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Everything posted by nebsif

  1. possible le scenario that will never happen as long as the names are in http://imgur.com/iv5R2sY [ <- assuming that in the heat of battle Im stuck in tunnel vision on gunnery mode like most people when shit hits the fan] Another scenario based on current sea trials (to stimulate imagination):
  2. In the ingame menu you have Graphics Settings: Low, Medium, High, Ultra, Custom. Click Custom ---> disable antistrophy. I noticed no visual change but gained around 20(!!!) FPS.
  3. Bumpity! Make it depend where and with what you got hit (after the new damage system is in). it shouldnt have much/any effect on 1st rates, but u cant expect the same combat resilience from a merchant ship *crew*. +ever heard of (gamey) deminishing returns? Say the realization that you either fight or die - each stun would decrease the next stun's duration by X%. gg Gamey/unrealistic = My surprise eating a full victory's broadside, continuing to reload as if nothing happened, returning fire and then casually switching to survival.
  4. Any history buffs can enlighten me please why Galleon type ships got replaced with.. "flat deck" vessels? Except being a huge targets were they also way slower? Asking coz I'd like to see some 1600's ships ingame but dk how useless would they be? Current ships, for some1 new to age of sail - all look the same, kinda like panzer 3 - panzer 4 - Tiger. imo those could bring some variety and an extra form of progression instead of just unlocking ships with more guns everytime (roughly). Say you could get a 36 gun galleon (if such existed) OR a brig/snow, that way bigger wont always mean better (in terms of current sea trials).. Just look how monstrous that galleon is, its not pretty like the surprise or consti, but its awesome in its crudeness & lack of decorations.. hope u understand what im trying to say edit: more pic
  5. told you im gonna make a sig outta it freaking crashed twice attempting to take 4k screenies
  6. ^Any other ships u know are being worked on except the orange red revealed last week? Mercury pls Edit: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3006-development-plans-winter-spring-2015/ made my day
  7. Name restrictions on ships are close to nick name restrictions. Imagine if any1 sailin a Vict would get temp renamed to Nelson, or if u'd start game with random gen oldshool name like William McPie w/ no option changing it. I Wanna make my own name ppl will recognize, ship customizability plays a big part in building and image and gibs players something more personal to associate with. Renaming should be basic stuff rly, just like switching paint schemes + decorations (to a historically reasonable lvl ofc). **TlDr i want a sandbox MMO w/ realistic ship combat, not a Nelson simulator** If u dont want f2p p2w there has to be customization for real moneh anyway.. /thread
  8. Id rather see Hms dickbutt vs 50 hms surprise (both unhistorical). And stop being tyrants about cosmetic stuff as long as its not pink marpat painted ships. Customizabilty is super important. Edit: sry for the rant, agree with OP btw
  9. HUGE PENETRATION HOLES ! Anyway, when people get painted with penetration/impact decals and then you happen to reload/rejoin the game after a crash or just alt + f4, the old penetration textures will get enlarged by a quadzillion, but newer registered hits will still be shown with tiny ass 7.62mm holes. uploaded a few screenies for your convinience http://imgur.com/a/gxO10 DxDiag stuff: (I actually like the big ones, its a nice way of tellin a damaged ship from a distance w/o relying on health bars since we dont have fires + partial destruction models (yet? )) Posting here so community guys can yell at me if its known or attempt to confirm it on their machines as well to eliminate the NEBS ITS YOUR POTATO AT FAULT NOT THE GAYM
  10. lol fights already take 30-50 mins, and thats with both sides actually wanting to sink each other vs chasing some1 who only wants to escape once open world is in. I know IRL ships could chase each other for 5 hrs before catching up but uhm.........
  11. and those design plans dayum, so many and so detailed! Game Labs pls edit: was she maybe also available in black and white coloring?
  12. WANT! We dont have any ships of this kind (with that door thing on the front, excuse my lack of knowledge plx) + me thinks it can be used as both combat and merchant ship with slight model modifications
  13. Arenas hurt open world pvp though, why sail for loong minutes trying to find some1 when u csn just 1 click arena? WoW and archeage made those mistakes.. btw the weekend player argument is exactly why 90% games out there are dumbed down to shit, press F to pay respects if u agree.
  14. Definetly need 4k screens for reasearch and further discussion.
  15. nebsif


    BUMP! LFM stuff like this http://dmitriy-mir.deviantart.com/art/HMS-Victory-381311978
  16. +1. Can make OP's suggested travel system cost labor to balance it vs well.. actual sailing which I hope will also be present. Altho how do u prevent tjme travel then?
  17. how complicated can ship combat get beyond more detailed boarding, which u wont do that much till trading is in, and damage model 4.0? lobbing cannon balls on a "flat" map w/o a purpose (no risk, only gain) gets boring quite fast. Im not saying this as a complaint of any form towards the devs, just IMO the direction game is heading now should be "EVE with ships" instead of "WT with ships". edit: If any1 didnt play lineage2, it was an MMORPG with worst balance, worst PvE, shit for combat system (couldnt attack while running) but it did have clans -> politics, clan wars (castle sieges), sense of belonging to something and "personal" enemies u'd hate.. ohh and u could drop half ur equiped gear if u died after PKing some1 who didnt attack back. That was all I needed and kept playing it for years, and no its wasnt an underground MMO at all. Hope you understand what im trying to say here..
  18. US ships actually look different and cool with their black/dark blue coloring, most other ships are yellow-black copy pastes (for some1 like who is new to age of sail). Personally I voted mostly for smaller ships i'd like to sail as a pirate coz atm the only choice is snow (brig ftl).
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