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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. augustus say into the battle that if we continue to screen them and avoiding them to join the port battle instance they will continue to nightlfip us
  2. on fait quoi de nos 600 mid grade note lol? On fait quoi de nos navires on les casse pour recup les compos ou les ships seront échangés contre des ressources?
  3. Bon, après ma seconde nuit sans sommeil après Castrie et Basseterre, je suis à bout. Le coup de grâce a été donné par le troisième nightflip en 3 jours avec le flip de castrie effectué à 4h du matin pendant notre sommeil pour obtenir une pb a 2h20 du matin pendant notre sommeil. De ce fait, j'ai changé la page d'accueil de naval action et posté mon coup de gueule. Cela sera effectif jusqu'à ce que la colère retombe. /coments http://navalaction-france.com/
  4. Navalaction-France is a key area for most of french wanabee captain asking us information about the game and if they should buy it or not. It's link too to my twitch, my youtube channel and owned Edr website and french teamspeak. It's on first page on google when you google "naval action" Time is gone to stop speak with the english community as it seems it can not understand our problem and i say that withtout anger. Time is gone to speak for the french wanted to buy the game to let them know what they will face. We don't have change our review on steam. ATM. http://navalaction-france.com/
  5. Will i get gold or ressources for my ships or should i break them? What about Ships notes?
  6. Tiphat for the brits for the third nightflip in a row, it seems they like to make everyone pist off. Allez vous faire gicler contre un tronc.
  7. French set up operation F.U.C.K* : Farming Unit of the Carebear Kingdom He is a screenshot taking during F.U.C.K 1 And here is a screenshot taking during F.U.C.K 2 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/128684342 For the second battle, french have assemble a fleet and sail to KPR where we sit during half an hour to blockade the port. We attacked whatever ships, whatever the level of the players to force english to go out and chase us. After have badly gank a Wappen, brits were enough to attack. We got distance to regroup with 4 more french and engage the brits with the wind. I don't know how many brits were in as i was unable to see more than what is on the screen. Maybe were they all on the screen. We have to regret the lost of "la Gourmandine", famous french basic cutter wich was priceless. Anyway we will try to go foward and keep fighting. I would like to salute all the brits that come this two lasts days to fight us. It's always harder to defend than to attack in PvP as you are opposed to captains that comes to pvp when defender are forced to pvp. Ty to show up outside your port and protection, tiphat. For all of thoses saying open pvp is dead, i would like to point that when you succes to form a fleet, there is alwais courageous capitain to fight againt you. If you are ready to sacrifice your ship and take the ship you are ready to lost, then you will enjoy the fights whatever the ennemy brings. If you are sailing in a lonely surprise to gank traders of farmer around capital, ofc it may looks boring. Just regroup in decent ships and looks for fight. Many captain we encounter around fort royal are just ganker that flee as soon as they see something ready to fight them. Don't be shy, form your group and come PVP. PvP area have never get this kind of battle and will not have in this format. One more time tiphat to the brits for the fights.
  8. Tuto vidéo pour les nouveaux: http://navalaction-france.com/tuto-video-decouvrir-naval-action/
  9. i'm not blaming, i'm just opening the eyes on what we've seen on many PB. We lost around 30-40 first rate on castrie and we have had to build them back with their 32 MGN per ship and 4 HGN. It was costy. Knowing some may have join the port with gold fit not crafted is disguting. I'm not saying it was the case but knowing it could give me a bad taste in mounth. Now, otto, it's ot bad and i'm using it untill it will be fixed but it make the tow request a fake features
  10. Signal are not really helping atm, it's just allowing defenders to add ship to gank. You can't never have the same br as attacker as as soon s a ship enter in defence it close the battle Proposal: Allow defender to enter the fight untill BR are equal and not before BR are equal It will place defender in superiority in br what will be balance by the attackers attackign together on same area
  11. the real question is how a people could have find it?
  12. as the tp in duel and more... I'm know tping my ship aswell btw
  13. no i don't and report it as soon as i know it. About log out, it's not forbidden nither nightflip. It's why your fleet can't join castrie because you don't use it and it's why you nightflip basseterre.
  14. French have problem to exploit bug... We find the TP in duel bug 5 days ago after have seen brits fleet tp to caracas, we saw duplicate mod after it was finish and now that... It's sad to know we have face duplicate ship with duplicate modules that were tp in duel when we have had to craft our ships, risk our modules and finally sails to the port to fights...
  15. Let serveur est solidement administre est à jour et est surveillé. Malheureusement pas grand chose à faire contre un ddos. Des armées d'ordos botd essayent de se connecter dessus et crash... Malgré tout nous sommes confiants quant à la fiabilité de nos infrastructures et a la réactivité de nos admins réseau pour que le problème cesse comme il est venu.
  16. Pas de panique, on reste sur le TS de nation, on ne rejoint pas le TS donné par les hackers, dans le pire dans cas on est DDOS et le serveur se relance de lui même. Il fait un checkup toutes les minutes pour voir si tout va bien et si pas bien il se reboot. Le TS danois a aussi été attaqué pour info News complète ici : http://navalaction-france.com/ts3-navalaction-france-attaque/
  17. http://navalaction-france.com/category/guide/guides-officiels/ Guides officiels postés sur nafrance, j'en ai bien chié, la prochaine fois dis aux admin de te prévoir une prime pour poster direct dessus stp
  18. that is true i forget this one my appologies
  19. I thought it was because your behviors list was already full^^ To be back on thread, it could be good to have a stram of Castrie PB too
  20. Salut Eric, ton schéma sur l'abordage est peu juste (coup de prep/effectif ou pas).
  21. First time you capture Castrie it was by mistakes, you didn't think you could capture it, you make it for troll wihtout screen and almot withtout defenders. It was on J5 post patch. Don't try to change history. The behaviors of your US friends will not be forgotten and your minus victory will not be change in a D Day. It was a crappy victory as was your attacks yesterday and all this week everywhere. You win 2 ports on 10 offensive PB. Both were in middle of the night against minus forces or no forces. Congrats i tiphat you for your ability to be so good
  22. When the autoproclamate leader of a nation has to be humble enough to be used in a fireship, you see he need really to present his appologies to his own teamates to make them accept again to be insulted by him in PB...
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