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Everything posted by Tomms123

  1. Did you send a bug report by pressing F11 after this happen ?
  2. Also to be noted on what Steel wrote, if your crew then go into survival they will start fighting the fire so that activity isnt halted.
  3. This type of suggestion has been previous made by Steelsandwich in this thread http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12946-the-national-bank/
  4. You will get a redeemable button on the left side of the "sail" button. This is how the pvp3 merged looked like http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13913-important-announcement-pvp-eu-3-server-closing-and-merge
  5. You can change nation and keep it, your stuff will be located under a button on the left side of the "Sail" button which says x redeemables (x stands for the amount of redeemables you got) The pacific coast will be the PVE area. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14640-devlog-forthcoming-content-patches-plan/?p=271569
  6. This sounds great Looking forward to test it all
  7. Try to restart steam at first, if that dont help restart your PC.
  8. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14605-pvp-one-eu-server-connection-issue-10062016/ This is the thread with the information about it
  9. At port on the right side of the sail button you got a button which says Smuggler (something like that) tick that one and you will be seen as a pirate/smuggler so you can attack everyone (except your own nation) and everyone can attack you. If you're on a trader ship and you got the smuggler button ticked you can enter any ports no matter which nation owns it. If you hover over with your mouse on the box you will also get a tooltip which explains it. Edit: Everyone can attack you, but if you try to attack your own nation you will have to turn pirate to be able to do so. If you then accept that you will turn pirate and you will have your national flag on,
  10. The game is in Early Access and is still in development.
  11. Hello To keep both ships or several ships you have captured in battle the battle itself needs to be completely over, so when it says "Battle Over" its all green to leave and keep all the ships you now own. You left before the battle were over and thus only kept the captured ship, which is by design.
  12. Do you have a character on another server where you have tried attacking something?
  13. http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=115 Information of the ship from threedecks.org
  14. Yes you can create the account right now and you will have the redeemables after the migration.
  15. Maybe the player has been playing on one of the other servers as the XP and crafting XP is tied to the steam account ID.
  16. Yes you can. But make sure you redeem on the new player and not the old one that you plan to delete.
  17. "Merged assets are provided for server account. It does not matter if you have a player on EU 1 or not If you don't have a player on PVP EU 1 you can create a player and he will have all merged assets from the EU 3 server in the redeemables list If you have a player on PVP EU 1 he will have all merged assets in the redeemable list "
  18. I played British from start (when open world hit Naval Action) but I wanted a tougher challenge so I choose Sweden
  19. IKEA do still exist, but is not at all serious. It's usually only me online and I do mostly whatever I want If you seek after a coordinating clan I would suggest other clans than IKEA
  20. There is difference in the time which these pictures reflect. The one over the shipyard in Stockholm shows the old castle Tre Kronor (can then be between 1588 to 1697, but looking at the shape of the ship its around 1650). story about the old castle you can read here http://www.kungahuset.se/besokkungligaslotten/kungligaslottet/museumtrekronor/historik.4.19ae4931022afdcff380005588.html(its in swedish but there is an option to read it in english or russian to) https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/K0025083_00001?beta=true#?s=0&cv=0&c=0&m=0&z=-0.0531%2C-0.0155%2C1.1516%2C0.6464this drawing is from 1820 and reflect how it looked http://digitaltmuseum.se/011024828387?owner_filter=S-SMM-SM&query=ritning&producer=chapman,%20fredrik&advanced_search=1&pos=8here is Fredrik af Chapmans drawing of it from 1797 The Holmen shipyard pic the story about it you will find here http://milhist.dk/vabnet/major-danish-warships-built-holmen-shipyard-1692-1744/ There is also a thread about it from late 2014 http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2320-major-danish-warships-built-at-the-holmen-shipyard-1692-1744-article/
  21. Bach please read the post again. " Lord protector is a person who earned most victory points in the port battle (port assault flag will be abandoned)" Again "National decisions are enforced by design. If captains don't like national policies - capture more ports and change the decision. Maybe a large guild in opposition to a government should get an option to become a rebel, starting a civil war allowing them to capture ports from existing owners getting votes to change national decision deposing a current ruler. Foreign nations can incite civil wars and pay rebels to weaken enemy nations"
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