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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Good luck to make it go throught French Screen. You have been caught by ou 2 firsts wave... Still many to past before joining the port. TBH, i think that attacking a so close port of a capital is almost impossible
  2. Have made this mistake so many times... They should make brace not h or board not g. This problem is happening to often...
  3. tbh i didn't understand your tactic in boarding but so far so good, you can continue next time like that. I first thought you were trying to improve prep to disengage and then sudenty you wast your prer for nothing...weird
  4. i will zombi for 2 or 3 days again due of this pb...
  5. Lol is it normal to have to reload the game to see hostility? In potbs it was real time and for everyone. At least if we could get an external link with real hostiliy it would be ok but having 10 people with 10 different hostility is a real problem to countregrind it
  6. The raming sails ship exist. You can see some on the French naval museum on paris trocadero. Sadly the musuem is closed to be rebuild but i've seen for sure at least 5 model of this kind of ships. They are dating around 1840-1850 and are in iron armor. They are the first sails/coal ships. I may have photo if you want them
  7. Sometimes yes... But for example i used 16 WS when a teamate say me BT was on 98% and it didn't change anything. We used around 60 when BT was on 49% and it stay on 49%...
  8. Yesterday after the combien british attack EdR waste 110 to 150 war supply on Basse-terre/Ste lucie/Dominica leading to nothing. Others french used War supply to in Aves/Roseay/Rosaly leading to nothing in term of contention. We get the message: It lowest hostlity for 2000 points for example bue nothing happend in term of % I know war supply are going someday to disapear from the game but i would like you to check if they are correctly working in defense. Second point: The hostility is not game related it seems as different captains see different hostility on the same port. Is it a way or a link to get real hostility? with APi couldn'y you do something in real time to give us this information? It's real a pain and hard to countergrind when you don't see things changing.
  9. 2ème Interview Dev NA Une 3ème interview est en préparation n'hésitez pas à soumettre les questions que vous souhaiteriez poser à l'admin pour une éventuelle sélection des questions.
  10. T'es dur Des Moines le patch de novembre n'avait qu'un mois de retard. celui de décembre n'a pas encore de durée de retard puisqu'il est toujours pas sorti ^^
  11. On french, it was like, noone will lead pb if not me. Then, i didn't show to several pb due of IRL. At first, people has to take the lead without wanted it. Then people see it was a way to lead. Something they never consider when i leaded all PB. Then people start to lead. Then people ask if they can lead PB when i'm in. Then I sometimes loves to have nothing to do exept manage my own ship. Btw, french ts is a multilanguage brawl but i never heard someone insulting someone in PB. Choose the love, choose the french
  12. I was not leading you little worm! This honnor was for our honnorable spanish allies that i will not name exept if he want. Congrts to him to have kepp control of the ships into the brawl and get the upper hand everywhere. Tiphat for the us for the fight, the mortar on the other side of island was really smart
  13. I was totaly asleep (French use whisper to be able to speak french while not heard by spanish to not disturb them. It's why you listening me and some french over the spanish commander. My kid awake up several time, if i look away it's thati'm away or asleep on keyboard) I put kid on school today on 8h30 and go back to sleep untill now (14h). I hello kitty UP half my day due of a game :-(!!
  14. Not a single world on islamorada? 23-25. Us got the wind but just one area. Spanish commander manage to keep upernumberon 2 area leading us to charge and brawl. Home managing to get a new point TS Spanish succes to sunk more us that reverse leading to victory. Congrats
  15. First time i see a leader not assuming a defeat. I personnly never been in a 25v25 Castrie PB with fair start. Whatever LV said, most of the time french were splited by castrie. It's the 30 extra player that allow the fresh start. Maybe should we ask danish to screen with 30 for us
  16. First time 25 french and allies come on castrie on the same time and the same area. You're screen failed and as usual is equal number your pb fail. Remember me your last 25v25 (ships spawning as planned )win in pb pz? Ooops I may not be born on this time! Congrats for babay lead, danish help and french warriors tonight. Congrats for those involve in screens, mostly french and Swedish but few danish and Spanish that help too the on fleet to reach the port as planned.
  17. Constat: - Fishing is a fake features. It gives empty bottle but the fish you get, you can more esaly buy directly the fish meat in port for 10 db or to a player fot 1 doublon Solution : - Make fish necessary to craft - Make fishing harder Proposal: - You can't any more fish in all the ships. Just "fishing ships" are able to fish. Yes it need fishing ship to be add to the game but they were a big part of the ship in atlantica. - Make area were fish are like there is event for pvp, make it fishing area where fishing ship can capture the exeptionnals fish - Make fish necessary to get special crew. For example Marines eat exeptionnal fish every day on sea. If you failed to give meat to your marines the perish. Why: - Fishing is useless or necessary at all time. As it don't give malus to fish, all the ship should fish 100% of time - It would be like in Archeage a real pvp area. not an area desing by god on a map but somewhere fish ship come to get exeptionnal ressources and with them their escort and the privateers trying to stole the ennemy ships to get their fish.
  18. blablabla i not the one speaking about pb happening 1 week ago because i don't won any since this time. So we can speak about Nouvelle orleans again or about les cayes or maybe about port de prince? When we are facing a full britis fleet, our coordinate alliance full of swed danish spanih and french manage to speab barely the same language and win against your fleets. I not there to look on who get the bigger penis Viscious, yours has not been seen in sea for ages. Les cayes pb: Brits spawn with wind on East near C, and 4 ships on B French spawn on center 25v25 1 wapen per side. 1 consti in french fleet. Brits take C, then move to A. French take A and send brits+1 ship on B. B is capture by french. Brits mortar make huge damage to our foritification. After brits move on A and almost lost the wind we send a squad on C to take it back. Brits send ships but not enough. Due of problems of number A is french and brits are forced to retreat a bit from B. French fleet follow from B. C is capture byu french untill the end on the fight. Most fight occures on C. After have wait too long, brits decide to charge the french but the battle ended before causalties begin to be more numerous leading to a 4 brits sunk/capture for a spanish in consti
  19. try to focus on castie to improve your morale but you didn't made a better job than on nouvelle orleans. Yesterday, you split your forces to allow them to be overnumberd each area. You just have luck that we didn't( stop to bring points before sunking you. The ships sunking allow you to be able to retreat before heavy causaltie. It was late, we were all sleeping but you were badly slap oin your face. Next time flip a port when you can get 25 players it will improve the fun for all
  20. I'm not a big fan but i say: lets try. When it's boring as hell and nothing is happening beeing able to make a raid against npc is better than making a raid against noone
  21. Brits split in two to control 2 points at start. French have the wind and the number (25v20(188*1th+1ph+1*3th rate)). French start on A sending 13ships on 11 british ship making them in truble. Reste of french fleet wait in A. Brit on C split with 4 sended to B. French send 4 ships to intercept and renforce B while rest of french fleet go to C. Due of their number brits were unable to control anything. Battle end on points limiting their causalty to almost nothing.
  22. Why i want tthe player fleets to be removed: - When i chase ennemy , I alwais find my targets (traders) with fleets. => I try and sometimes succes => I don't attack. For example today, 3 indiaman 1 gv were escorted by 2 endemyon 1 surprise. What is enough? No all players get fleets and intot the pvp battle it was one trinco, 2 indef and 1 npc surprise. In our side, it was 1 tirnco npc too. Is it pvp or? - When i cross ganker, they alwais get 2 surprise or 2 renomee. Why to give troll option to player? I'm in a sol and i'm attack by 2 npc and one player? It is supposed to be pvp or? - NPC player fleet were necessary when we didn't got fortress. We got defense coasline now, npc are useless. Maybe let trader npc to make convoy what get sence because they will not be use (to much) in pvp.
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