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Everything posted by Ortac

  1. This topic and many similar to it, have been discussed in detail under "Suggestions" a number of times. Unfortunately, Game Labs have indicated that it has no intention at this stage, or in the future, of implementing consensual-only PVP of any kind on the PVE server.
  2. I have to disagree. Think you are somewhat underestimating the intelligence and resilience of the regulars on PVE server. The community as a whole observes a common understanding, not just within nations, but between nations.
  3. I spend most of my time on the PVE server - I hereby confirm my approval of consensual (only) PVP on the PVE server. I do not believe it will affect the atmosphere at all.
  4. A lot of us do undertake fleet battles together. Both same nation and mixed nation against a common enemy. It's happening all the time.
  5. Bearing in mind that Port Battles are the highest level of fighting in NA. I am thinking that the rewards for participating in, and winning a port battle would be along the lines of ship notes, top level upgrades/books, a quantity of rare woods - these kinds of things. I am not thinking about taking port ownership, as we don't fight eachother on the peace server, and so port ownership has little or no meaning. There is therefore no need or desire to deprive other players of the resources from any port. I'm mostly interested in the workings of a Port Battle, participating, not so much the port itself. Ports have different BR levels and some seem to be more complex to capture. A challenge over and above the straight-up fleet fights we undertake. To be continued in due course.
  6. Port battles are a step-up from regular fleet battles. They require an element of planning, of fleet allocation, of positioning at start, and last but not least, of tactical decisions made during the battle. I, and many others, would like to have the opportunity to have a go at this advanced level of fighting against the AI. - Mechanism already exists on Peace Server for hostility missions. Work it in the same way that it operates on the War server, fighting against AI. - Port ownership does not need to change hands. Stays neutral or original national flag, available to all, in conjunction with the programme the developers have recently announced for future Port activity. - Maintain the same port battle BR limits as the War Server. - Rewards for winning to be commensurate with the challenge. Suggestions welcome.
  7. I would like to see more comprehensive retreat instruction options - - go straight ahead and retreat - turn left 90(degrees) and retreat - turn left about (180 degrees) and retreat - turn right 90 and retreat - turn right about and retreat .... although i suspect the coding of this might be somewhat complex.
  8. I'm guessing that the fleet ship, if told to retreat, tries to find the best point of sail, and will simply continue on that path regardless of whatever obstructions exist, including you and the enemy ships.
  9. I've tried some conventional over-ear headphones whilst operating in Teamspeak, but simply don't feel comfortable. I'm looking for recommendations for some sensibly priced lightweight headphones/earphones with built-in microphone, wired or wireless. Any advice would be welcome. Many thanks.
  10. I don't recall which tab it is, but in port it is possible to convert Dubloons to Victory Marks. The conversion rate is 1,000 Dubloons = 1 Victory Mark.
  11. You really think two enemy players are going to sit inside a battle for an hour and a half just to avoid a third party enemy?
  12. Another solution to the hugging problem, is the use of Muskets and Pistols. If they are loaded in a skill slot, a button lights up to fire when a ship comes within about 30 yards/metres, with a cooldown/reload timer of say 30 seconds. This doesn't require modelling of a set of swivels on all ships in NA.
  13. Clicking "Use" only unlocks the blueprints. It doesn't produce the items at that point. After clicking "use", you will now have the ability to make the item with additional materials required. You will find the unlocked blueprints in CRAFT > Manufacture.
  14. When preparing the boarding function, I have to disengage either gunnery or sail crew allocation to get "Preparation" at, or as close to 100/100 as possible. With the Boatswain skill book installed in a skill slot, does the crew transfer happen faster? Thanks.
  15. I presume that if a "home" port is captured by an enemy nation, that all shipyards in the port would remain active, albeit only accessible by traders and merchants.
  16. I presume this ruling applies if you transfer yourself and your crew to the captured ship, then continue the battle in the captured ship until you leave or the battle simply ends. There is nowhere in Admin's post that mentions this.
  17. This has been suggested a number of times, both in the PVE chat rooms, and here in the forum. The only response I have seen on this matter was in here, from a PVPer, and somewhat entirely predictable. The response being to go to the PVP server, full stop. Your suggestion fills a gap between the two servers, by offering "PVP by invitation" only. To put this on the PVE server is ideal. Commended.
  18. Squeezing ship upgrades and skill books to a point where they become negligible and immaterial, effectively eliminates one of the games' core ladder components. This I suspect is the case on the PVE server. Naval Action's limited content is not going to be served well if you reduce part of this content to a level where it becomes pointless to achieve.
  19. I had exactly the same problem with Firefox. Switched to a simpler browser "Pale Moon", and problem was solved.
  20. I'm UK. Also got booted in middle of battle. I'll be very unhappy if I lose my ship.
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