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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. 3 port for food supplies seems not enough
  2. Hello, I see many topic that are pinned to this forum dealing with one subject. Some are general topic, some are pointing their finger in just one direction but there is no bible neithers any rules books for the games. But there is a tribunal. I think it's weird and that the team should try to make an official topic of rules like a Q/A topic that may be easy for player to read to inform them about what they can do or not. If player have question they use the Q/A topic to add the question and after the official answer, this question and his answer are put in the first thread of the topic to help people find answers. It's how Q/A work and we need it to know the game rules. For example: Many players are known to use alts. We have seen in others dedicated topic that alt farming in pvp is forbidden. Alt joining a PB is fobirden. But so far we don't have seen anything regarding alt eco character. Having alt in the same nation is just a key for players to have more labor time to use and help them to be able to craft their own ship while covering more ports with their character. Plus, one caracter can be dedicated to craft with the right skill when the other one can be focus on fun game. But my concern is theplayers using their alt in different nation in the way to break the RvR of the game. Devs seems to think RvR has to punish players to not beeing able to defend their port. It's why the nation who loose the war loose their ability to craft ships when they will loose their eco ports with gold or silver. I will not go further on this subject has it already get a dedicated topic on economy forum. The point is : If devs want to make rvr and eco bound in the way to force player to defend their port to defend their eco, is not the use of alt on others nation a way to go around this specific statement and break the rules of the games by beeing able to get ressources for port you loose? If not, if alt in other nation are OK to craft/spy, does it not mean that thoses using more than 30$ to get the game but use 30$ per character in others nation get a huge advtange on the ones having just one character? If so, should the rvr and the eco beeing bounded as a glitch (an authorise glitch in this case) has to been used to advatnage some of the players? Is it not easier to make ecto alt in others nation something forbidden? I would not love to spend days to take a territory with rare wood to see players that never play for our nation putting contract on this port because they are alt of players playing for others nations? People not rich enough to have many character will be really disadvtange in regard of the others players. It will make rvr a bit useless as some will be able to go through the naation of a port to get ressources in whatever happend in rvr. So to finish, i would like devs to take care on the topic and publish a question/answer topic to improve communication between players and devs in regard of rules, and i would like to get an official statement about thoses using their money to get an advtange on thoses who don't have enough to buy more than one opy oin the game and that break the rvr purpose by using alt to get ressources they couldn't get without them. Ty for your attention
  3. Bonne réunion à tous les ACR avec qui nous serons heureux de jouer cote à cote au sein d'une nation forte!
  4. Official announce said testbed get on live the 15 may. So...??
  5. France is not threatened anyone as there is no more France.Tthanks you to respect the dead people and let us repose in peace.
  6. I've been forced to edit the stats for french nation. We're loosing 5 to 10 players a week and the time has come to see the French teamspeak almost empty. The new comer don't find people playing on live server and stop to wait the wipe and been able to play in group and the vets are slowly but surely leaving to others games. Some don't want to come due of the outrageous delay that we got. So you can change your mind, for what i see danemark is going to be the zerg on pvp global.
  7. Nous autres omelettes du fromage ne nous laisserons plus spoiler
  8. Nation: France Server: PvP EU Website: http://navalaction-france.com/ TS: ts3.navalaction-france.com
  9. not my fault if devs use them to add new things and i can bet looking on my cristal ball that we will have an "hotfix" to add back region bonus
  10. The 6 first hotfix add content, this one correct bug. I don't really see you're point in this useless answer.
  11. I'm happy with that if you supplie the server with enough npc to make it works but i think the server would collapse if you put many npc in. Plus, we are on pvp server, hostility should be raised up by others mecanism that killing npc like blockading a port (like potbs). Players blocakde port by sitting in front of it. Each time they past in fornt of regional cpiatal they gain x% hostiliy. Of noone come the port is flip, is someone come to fight and succes to kill them, hostility decrease. You play potbs ou know how it works and it was far more pvp in conquest in potbs than on NA... Tbh, far more pvp in potbs that have large pve area than on na tbh...
  12. The conquest problem desserve a thread. This patch is not concerning the conquest. It's true that putting away offending missions seems weird without putting away defending ones... And i agree PB will be rare or almost never happening exepct in nightflip on global server. Anway to be back on subject, tis hotfix is just a correction of bugs. Nothing new added.
  13. Thé atoll habe To add and test régional bonus. Not enough time in a week To test or imo. ..
  14. is your tools giving same distance than ig? you know you got distance ig in trader tool. are they the same ig anbd on the tools?
  15. Nicely done it's really interesting. Now, you got the distance ingame between the port so you can easly calculate how big is one km ig in regard of how many it's ig and then you could give us the distance between 2 point in IG km.
  16. You said before that you were working on changing the spawn of the ressource. For example Silver may not be found on St lucie Island after wipe or fir on Grand Anse. Are ressources moving or can we start to "work" on actual localisation of ressource?
  17. when are you releasing the ressource/port to let people begin to organise their clan? Waiting the 14 may?
  18. Désolé, nous autres omelettes du fromage ne parlons pas la langue étrangère
  19. French are probably the better screener on pvp1 preventing 90% of pb to happen when they were attack. So I'm not speaking to help my nation and i don't have any lesson to recieve in how to organise a fleet or help a nation. Thanks you. Te problem actually is the ability for defender to tp when offender can't. It's not balance, defender should sail to the port. + you're just looking on screening problem but there is too the problem of the port battle to ended and the attacking fleet to be chased untill death by zergs spawning from defending ports. + There is the prolem of ressources
  20. Problem : 1) Screen is usless. The biggest nation can not allow any of your fleet to reach ennemy port 2) Defender can hide into the port and wait offender that have to pst throught screening ships 3) When you finish a port battle, attacker are out of repair/rhum /more and have to sail back to theit closest port Suggestion: - As soon as a port is put in conquest, the regional capital switch to free town. => if defender win, the statut of the town stay like a free town untill it's ready to be attackable again and on that time it back in the previsou nation => if attacker win, the port is changing to his new nation and ready to be attack as soon as people want. Why? As the region is not more safe, the nation is not controllign the sea. Pirates can come and disturb the things as any nation that want to attack traders. Traders have days to build building and get ressources whatever is their own nation. It will allow "small nation" to be able to get ressources althought they are not owning the port for real. Attackers can try to reach the port to be able to be part on the port battle when PB will happend. Same for defender. Anyway people have to sail there as noone can teleport in (it's a free port). People can join the port after the pb to go sleep if they want because pb was long whatever if they loose or win. And they can go out the days after (exept if they are defender that lost. If so they have to leave the port before the maintenance. /Discute
  21. More powerfull ae wood fit and knowledge more unbalance is the game between noob and vet and small nation and big nation. Im a vet on a big nation so i should not care but i think about the new that may start swedish? They will uninstall the game after few hours like 80% of the people who bought the game...
  22. One on the more important things regarding this patch is not the change on recipe or the introduction of guns. it's where ressources will be obtain and how. We are now facing problem relativ of the importance of the % given by bonus. Atm, 3 regional trim are mostly used: 1) Strong hull bonus Used for all pb ships and for PVP ships when people can afford to craft them with this regional bonus 2) Pirate bonus To board 3) French/english bonus For Open sea PvP All others regional bonus are useless due of the one before beeing to strong and with not enought negativ effect. To make things more balance each % bonys should be joined to a negativ bonus that may be twice the % of bonus. - If you want a strong ship you will have a ship that get many leaks - If you want to have a fast ships, your sails are weaker - If you want to reload fast you get a big fire chance etc etc And make the malus bigger than bonus to make people wanted to use no bonus exept for same case. Second point is the Wood Live oak is a super mahoganny. If i can build a ship in liveoak why to build a ship in mahoganny? If i can't have a ship in liveoak, why to go to fight when oppoentn may have ship in liveoak that will crush mine so easly? Same thngs for Fir . Bermuda is a fir without malus. What i'm supposed to do with ship escaping all the time? I build ship in fir. But i get the malus and not my ennemy because he got ship in bermuda cedar. What i'm supposed to do? Sails during 4h to get a port that NEVER failed in ennemy hands due of screen and others problems? Ressources have to be balance for everyone or their bonus has to be really change to not make a wood a must have that control the map. Actually the nation that control the liveoak control all the port batle. 25 ship in mahoganny can't win gainst 25 ships in liveoak. And if a fleet lost it will thinks it's because battle is unfair liveoak or not, they will think ennemy got it and it will decrease their motivtion to keep playing thinking they would not have had a chance. To be OK, eco has to supplyu captain in ressources to craft ship that are alsmot equal on all the maps. RvR has not to be design to punish nation because if Rvr is punitiv for looser more you loose more you loose and with small nation and so many captals in antilles, some nation may be surrounder really quick or not able to get enough port to craft ships. I've concer for example for sweden. If french, danish dutch and brits succes to destroy their redemable befoe they get a single port they would never be able to build a single hip forcing all theri captain to buy npp in ports. So the more important things in this patch is one more time not the change on guns price of crew not even the fleet strange system. What is imporrtant for the clans that make your game still alive althought all the causals and small structure left is the spread of ressources. The quicker we know where ressource will be obtain and how, the quicker we will be able to organise ourself. Barberouge announce the wipe for the 15, pz be fast to launch your porteco hotfix. It's this one we should have need first to organise... It's the more emmergency patch in term of organisation for the players.
  23. In case you didn't know patch is officially delay to 15 May according to french speaking forum. Sorry i don't know how to quote a topic here :-(.
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