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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. i thought that if you sunk a surrendered ship you get the mark no? I think it has to be really test and not wiuth 10 people online and no eco but with the normal population
  2. trade is dead now with ship so easy to capture... Hard to get money before impossible now...
  3. EDR играли с русскими капитанами на сервере PotBS Робертс. Он с удовольствием, что мы приветствуем тех, кто желает присоединиться к Франции на Naval действий Наш союз Россия Франция будет восстановлен по крайней мере в игре. Связь с Google перевод трудно. Я надеюсь, что некоторые говорят по-английски, чтобы позволить более простой бой порта в связи. Хороший ветер и скоро
  4. France is not the shadow of what it has been. We are less than 20 on ts every night and we need strong forces specially thoses not speaking french who may prevent us to go in civil war as usual when noone make the peace in the middle of us
  5. On this day of the 24th April 1817, The honorable Sovereign Council of the new France, Composed by the following clans : [ACR] - Alliance des Corsaires Royaux [EdR] - Les Enfants du Roy [ER] - Escadre Royale [FDT] - Flotte de Défense Territoriale [FED] - Feydakin [GRF] - Garde Royale Française [INB] - Imperial Navy Bonaparta [MRF] - Marine Royale Française [OCG] - Online Center Gaming [SPQR] - Senatus Populusque Romanus [UGLY] - Les Affreux [ZF] - Zulu Family Declare : After the statement done here, the new world will open his gates to the captains in few daysl. On that day, money and ships will disappear to allow a fresh start to all. The clans of the Eastern Alliance have for the most, declared being ready to join the European server because of the problems stated many times on the forums. To not unbalance this new world right after our arrival on it and to guarantee every nation a good gameplay, we declare : "We, French captains, in good terms with our allies, commit to dissolve the "Eastern Alliance" after joining the new world. We also commit to be open minded and ready to diversify the alliances." We would like to thank every member of the Eastern Alliance for all the good times spent defending our ports, hunting our enemies or trading in good terms. Those months were very useful for our organization or our tactics but rethinking the bias about this or that community is probably the most beautiful thing we accomplished. The using of a unique TeamSpeak server for the RvR was the end goal of all the diplomacy and we'll modify it with a little pinch at the heart. Thanks and good game to all.
  6. because we began to buy mgn for 300k on la navasse in continue and spend more than 650 million in mgn
  7. because we began to buy mgn for 300k on la navasse in continue and spend more than 650 million in mgn
  8. because we began to buy mgn for 300k on la navasse in continue and spend more than 650 million in mgn
  9. I remember french using first rate with no gold upgrade on pvpeu1. we were crushed by everyone all the time and we didn't understand why. Then some ennemy told us they were using gold on all their ship (probably help by the fact they may duplicate it). So we change and use gold upgrade on our first rate and then the circle of defeat stop and we start winning 1th rate pb. The upgrade were nerfed on live serv to not make them too powerfull when new comer come and didn't get the rare one. On testbed, the % of the knowledege are insame. Adding a +10% reload +5% accuracy on a ship when your opponent can't because he miss 2 slots is important. In a 25v25 PB it mya change the things for all the pb...
  10. The danish are the ones wanted to make alliances before the launch on the server. I would prefer to have no alliance at start and see after how it is going to change but you already decide to ally with sweden. I don't see neither how it is a benefit... Knowing who are going to play us or british could be nice to see with who we could start discussion too
  11. I get the "power" to call back 1059 captain that i can insta join per mail with navalaction-france. The question is: Should I? I'm a bit afraid to tell people to come back to find new bugs and new problem specially with RvR that my cristal ball see as "totaly going broken". So should i tell them to come back althought many bugs will have to be correct just after wipe or should i wait with the risk server collapse due of not enough french on it :S?
  12. They made the same mistake with "land in battle" wipe. I'm waiting with impatience the announce on the launch, 3 month before the real date :-)
  13. Everyone is welcome to play on europe server as i think everyone is welcome to play on global. We should just avoid a whole serv to join a specific nation
  14. stacking bonus is a mess when you succes to get +27% reload on a ship...
  15. Thanks you to not destroy our server. We're not goint to disbalance yours. So we will welcome everyone that want to play on both server but not "lot of global on same nation". TY.
  16. i love the idea of devs controll, they have acces t data and can balance their game.
  17. Alliance make rvr less fresh because map isn't big and you always find a port with ressources or bonus. Without alliance, all have to fight to supply their own nation. (Easy to say when no one want us as Allie)
  18. It's true just for solo players. The society will organise that on their own and nothing they produce will be on sall
  19. OK quests works. How to generate hostility when there is just defensive missions?
  20. Les erreurs à ne pas commettre, les infos essentielles, rejoignez les edr déjà la bas!
  21. Craft: - There is the same reciepe as before to craft ships. 5 dura or 1 dura cost the same amount of ressources? - I don't know why but you need 300 frame part to build a cutter when it was 50 before - Many craft change in a not important way. You needed 2 hours to craft 1, you now need 20 hours to craft 10. Probably to decrease the number of click. Some ressources have change their reciepe as carriag or others ressources Eco: - There is almost impossible way to gain money wihtout trade. I spend my money to test features as dock and more and i lost few battle. I've had 50k db.. With this amount there is now way to win db in trade. I sepnd few hours to duble it to 50k to 100k but it's annoying. I'm fearing bankrout problem. A player reaching low level of db may be hello kittyed foreever in this fail of doublon. I recommand to had a daily quest to give you few doublon for example 50k. This quest that can be made once a day will give you 50k db chat may be enough to start back to play but not been important for long term player. What is 50k when you got millions? Nothing. What is its when you get 0? A way to start again and win money. - There is now way to get back crew exept to buy it. It's really expensive. It may need a bit balance? Battle: - Speed backyard bug notice - Lerp between sails integrity and damage per shot notice Way to play: - The introduce on 1 dura and the drastic change in craft need the player to adapt and change the way they were playing. Many change in few times will lead causals in a mess. I'm happy to have test the features to fail in them to be prepare for the upcoming wipe. There is really many things news it's almost like a navalaction 2.0 for me. It need to be introduce "right to fail" to allow the playerbase to not whine and suicide. I mean, the game is great like that, it's just that i can't play it like before. i can't aford to get with 4 edr in trinco fighting 4 BP because they will sunk us in the rear what was hard before. + We need to surrender before (what we never made) because crew is expensive and we don't have 1 billion anymore. + We need to probably play in smaller ship to balance the 1 dura. We can't sail anymore in the best ship everytime but need to take careful on them and not spend them in battle with no fear.+ i need to learn the perk before using it as i can't redeploy my skills Then it's really a new way to play and i would recommand everyone to takecare. I probalby going to make a video about it in french and english to warn community. I think devs need to give player a respect of skill as redemeable as "right to fail" or many player will be unhabppy to not be able to have a fleet and been forced to spend 100 pve mark to get them back. All games i play before introduce respect of skill reemeable when they changed drasticly skills. I think it's something the community need now.
  22. New test new bugs: When you are level 1 on Fleet, you are able to get one ship with you -On the end of the battle if you capture an IA, you got your ship, the captured ship and the fleet ship. You can sink the token ship but not replace your fleet ship bye the one you just capture. If i'm sialing in frigate with a navy brig fleet and i capture a conni, i can excahnge my frig against a connie but not the navy brig against the conny - It's seems there is no more lerp between sails integrity and damage. Each shot make same amount on damage. First broadside, 30%, second 30% third 30% giving you a 10% sails ships in few broadside withtou any mast fall. => Has to be fixed ty
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