ??

Edited by Sir Max Magic
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1 hour ago, Sir Max Magic said:

Agree wholeheartly !!!

...introducing a mechanic which could get exploited to the absolute opposite what was intended is one thing...but letting the players abuse this to an extent which left all reasonable people headshaking is not excusable (...speaking about the Devs inactivity)

This coupled with many already for months existing loopholes and exploits and some fundamental wrong design choices (about which there are no consensus in the community to be honest) in the past, ...yeah, do i have to say more ??

Another slew of players leaving after the Danes take Bermuda today? yes. But at least after they take Bermuda this stoopid stoopid mechanic which should have been reversed the FIRST TIME it was used will get an overhaul.

And now with the leak from powderhorn about the devs want curtail "night flipping" - lets just stop with the notion that all players all over the world are welcome to play with their friends from europe --- because to me in the USA what the Danes are doing is Mid-day flipping.


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32 minutes ago, Magnum said:

Another slew of players leaving after the Danes take Bermuda today? yes. But at least after they take Bermuda this stoopid stoopid mechanic which should have been reversed the FIRST TIME it was used will get an overhaul.

And now with the leak from powderhorn about the devs want curtail "night flipping" - lets just stop with the notion that all players all over the world are welcome to play with their friends from europe --- because to me in the USA what the Danes are doing is Mid-day flipping.

What leak?

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See.  This is why we can't have nice things.  You all get the pitchforks and torches out over something, someone tells you how it's being resolved, and you simply redirect said pitchforks and torches.  You complain that you don't get information, and when you get said information, you attempt to weaponize it.  Is it any wonder the developers don't want to wade into this mess?

I wanted to try to help assuage some concerns.  Certainly a mistake I won't make twice.

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8 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

See.  This is why we can't have nice things.  You all get the pitchforks and torches out over something, someone tells you how it's being resolved, and you simply redirect said pitchforks and torches.  You complain that you don't get information, and when you get said information, you attempt to weaponize it.  Is it any wonder the developers don't want to wade into this mess?

I wanted to try to help assuage some concerns.  Certainly a mistake I won't make twice.

My post was not to get at you for giving us the information, it was sheer frustration that these solutions are going to be put in place when I can see they are unlikely to work and then we will have to wait another month with a broken mechanic.

I just feel that there is more to be gained by for certain hot issues being openly discussed in a heavily moderated topic rather than a quick fix solution put in for testing which will obviously not fix the problem.

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