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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Thanks you for your proposal but so far i'm underwater seeking for a new basic cutter :-)
  2. Hello, Into a french Perspectiv. I'm not there coming in front of Tribunal to defend the case or charge the people who are accuse but just to speak about how badly it could be for our community to see our players badly charge. The french nation is now in a difficult, some would say terrible, situation. This situation lead several society to stop playing or change nation in the way to stop beeing chain ganked in front of our ports. It lead too, others society to find new solution to improve our nation and make it a bit more strenght. Yes, it may have been barely legal or not but they have done in in the purpose to help our community to be able to face the hords wich are dayly ganking our new players. It was not with an evil mind or just to their own interest. It's why, despite my teamate are not probably innocent, i would like you, tribunal, to be clever and smart enough to not punish them badly. French nation can't afford to lost more players, thoses involve in this case are part of our core forces and having them beeing too badly remote may lead them to leave the game and to finish the french nation to organise and survive. I'm sure they have listen to you and learn the lesson. Thoses things won't happend again. PS : I'm purely speaking into french perspectiv as noone in my society was invovle in this port battle.
  3. Local time. 16h is too early for me personally but may be ok for East Europe and some guy in nations may be present to play on this time.
  4. 16-23 as starting time for me seems ok for me as a French people. It allow our Russia friend to have pb as it allow English to have pb. Timer may not be perfect for all but all will be able to be part of pb.
  5. J'avoue que la en plus ça va être violent. Quid des bonus régionaux? Je commence à m'inquiéter de l'absence d'annonce concernant les serveurs... Report?
  6. maybe add something on coast like the wreck. Indian village or something like that on the coast to make people wanted to visit the coast between the town. Put shipknowledge's book on them and explorer will have content they will be able to sell to get money
  7. I don't have problem with people choosing his alliance for his own nation i'm having truble with danish choosing alliance with french AND saying false information about us. When bad world come from Chris at least we were ennemy. Getting that from allies is a bit hard.
  8. You may have understand what you wanted, it was clear for us that you didn't want france to ally with spanish because, and i perfectly remember that : "you fear to see the 2 biggest nation in term of pop playing together". You proposed french to ally with dutch and spain with united states. I told you you didn't have the right to choose the diplomacy for France and you already pist me off this day. Anyway, lets go forward, this time is remembering me diplomat stuff with all the game around. Not the tastier one.
  9. @Anolytic you are forcing me to declassify message post on french private forum to show people who is lying here. I didn't know you like that and i'm really surprise and disapointed. I may understand why you are acting like that trying to decrease French organisation or french probity. Sadly for you the picture there show the result on our last meeting. Youy can see that we understood you were going to ally with sweden and that noone in french wanted to ally with brits. Stop speaking about things you don't know. You may ignore things but how you say them looks like more than lie than ignorance. This topic has been made in March as the wipe has been anounce too many times ago. I didn't create this topic to show you the french organisation but to know if alliance were made before patch. I'm really surprise nd unhappy to see people i trusted using lies like that. It's mean.
  10. You're taking drugs or? You demand us to ally with dutch althought we told you we didn't know any Dutch neither if Dutch were playing and that the only thing interesting us was to ally with Spain as we thought not really smart for France to see all this last ally beeing in war against us. Spain told us they want to wait patch and see how things were going before deciding and then we accept ofc their will. And french ally with BRITS? PM me dealer adress ty. We may have said that with wipe everything was possible but that French will ally with British? Even if it would be a good idea i don't think any french would be ready to that cause of roleplay. And it's not a good idea. Stop all the bullshit pz
  11. We may have a ticket to switch nation. In case you are not sure of your choice i advice you to wait a week before using redemable. Anyway, everyone will have to sail in basic ship to unlcok 3th slot of shipknowledge so it's not like you would lost many time
  12. Ok encore CB d hotfix avant la sortie du patch?
  13. Trump leave @anolytic body pz. So many fake news here! You told us that you were going to ally with Sweden and that France didn't have the ability to ally with Spain because you thought it may be a too big alliance. Yous ask us to ally with Dutch trying to choose and impose your diplomacy for our nation. I'm really pist of your lie. It's so mean.
  14. still no regional bonus? Are we going to have a patch 9.995 for it?
  15. Nice to heard DAS going back on VP. Where are going to go PFK by the way? Would be fun to see the old dutch nation beeing bck but we would welcome with pleasre any non speaking french society to change About danish, it's a bit fun to see how you lead your diplomacy. I remember our last meeting when you try to dictate us our diplomacy. Anyway, if everyone is agree to start at zero diplomacy it's for the better, I'm really curious to see how many players will be back after a so long times of noplay.
  16. Hello, I was wondering what are the pacts made between the nations so far before the wipe? One month ago sweden and danish have planed to be allie against the others ones. Now France is facing Swedish zerg AND Danish AND Spanish in our own water on testbed. Is it a secret alliance of 3 nations against France? If so, the quickest we know the better it is. It's hard to make people going back in game and it could be bad for the game to see them leaving the game as soon as it start because they are zerged. The position of France is easy : Wait & see. It's seems useless on our opinion to start planification of diplomacy before have judge and test the natural balance on the differents nations. Some nation may be more populated than expected and may not need help to expand when others may suffer of bad propagand and beeing more weak than expected.
  17. The portbattle of Caracas. It was a first rate PB and it was almost a mutinery aboard with allies into the battle that were not really happy to follow french orders as our tactics are not the same than the ones our allies use. French captain follow perfectly orders and the ones that didn't want to follow were let alone wich the choiche to sunk or follow orders. After have shown a bit autority everyone follow the orders. After 20 min sailing close hall in direction in open sea and after have left the B Circle, french fleet, now with the wind turn back into the wind and charge british fleet. On first cross, french manage to split 3 brits and board sukn them. Both fleet turn and face again for the same result. Brits fleet flee, french win without loose. Last time allies were whinning in PB. A different result would have had different conclusion but it stop any attemps to mutinery for all the others pb 15v25 in front of KPR french lost one basic cutter, british fleet destroy. Moving from Fort royal to basseterre with warhouse More than 16 indiman saling together to move our warhouse in multiple move. Magic to see a so good corddination and spirit
  18. This screenshots are obvusly a fake as noone in french nation could have so stpid nicknames... I 'm wondering when devs will finnaly listen dedicated proposal of nation name for npc. We give some good list with real french name instead of this mix in english/french and spanish nicknames...
  19. So the game is dead enough to let us make tread about pve kill? Btw nice battle
  20. Limit the number of contract per level to be sure people have at least level up his alt before usng it to destroy a nation eco. Level 1 1 contract Level max, max contract
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