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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Port battle should start when at least 5 opponent are in. It's stupid to make it start before anyone come around... If noone is there how to call that a "battle"?
  2. lord protecteur: Il s'agit des gouverneur des ports. En version 1.1 de la conquêtes ils choisissaient une fenêtre de deux heures pendant lesquels les ports pouvaient être attaqué. Le système a été abandonné car les anglais ont fit comme doctrine de bataille de mettre les horraires d'ouverture en plein milieu de la nuit pour empecher leur ennemis de reprendre les ports... Raid: Attaque de port ou bataille de port sans conquete de la zone. Au programme butin doublon et autres (à définir) Corsaires: IA agressive attaquant les joueurs
  3. Problem: - Screeners attack Port battle fleet in the goal to disturb it making it loose time. It's not the problem. The problem is that this fights are not fun because screen are juste kitting and not really fighting. It's mostly suicide squad of 5-10 ships. - Many battle occures around the PB but most are unbalance due of screen crushing together, group of 5 counter screen attack largest grou of screen wich then disband and form smaller group leading to small unbalance battles. - The port battle are unorganised because we don't get any tools to organise them before they start Solution: - Introduce "Admiral Flag". Admiral flag can be buy in port for 1 million doublon. The guy purchasing the admiral flag can make a group of 25 people. If people of the group in open sea stay near the Admiral Flag it gives the group a bonus on BR or it changes their ROE making them not attackable by group than not get at least 75% of their BR Why: - The flag can be purchased by everyone. It will make the groups sticking more together. - It will not forbid screen but will organise it to get real fight. We won't see any more 5v25 but if the screen success 20-25 at least. - Counter screen will stop suiciding in screen. We see many 5v10 5v15 where the counter screen has just to purpose to kite the screening fleet to let the pb fleet past. If screener use admiral flag, counter screen has to be organise to attack them making more big battles in open sea. /Discuss
  4. About the alliances we are screw... Brits/dutch/us lost 75% of their PB. Hopfully for them they are mostly attacking so they lost norhting. Their number is their defense against offenders that can't reach their port. We will see tomorrow on castrie but i suspect withotu cristal ball that no offender will be able to join the pb. Swe/Dans/FR/Spain: They have the skills but not the number. So they can defend their port but just going outside their port but they can't attack. Leaving the alliance would just be suicide as they need others nation to field their fleet in pb.
  5. To speak about number, france is offering 10 slots per battle for his allies . Not just because we love them. Because France can't rally one PB fleet atm. About swedish, who knows... They are not enough to pub a port in conquest so a pb fleet ? lol! About the danish, the last time they wanted to make a port battle they needed 10 allies captains (8 fr 2 spanish) to complete their fleet. To finish, the spanish ask french to help them defend the last port they were under attack because tehy could'nt be enough to be 25. And we are not speaking about screening or more... Just on people ready to risk one first rate in pb. Before assuming equal number or same bullshit, move on ennemy ts, ours is open, you will be able to count us if you got 2 hands.
  6. If you read through the lines both position are bit too strongh and not so close of truth. About DA/SW/SP/FR coalition: Spain is a bit too far away to activly help the rest of the coalition in fights. We are sometimes trying to make battle on the same time than they are to help decreasing the number in ennemy we are facing. But Spain is our ally mostly because it's not yours. Now about fr/sw/dan, we got some number specially in french nation. We keep our corebase of player with propagand and advertising on the game what make many new french players purchasing the game and enjoying it althought there is brits around ganking our noob players. Yesterday, a PB was shedulded few miles away from Fort royal. The french fleet was of course intercept by a small group of brits. OK, the french destroy badly the brits but the PB was fucked! A group of screen tagged french fleet not allowing it to reach the port. They sunked but they make their duty. We could have ask and the danish and the swedish to help us but do you seriously think it's the same to defend your own port than defending an ally port or worst sacrifying to make an allies reach a port and sacrifying your own ship? Of course not. You can't compare a 3 nation pact that have 40% of player and one nation that have itself 40%. It's like having 3 society making in number the number of player on a big clan. The 3 will be les focus, will have different interest will have different goal, leaders althought they are playing in the same camp for the same coalition or the same empire. Defending a port is really easy now, defender have just to get a free outpost. You make an outpost the day before the batel and your tow a ship to the port. When pb arrive, you just have ot jump in and make the port battle. Atm, our coalition is wining the port battle but sometimes maybe 1 times on 3 we will loose and as we are not able to attack, times after times our coalition will lost territory and finally it will decrease our playerbase. Bye decreasing our playerbase, we will be weaker meaning having less territory and more and more. About chaning the alliances, it's not a point. Brits get 40 to 50% tje active population on the server allowing them to get 2 screening fleet + 2pb fleet (as we see on puerto de espanaà) when they attack. Our coalition can setup one screening fleet and one pb fleet. So we can defend with tow request and jumping in defense but we can't attack. It's where the problem on number is. I don't think ig mecanism should change it but smaller or weaker nation should have an advantage that make people reroll in them or join them more than joiing easy way. For example it could have allow sorry clan to show courage insteeed of cowardness and join the weak to renforce them insteed of joining the zerg. In potbs the smaller and weakest nation get huge advantage making on each map large society changing side just to help or renforce or balance the server. With no systme of "ending the war and statu quo" i don't see how things could get in right way
  7. Puerto de espana : French taking the wind or brits giving it to french :-) Ty for the tools, well be nice to help the noobs to understand the wind
  8. yes sure, sorry i install back my computer few days ago and i didn't get back all the right banner and set up my twitch as it should. Next time it will be better don't worry and in case of necessity you get the reddi stream too
  9. Althogjt viscious said you cat win a pb if wind is agai'st you as start, french defeat faster ships without the wind yesterday. I don't know who but several mistakes has been made by British fleet commander leading to change an easy victory to a painfully defeat. Leaving c and the wind, not moving in A outside fort range, not destroying our mortar, bad use of your mortar, give up the wind, kite and finnaly not kite etc etc... So without the I d it's hard, almost impossible. We were really close to just click out yesterday but we decide to stay in case of miracle like tornado or storm or British playing bad tactic. Miracle happens. New wind in each pb mean new tactic in each pb. It's not bad, same wind means after few pb same tactics again and again Now all have to be think again and it's really making our brain usefull and making the lead more Interesting
  10. So yesterday the coalition has won their first port battle with this system. -40 french captain for the pb and screen -10 slots were reserved for danish/swedish to discover the patch. Next time we will make Spanish slots too into the pb. - mix ship as usual in pb and many society as usual. Mostly santissima, Victory one ocean one mortar - brits full Victory, one mortar 4 consti On paper french were bigger with more rated ship and more power. Brits were faster. On start wind was awfull for french after a try to form on close hal, we decide to go back on circle A to reorganise. After a small mutinery quickly stopped, french were again in fighting spirit and we charged the brits who (stupidly) leave their positions burning their wind. With the wind turn and this bad brits manœuvre, it allow french to chase the brits. As usual, brits kite french using their victo to decrease our sails. Neither as usual we didn't care. The idea was to push them outside C circle to capture it quickly as they let frigs in B. Sadly french bad communication made french joining c with even number than brits. So we couldn't take c quickly. After having cross the circle, brits were force to leave it or fight. French repairs sails and the kite was forgotten and a really close fight begin. It was hard to leaf it but slowly and surely santissima power take the upper on Victory. Few boarding and goods retreats allow french to capture C and capture A for a few moment allowing the coalition to make points. The battle was tactly interesting. The first time before the wind change make it har for us as we were unable to move due of port position. I strongly believe British made a mistake by leaving C. My opinion is not made for frigates in PB but atm, I'm not sure it's effective.
  11. Sure, I'm surprised it take so long to see British explode after toxic to join them :-). No Christmas ceasfire into the British civil war ^^ I didn't remember how much french and combine allies have to pay sorry for the succes of their "explode British nation" operation. Waiting for that I would love a huge cup of popcorn :-).
  12. mast bonus : a bit useless for me. You should have reduce carronade damage or pénétration for master to fixe your problèm. you can all blâme liquicity that was able to dismated everyone in two broadside of history surprise... 3 broadise on bad days... It has had to change. about port battle : first one yesterday on puerto de espana, it was really interesting to see the new tactics used by captains. For this port the area are too close making frigates useless. For my tactic vision atm, frigates will stay useless as 3 lineships can destroy 4 frigates meaning after that you will miss one ship to capture the next area. anyway the battle was fun, the french much appreciate that brit were forced to fight and not grieffing us for hell like usual the fortress and fort are useless as all covering the same circle. I would suggest one fort per circle and the fortress's for main circle with a boost on range to cover at least half the circle. it will make mortar usefull (they are useless atm) and circle sailing without them dangerous. one other point is the wind. Yesterday attackers get the wind but they are not deciding anything. They jsut get luck to have the pb opening when wind was good. People can't wait 25 min in front of port waiting the wind to be good. it has to be fixed or fleets than spend hours in front of a port to flip it will be in port battl were there is no hope to win. i would suggest like in Potbs a wind based on the unrest. When the port is flipped, people can still make convention on port. The more you get bigger is your advantage. Wind in pb is determine by defender or attackers having more unrest after pb flip.
  13. you said first ship in determine the wind. What if a defender enter in with a bad wind for attackers? Are defender able to enter into the port before attackers? Second point i'm in mood for 2 things - Lets the screen count for the pb or - organise the pb with a lobby before where attackers can choose their tactic like in potbs
  14. The idea to get the same ship is far more easy to lead a prot battle. The second solution is for the leader to have the slower ship to feel what he can ask his fleet or not. At least he will not think the santi can get close hall for example. Looking for the number of french clans it's normal to have many differents ships in battle. Now, they all use same officier perk and fits, time to speak about alpha fleet will come after the wipe. Waiting for it we won't craft new first rate before all the ones we crafter in reserv will be down...and there is still enough... My clan will not see an ocean for nexts weeks
  15. I think we forget we were defending after the First wind change and have gone to chase you. The dc of fleet leader place à part of the fleet into the wind that gives you the ability to desengage before suffering zn explosion. For 5 min it was à mess Irh people célébration far too early the victorythe explosion of Nelson make it stop as 6 to 7 suffered badly of explosion. While french didn't suffer hige causaltie on this time, discipline decrease and as everyone with the explosion Miss on or two masts, speed were différent. French intact ships chased english bzrzly sunk ship and reverse. Différence is french won't surrender ornleave battle to make us win more time. We should have left as the brits done after explosion but it could have cost us the Victory. Edr lost 250 mid grade note tonight.... :-S
  16. i love them so far but i agree that participation should be small reward in term of point, for example 30 points when you sunk in 5th rate or more, 80 for an assist etc
  17. The question is not is pirates nation fail? It's pirates, don't join them if you want to be part of an alliance. The question i why joining the zergind coalition than can fully 7 pb in one time without pirates to help when all the others nation try their maximum to join barely all the pb with 25 players.
  18. Facts : - every players are rich - many nation miss BP Solution : Put few BP on sale on each capital to allow players to spend their money and in the same time acquire new bp. It could be a good money drop as this money would just disapear from game. Light ship BP could be 500k each, frigates PB, 1 million, Line of ship BP 10 millions, exeptionnals ships BP 100 million It's Big amount but it's exactly what people could spend for BP and would spend for BP. It could give a goal to grind more doublons ans to improve rellation between captains to collect enough money for a spécific BP
  19. As said log out/in is the only way actually to join a pb for an attacking fleet. i can't remember a 25v25 without log/in/out fleets. log out/in is an attacking abuse tactic. Tp in port one minute before battle is en defensive abuse tactic. if you wan.t to fix the problem consider it globally. In case of port battlé defender should not be allownot to in before the pb.
  20. Admin told us it will just be NPC stuff for trade now.
  21. i get little money (around 500millions). About the first event i loved it, many pvp around la navasse. Event start 13h paris time was great, hoping to see the same tonight on la navasse but i'm afraid primetime event would be in shallow
  22. As french nation is collapsing the big groups in are easier to view. Since the last patch EdR have recruit so many players that we may make delay our recruitement for soem time to take care of all this new players. The last patch hurt many people with this hard eco making fine wood the materials to get when every others materials are nothing in regard of fine wood. Anyway, we work hard on it with our clan and tradders are manage to get the upper hand on it. We are now again leading any eco activity allowing us to craft eh ships we want. Sadly for the small grousp and the independant it was harder. They coul'nt manage to survive against big eco company and the necessity to get fine wood make them lost their interest to collect others ressources. Introducing something to break the eco was necessary as everyone was sailing in exeptionnal ships. I think devs should have change the time labor necessayr to craft ships or improve the number of already existing ressources to make eco harder rather than introduce a RNG ressources. Anyway, it makes so many people leave and so many people unhappy that it surprise me. It's harde to give people normal food when they eated exptionnal everyday. It's the same for craft. If your are too keen with people on start, they won't accept you to be normal after that. I'm around 2k hours on NA and still enjoying the fight on it. I agree that RvR was not a real succes. Flag system was so broken that everyone wanted this new patch with impatience but the necessity to pve like pigs disgut me. The game was a pvp game and now everyone is waiting a bomb to explose to be able to make a pb. On the others hand, some are whinniong about the bomb but beleive me, if you make this bomb limited to 50% it will be no more pb exept if you changes something. (remeber on potbs, beeing ina pvp area improve unrest). You didn't have to pve, just to be there in front of an ennemy port. Anyway to go back on subject, it's a hsame to see people using reviex to threat the game becasue it's all it is, threat. Admin is human, a bit too human to make good communication but not a liar. THis review are nothing more than THREAT and if i can agree with almost everything vicscious said (why the hell introducing new features and not finishing them? Pray? Officer? Warhouse? Social page?) i pay 40$ a game i play 2000hour, 2cent per hour... i didn't enjoy all the hours but it's still my best price/fun experience i ever had online...
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