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Patch 9.65 - Crew and resource production


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Sorry if this opens a can o' worms... But I just got this game last week. and just last night managed to get down to CDR (Camp du Roy). Like me, several other players were blind sided by the abrupt and sudden change to this Ports Re-Setting. As it changed from a free port to a Neutral. There was not any forwarning or communication as to this change. Even in the OP above, which is a COPY of the BIG-update OP, there is not a mention of any port changes from FREE to NEUTRAL or vice versa.


 I just spent a good part of my time trying to get to that port, and then finally got it set up, yesterday afternoon (March 9th). There was NOT a forewarning of this change. I looked at all 26 pages of the OP in NEW patches (BIG) -- and only on the last page when someone asks about getting their stuff out, due to this NON -communication of event, is it mentioned.


So! ... will there be a grace period to retrieve items from that port? If not, Will we be compensated for  those items? I had 2 ships and a bunch of commodities in it. I had invested the rate for a 3rd outpost (GOLD; around 50K) just to get in it. Again that was just YESTERDAY! .. and now, I cant even teleport here to retrieve my items. we should be compensated for the lack of warning. As in there was NONE about the port changing that I can find yet. Especially not in the ANNOUCEMENT Section!


 I can understand if I was a nationality player, and my port got attacked. But I am not. Nor am I on the PvP server. Why change it on both maps?


Please allow those of us with items in it, to retrieve them or at the least, compensate us, for that communicational oversight.



-Yank (Aka: Baron von Weisencracker)

Usually by default after a port capture their is a grace period to get your stuff. But you have to get their quickly, I think it's 8hrs or something?

Also this is early access and wipes are coming anyway (apart from normal XP which will not be wiped).

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Well as a pirate on pvp2 this patch wont make life any easier but who cares. This is a good patch from what ive seen and adds another dimension to the overall strategy of the game. The crew changes make battles even more fun.

Witn only a handful of players in my faction who all hate each other and fight all day i wont be able to enjoy the new buildings and resources stuff but i suppose in time i will.

Nice job devs keep it up and this will.be a great great game.

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It seems there was also a change to visibility during storms. The inability to see any port at any meaningful distance during the storms entire duration is a game breaker. The game is simply unplayable in storms and one might as well logout until the storms nominally passes.

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Usually by default after a port capture their is a grace period to get your stuff. But you have to get their quickly, I think it's 8hrs or something?

Also this is early access and wipes are coming anyway (apart from normal XP which will not be wiped).


This may be true but this was a free port that was suppose to be uncapturable. We did not predict or expect this to happen. And I realize about the wipes coming due to pending upgrades but communications about events that directly impact players should be an upmost consideration and included in all future releases. I know this is only a game but we have invested days to obtain  some get those items. Some of us work long hours and able to  investing only a few hours per day on this, what I consider, a Fabulous game.

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It seems there was also a change to visibility during storms. The inability to see any port at any meaningful distance during the storms entire duration is a game breaker. The game is simply unplayable in storms and one might as well logout until the storms nominally passes.

Captain. Storms are part of life at sea :P 

Good navigational skills should allow one to keep sailing through them.

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So now you have to farm build ships to level up at a decent speed, to be able to craft crafting notes for your ship builders.


Since crafting notes give crap xp, as does upgrades, if you want to specialize if either, you have to first grind ship building which is stupid.

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So after a bit of testing the crew management system.


The crew for each task is assigned to it according to its percentage of the max assignable crew.


That means if i have 300 crew 58 guys max on sailing and 430 guys max on gunnery, if i select sailing and gunnery, it will take away crew from my sailing and put it on gunnery :D


Also some commands have priority over others, Boarding has priority over gunnery and sailing, but usually if im going to go to boarding, i want boarding to have priority over gunnery, but not over sailing untill gunnery is depleated.


I really dont like that the game is deciding where it's taking the sailors from!


That's why id suggest the following system:


The Buttons right now have 2 modes On and Off.

I would like them to have 3 modes: On, Stop, Off. Or call them: Assign, Stop, Unassign. Or Green, Grey, Red. 

That way i could decide myself where i want the crew to stay and where i want it to go.

If i click on it it would be like On, stop, off, stop, on, stop, off, stop and so on.

That would feel like me having full control.


Right now the system feels like it does a lot of things that i dont want it to do, and it actually feels like im loosing control over my men, because i keep telling them: nooooo dont go off the sails you bastards, but they wont listen...

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Captain. Storms are part of life at sea :P

Good navigational skills should allow one to keep sailing through them.


They certainly are. Running around unable to do anything for an hour in a GAME makes the GAME broken. And please don't argue "realism" when you "sail" past Savannah, GA at Mach 20. :-P

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I don't understand what you are talking about Captain

2 min entry allows you to attack safer (without worry that 20 ships will enter) if you just scanned the horizon



This change made it harder for the defending team to gank the attacking one.

However it also made ganking more viable from the point of view of the attacking team. A little squad of 3-4 ships can attack a lone vessel and he might not be able to get help in time from nearby allies.


In the end it's just two sides of the same coin and you either promote ganking from the initiator perspective or the one undergoing it.

Edited by Nalyd
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so for x1 compass wood, it costs you 528 gold + 1 labour hour. sells for 600. so Level 3 building costs 10.000 + 50.000+150.000 + 10.000 for outpost. it grants 20 per day. 

total cost 220.000 gold. 

profit of 72 gold per compass wood.

3055 compass wood to break even.  20 per day.

152 Real days to break even?

is this a *********** joke?


This is my thoughts the fact that you have to pay to harvest resources after having already paid such a epic price for buildings is dumb. With ports still producing the same as before, it makes it an epic waste to invest in buildings at this current stage. When they remove port production it may have an effect due to players having to buy strictly from other players but the end result will be ship prices skyrocketing. The economy right now makes zero sense.

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It seems there was also a change to visibility during storms. The inability to see any port at any meaningful distance during the storms entire duration is a game breaker. The game is simply unplayable in storms and one might as well logout until the storms nominally passes.


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This is my thoughts the fact that you have to pay to harvest resources after having already paid such a epic price for buildings is dumb. With ports still producing the same as before, it makes it an epic waste to invest in buildings at this current stage. When they remove port production it may have an effect due to players having to buy strictly from other players but the end result will be ship prices skyrocketing. The economy right now makes zero sense.


Yeah I have to admit I was pretty surprised that I had to pay both labour and coin to get resources out of the facilities after dropping millions on the buildings in the first place. The coin I don't really mind though its the labour that kills its usefulness for me as I need all the labour for shipbuilding my build queue is weeks long as it is.

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Being able to assign crew numbers to tasks is needed.  


I'm in boarding focus, with gunnery off, and sailing mans to half crew --- but I don't need or want so many men for boarding, I only want to use 50% of the total I'm forced to use.  I'd rather have those other crew remain on sailing duties as we maneuver in place.






In Star Citizen, they have a way of adjusting shield and power levels with the use of the number pad....you're confined by 100% of total shield or total energy, but you can indepdently adjust each to any amounts... Maybe someone else can explain/show how that is done...  I've only played it a few times :)

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Now that I have had a chance to try this patch out, THIS GAME ROCKS! I love the buildings aspect and additional economy this creates. Well done. The big ship sail mechanics are a little off and extremely slow given the wind direction and velocity but I really like the new patch. It is a game changer but anyone who understands the basic sailing concepts should catch on fast. 

Any chance of allowing deliveries between same nation ports as in Free Towns? Just wondering?

Excellent job on the game upgrades and please pass my thanks along to those whom work hard to make this game awesome. 


PS: the ship graphics are really impressive too. 

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So now that Camp du Roy has been changed to a neutral port instead of free port as a pirate I can't get any of the ships that I still have stored in there at all. Still have an outpost with 3 ships in the port but can't teleport or enter the port at all.


Edit: just saw that it's being reset to free town next week for a while.

Edited by Senza
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Yeah I have to admit I was pretty surprised that I had to pay both labour and coin to get resources out of the facilities after dropping millions on the buildings in the first place. The coin I don't really mind though its the labour that kills its usefulness for me as I need all the labour for shipbuilding my build queue is weeks long as it is.

This is them trying to say if you want to do serious levels of ship building, the process and steps required to do it are not sustainable in fact will slow you down if you operate as a privateer shipbuilder. Since so far everything for lone players has been pretty fair, I'm surprised about there being such a shift in mindset.

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This is my thoughts the fact that you have to pay to harvest resources after having already paid such a epic price for buildings is dumb. With ports still producing the same as before, it makes it an epic waste to invest in buildings at this current stage. When they remove port production it may have an effect due to players having to buy strictly from other players but the end result will be ship prices skyrocketing. The economy right now makes zero sense.


hey people need to eat as well, think about the money you need to play to gather stuff is salary. The hour you need to spend to gather stuff is you need to overlook your men or they will steal your stuff. Happy now :D


For crew managing, I think we need 1 more button like manual sail,



you turn it on, you can tap sailing, you crew move to sailing, when you tap it again, your crews stop move there.


But then you will need a lock function, for example. if i want 100 crews on to sail my 3rd, I lock 100 there, so I dont need to worry when I do boarding and it takes my crews out of sailing.

Edited by Nash
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