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Ronald Speirs

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Everything posted by Ronald Speirs

  1. Its been an intersting read thats for sure, im quite amused at how delusional most of you are in trying to justify exactly what you are doing and how great you think you are, its easy to beat up the lesser nations and take pride in doing so, the lack of players in the server and the timezone difference play a big part in helping to promote your image as a power house but without real conviction against the better players in the server during their playing times its hard to judge just how good you guys really are, i would be interested to see your true measure against who i believe to be a far greater force in the danes and their concentrated force over the east, they have set themselves up quite well to give them the best chance to brace for the attack, so trying not to feed your ego any more then is nessesary im just not convinced that you guys are good as what you portray yourselves as till you prove your metal against the best in my opinion. If you guys manage to bring them to their knees then you have my attention
  2. Rank 7 u mean in crafting or naval rank
  3. Unfortunately the teleport in this game has been poorly implemented much like other aspects, i used to play on POTBS and there was no cooldown between teleports and that worked great, you could always just move around to ports you had a ship in and then jump out and fleet, do trade runs and pvp, unfortunately in this there is to much wasted time, players having multiple ports and being able to create outposts in free towns causes more trouble and thats why we have a cooldown. To fix the problem they need to look at the following things 1.) Player outposts reduced to say 5 deep water ports that they own plus 2 shallow, warehouses arnt included in this, you can make warehouses where ever for trade goods and production, warehouses just get more expensive the more you create. 2.) Ship storage in ports, Capital 5 ship slots, Regional Capital 3 and standard deep ports 1 while Shallow Port 2 3.) You have to sail te ship to port to store it there, no more send to outpost 4.) Freetowns cant store warships, they can repair and log off but not leave there and teleport somewhere else 5.) No teleporting goods, goods in hold will be lost if you teleport back to capital 6.) No cooldown so you dont waste more time running around somewhere thats dead It worked fine in POTBS and once they fix the PB and the rate at which they can be captured plus the alliances this teleport fix will work far better and provide better use of players time.
  4. Yeah that sucks, i hate how issues like this can cost you greatly, ive lost many ships to my reginal areas poor quality internet, especially when you sink so much time into it for the server or connection issues to cost you it makes it hardly worth trying to play, my guess is they wont be able to refund you your ship and modules just like the rest of us that have had the same issues, though in saying that i would like to see a fix for PvE issues like this with maybe it just putting you in results screen and you still having your ship but nothing like this for PvP
  5. Bing Idea: Yes pop levels on nations when creating, then maybe a slight % boost on XP/ Gold to get players increasing the lower nations population levels, good way to balance the player base out, but then there is a Doh factor with XP being linked to steam they might just leave nation and join another after they get high rank, but we could find a fix on that Most active really?
  6. May i ask what is the approximate pop that will be being merged over and is the max server pop limit still up near 3000?
  7. Hmm looking like the population imbalance is working well for you guys
  8. I would love to see this and also the Le Fleuron, actually i just want to see as many ships as possible, they all have a roll to play and variety is always a good thing!
  9. Yeah I'm sick of crafting to get SFA and then breaking them up as no one need or whats to buy the ships, cant wait till they actually make a good crafting system and throw this RNG crap in the garbage!!!!
  10. Surely the devs have had this beauty built by now, its one of if not the best looking ships around
  11. Completely agree, BF2/ 2142 were the best i played, the last 3 were absolute garbage.
  12. Great insight, they dont seem that evil TBQH they are fairly similar to us and just looking to have fun, though i must say the propaganda machine so to speak needs some adjustments, the way it gets written up at the moment just portrays a poor image rather then a more respected image, weather or not you care about that sort of thing is a different story A agree with quite a few subjects brought up in the interview with development topics and issues, merging the server seems like a must as the population timezone difference at times almost makes the game feel dead and like there isnt much action, looking forward to a few more of these sort of posts as it was enjoyable to listen.
  13. Unfortunately your moving away from the idea proposed with saying that fleet missions are there for practicing, its not about missions its about allowing players to practice their tactics between themselves and if need be they can then implement the AI to practice full line formations considering that you can get 25 AI in a fleet mission, POTBS for example had a skirmish room where you could have battles as practice between your friends and even have friendly fleet battles between clans and try different ideas and tactics, it allows developing and making a stronger nation allowing your nation clans to practice and improve. In time the once land is implemented into port battles then the port you own you can chose them for practice also.
  14. Quite simple A Practice button where you create your own lobby and can lock, kick and move players into teams for practice purposes. Example a fleet wants to practice to better their skills in line fighting so leader creates the lobby and selects ships that are allowed to enter, players join they move into their teams if you want it 6 v 6 or have all 12 and select AI as the opponent its up to the lobby leader. You don't lose durabilities nor do you gain any rewards its just purely for training and skirmishing between friends, allies or rivals Im quite surprised that this kind of option isn't already in game.
  15. Very nice brainstorming coming along here, its a breath of fresh air to the port battle system. I quite disliked the flag and whole port timer windows feature, this feature restricted all those out of the 2 main timezones which effectively makes these players redundant to the conquer system at this stage, if we are able to put our heads together we can achieve some creative ideas on how we might make these players more useful. 1.) Raiding/ Sabotaging and repairing the ports for 48 hours does sounds like a great way to get players helping towards the national goal, you can have missions that help towards gaining an advantage towards the contention of the port. 2.) Fleet battles on a 4 or 6 hour timer that kick off to promote PvP around the port within that 48 hour period that goes towards victory conditions. 3.) 24 hour cool off period after the initial 48 hours, this will allow players within that 24 hours to sail ships to the port and dock up in preparation for the battle ahead, study the layout/ map of the coastline, shallows and forts and devise strategies, sailing ships there can be risky without escorts, this feature is to minimise screening fleets, they can still happen but 24 hour screen will be be a tough ask 4.) BR capped port battle. So a set BR limit that makes fielding all first rates just about impossible, sure you can field 10 first rates but u might reach the cap over the opposition that fields 6 first rates and then 12 x 3rd rates as a rough example to gain some more variety to the fielding teams, those that miss out can join fleet battle PvP for rewards of involvement that the admiralty send to capital for you. 5.) Capture Zones victory conditions, Port capture zone where you need to board the town and a fort for an added level of strategy and the need for small frigates to get in close enough. Achieved a mental blank so will need to come back and try add more.
  16. Pros and Cons Pros 1.) More realistic 2.) Making rate ships harder to maintain 3.) No more spamming and losing ships as it will hurt the nation 4.) Make players thing more strategically to how they participate in battles Cons 1.) More might run from battles as its gonna cost them far greater then staying 2.) To much grinding to maintain 3.) Those that lose crew in battles do they lose them upon re-entering OW There is more to add in time, will get back to ya
  17. I have an Alt in my nation to help with getting crafting mats and saving myself some money by production buildings, with the hours i play i wanna make the most outta my crafting as i possibly can, it also helps provide important things for our clan plus the pubbies that are looking for ships or any other mats they may require, i find this helpful and the way it should be used, i even put the same last name on my Alt to show that I'm not hiding it, those that do abuse it to spy/ grief and troll on other nation are just sad and a waste of space.
  18. How come you cant just add a pop up to join the attack so those not wanting to get pulled don't or only the attacker enters the battle and the others then have to click and join, the only issue with it is that you now have the 1.5BR which isn't working that will be the issue, but we can remove that
  19. I noticed this from a few patches before, they did fix it then after 1 of the patches it came back, it did seemed to shoot fine with both decks active but it seemed to have the issue after disabling 1 deck to fire, been a few weeks now since i last tried having carronades on top deck.
  20. Yes that game does still lack alot of valuable content to make this game epic, i do feel that there is alot of gameplay where there is no action, maybe just making the teleport's instant between outposts and no ship teleports to encourage players being there and battling is better then most waiting around doing nothing because they cant afford to burn a TP, there is far to much in-activity in this game considering the world is so big, the grind is slow for most i feel are casual players so they hide in the most remote places so they can grind without being ganked, players will come join the world when they are ready though hopefully its not a world with just santi's from all the isolated grinders, IMO the more money i have the more i want to test new things and practice as i know i have funds to back it up, if u make grinding to hard and rates to easy to get and keep without any real restrictions then we will have these issues of players getting bored, I've been here since 2014 and still going, i have hated quite a few things that have been implemented and others that should have been but this is the dev's way of learning, what some feel is easy to fix others might find hard or find other faults with these theories, hopefully we can find the right balance and get the game flowing better.
  21. Yeah the teleport timer just stop people from achieving any real action time, i want to do my crafting in my main home port but there are battles around everywhere, being central every front is always getting attacked, especially when all nations are teaming together to attack the same enemy, how about allow people to teleport and make port battles actually populated and fun or have it like POTBS did that people that contributed to flipping or making points have a chance to participate, atm is boring as bat S@#% you teleport to try grind away from seal clubbers and others so u don't waste more time trying to level as this seems to steal most people time!!!!! then there is no1 around or fleets to attack so u want to head somewhere else but have to wait for the cool down, its crap gaming IMO, im better off going to play a FPS where i know i have constant action rather then sit here for hours sailing for nothing, time to make a change and bring more action to game as making it so realistic is just boring as nothing happens!
  22. That sneaky devil, aw well short drop and a sudden stop to him also even though hes only a thief so hes just a little fella
  23. Rates might have been seen down there and i would be interested to read the source where these facts are, Portugal was also seen in the caribbean and colonised in the South Americas, you wouldn't even need to go far with the map south to implement them, unfortunately Russia didn't settle much over here but if we are going to put in their ships why not fit them in somewhere otherwise why implement their ships in they haven't got a settlement here?
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