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Everything posted by Cr33D

  1. Sorry, corrected my post - I meant X number of times per day. Message examples: "Treasure fleet recently seen near Sant Iago, rumor says it is heading to Oranjestad" - fleet can use different routes to get there North of Hispaniola, South of Hispaniola, along the coast etc. etc. Another message: "Fleet has been captured by British near La Navasse. Rumor says it is heading to KPR" It can be extremely long event if few nations / clans involved
  2. What if.... Rumor message showing - several number of times a day that treasure fleet will be moving from X to Y. Fleet will have - Z number of random routes it can take and will appear randomly somewhere on one of the routes causing players to search for it (more ow traffic) Treasure fleet will consist of number of battle ships and goods loaded indiaman or few indiamans. To get goods you would have to capture indiaman - no sinking and escort it back to your port (more pvp possible). Messages will appear on: - Treasure fleet appearing in the region heading to port xxx. - Fleet captured by nation ##### and expected port it will be escorted to (nearest national port). - Fleet safely arriving to its old destination or new. Regards
  3. What about if determined defender will give you a time advantage only. Eg. You can't be boarded within 30secs if your crew is more than 30 percent of your opponent in change of insta boarding. Better organised defense of the ship, removing grapple hooks etc. This would give a defender few more options and pretty easy to implement ?
  4. I will also donate as I really like the idea and I really appreciate anyone that create content, especially might be viable for new players. 50 x PvP Marks 1x Bellona Note 1x Constitution Note 1x Pirate Frigate Note 1x Victory Permit 1x Santisima Permit 1x L'Ocean Permit Well Done @Headless Parrot Get in touch in game to pick all stuff Regards Cr33D
  5. Probably 9 out of 10 times while being in the reinforcement zone so called by you "PvP marks farmers" gets tagged by minimum 3xBR. Another 1 situation is when this horrible "PVP Marks farmer" will join someone vs AI not knowing in the first place who is that and probably most of the time someone else will join this battle to defend this poor AI tagger, ending with 3xBR advantage. What happens next ? Sometimes a lot of people join and "PvP mark farmer" does have no choice and run, sometimes he can't be escape and will fight vs 3-4 or more players, sometimes winning sometimes sinking few of them sometimes not sinking anything and loosing ship. In case of loosing ship, "PVP marks farmer" will pick his next ship and sail somewhere to have fun fight. What about someone that sank when had huge advantage ? Usually goes on the forums and complains that modules are too strong, books are too strong, pvp modules are too strong, reinforcement zone is bad, seal clubbing, bla bla bla bla ...... In general - all experienced players are killing this game ... best thing, stop playing
  6. Hi All, Reading through the forums, you can see a lot of questions or request for ship paints / skins. Thinking a little bit about it an idea popped into my head. Please let me know what you think. Ship paints/skins availability in region capitals if: Mechanics on how painting system will work. whole region is owned by one nation (or clan) - region specific paint you can paint your ship only if you are on this ship or ship is in the fleet (not as an item that you can carry to another port) you have to leave your ship in this port until server maintenance (optional) Clan owning port has to invest an X amount of gold to build shipyard in region capital to benefit from below Cost of applying paint Nation (or clan) owning region - 25% of the cost Any other nation or clan - 100% of the cost Income from paints is taxed and relevant amount of it goes to the clan owning regional port Pros More ships customization available (satisfying a lot of people requesting paints) More incentive to own ports: Additional Income for clan owning Paints available for everyone More traffic Making paints available only in specific port for set ship meaning lot of people trying to get to this port if they want to look cool Groups of people forming to decrease a risk of being intercepted More RVR as the whole region is required to unlock paints Modification is available for all despite in which nation you are, or what you do (PVP, PVE, Trading, Crafting) - although will incur additional cost and effort. Cons Not sure on those, but I am sure that discussion will highlight some Please do so or add in your suggestions to above solution. Regards Cr33D
  7. I realpy liked @Hethwill approach. Looking through all this posts only he ia focusing on possible improvement and not on picking up flaws. Solution to a problem within this post is simple: Using @admin guide let's agree to a format how we will provide feedback or suggestion. Very common wirhin businesses is STAR format which you can read about which can be modified and accomodated to our needs and agreed with developers team. Quick sticky topic with suggestion rules.Whichever suggestion doea not follow above format will be discarded and not taken into account. All others developer team will provide a feedback on following with decision and closure of the topic. It is all about agreement between both sides what is a format and following it as we all have common goal to make game successful.
  8. I would nominate myself if I would have more time, lol. I did trading, rvr, pve, crafting and rvr. Never got banned Being serious now I would nominate @vazco, apart of meeting above he is the person that suggest always a lot of sensible solutions to the game.
  9. Destroyed ? you can only loose ports. Nation is players not ports. But I do agree with you that loosing all of the ports would have an impact on numbers of players within a nation. Same as I agree that there is a room for more contect. Where I don't agree is safe zones that are protecting everyone as this is actually denying content same as current size of the map which is denying content too. Less nations will not increase amount of pvp. It will be same 500 ppl which only 20% off is looking actively for pvp in the huge ow.
  10. Very judgemental. I enjoy rvr too, although I don't care about keeping ports. If I wont keep it, there is good reason to fight for it again w hen it is needed, when I will run out of resources. Yesteday ended up with 8 lord protectors - 3 VM showing that I do participate in RVR.
  11. And what does it have to do with what I said ? I expressed my own opinion saying that I would prefer smaller map to test combat mechanics better than sailing in the empty world. I am reading once a week a forum topic about nations merge and I do agree with admin that more nations statistically brings more action. Making map smaller was only a suggestion as this is what forums are for ? Really ? For me you can take all of the Prussian ports I don't need them
  12. If you would read once again it says while in alfa stage. With amount of bugs and balancing issues, in my head those would be more important to deal with, than sailing around in the empty world. Release full map in beta.
  13. solution to all of this issues, while in alpha reduce map size to hispaniola region only, where all of this 11 nation can meet up and have a brawl
  14. Get production going put them in the shop for 1500 and make lots of money...
  15. Yesterday I took part in 3 battles with PVP marks rewards: - PB Macao - 11 - PvP near La Tortue - 12 - PvP near Mortimer - 2 Looks like leaderboard didn't register 12 PVP marks I should get for PvP near La Tortue. Not sure was it added to my PvP marks pool. Not that I care about that 12 PvP marks, but for some new player it can be a real issue. I don't have screenshots as I had to re-log in between of the fights due to group issue (could not disband a group). Regards Cr33D
  16. 1. Hidden names is OW - probably one of the best changes so far, make it all exciting again ! 2. Another great change is opening reinforcement zone battles for longer. This creates opportunity for big battles ! Yesterday we had people joining battle for over 30 mins ! Great fights yesterday, lost two ships although amount of fun was worth more than ships Thanks devs
  17. definitely we need less talk about sweden russia tentions in all possible topics... it gets boring guys...
  18. imho mechanics with favour should be added where each player starts as a free privateer and depending on his actions (through pve or pvp) he is being assigned favour points from each country. eg. at 1000 points he is getting a letter from the nation that he can join it and benefit from this nations ports, production and discounted prices in shops etc. then nation choice will be bound to your decisions. example If you are killing swedes that are in war with gb gb grants you favour points, after doing it for some time you will get a letter. political status would have to be added where clans with highest favour total are deciding on the status vs other countries through different mechanics like influence in the region, borders tension etc. no silly nation changing only pure outcome of your actions will set your fate. complicated to implement but even games like sid meyers pirates jad something similar.
  19. Same here. Since I started playing as Prussian I managed to get from level 15 crafting to level 50 now building in La Tortue while gathering resources around free towns, open ports (smuggler flag) and Prussian ports around LT. By today I probably have enough of most materials (including teak and white oak) to craft additional 20 - 30 (accounting Victory Marks - probably 10) 1st rates without having safe zones or dedicated eco hub. I never had an alt account nor I plan to have one.
  20. around sailing and fights - 400 - 600 hours another that on top trading. I dont mind who I fight against, I sail around MT because it's a nearest port with some players from La Tortue, not because low lvl players are there. I fight vs everyone thtat wants to fight I dont pick targets as per their rank in game nor I check how many hours they played. If I got attacked I fight. I tend to let go ppl with low rank unless I am attacked by them. There was few occasions where I attacked low lvl player and sank him, but I provided them with better ship with upgrades usually. So far one that is bragging is you, I play NA since July only, which is short compared to some people here and through sinkning I learned how to fight and what you are trying to do is to bring more pve to pvp server. Everytime I leave port I accept fact that I lost this ship. This helps a lot and is the best advice I can give. I use upgrades that are available for everyone in shop ranging from 0.5kk to 2kk total. I dont sail with copper plating for example nor cartahena only pb ships do have cartahena which is obsolete now anyway. To the topic, green zones must be changed to something that is viable for pvp too. Stop protecting highest level ranks, that will only learn through sinking their own ships in pvp and not through pve. AI is nowhere on par with pvp players and everyone have to realize that. IMHO all starters should be placed on pacific with no access for pvp players. They should be allowedvto pvp same rank or higher there only. After reaching certain rank they should move to carribean picking their nation , all green zones should be removed.
  21. sorry cant agree and keep reading same thing over and over. sailed bell poule with 1 ship knowledge slot refits available in shops. Now I am on 4 ship knowledges pvp only. niagara all 5 slots unlocked in pvp. surprise same thing. pf last 2 in pvp. bucentaur 2 in pvp only. endymion 2 slots in pvp only. St. Pavel 3 slots in pvp, bellona 3 slots in pvp I had 2 ships unlocked through a majority of pve it was inger (4 slots)and victory (4 slots).
  22. reduce refits drop in green zone to basic stuff only and no combat marks. only gold and xp. for any other more important upgrades players will have to sail away from the green zones. Dissallow tagging npcs in green zones only missions allowed without any drop (repairs only).
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