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Captain Lust

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Everything posted by Captain Lust

  1. What does the Essex bring to the table to make up for being the only frigate not able to carry any chaser guns at all?
  2. Can we get a loot command for fleet ships? I'd like to take a light small ship with me to carry my loot...
  3. This is what i thought but i really want to be sure...
  4. Is it allowed to shoot a player on the same team with the intention of setting him on fire, if he gives his consent?
  5. This is pretty much what i am thinking. Thank you.
  6. Why does the Snow only have 1425 sail hp? For comparison the cutter has 900 and other 6th rates around 2500. I can get behind it having a paper hull/armor in exchange for the fair amount of guns, but the abysmal sail hp combined with the paper hull cripples it too much in pvp. Did i overlook something? What's supposed to be the role of the Snow in PvP, if any?
  7. Probably but the question is... are those sad manchilds really worth the effort? Just as im typing this comment they're bullying a player in nation chat that used to be in their clan. They hate on him for confirming their shenanigans with the unarmed french. They say they will hunt him and he has "no future on the pirate side" and that he should switch nation or he would regret it.... The average SORRY player, probably....
  8. Tell that the people who had their game account banned for trolling on this forum, while the people really hurting the game are unpunished trashing the ingame chats with their filth... Also i normally wouldn't have a problem with it but their trolling, trashtalking and toxicity is beyond any limit...
  9. I have never been sunk by them and this isn NOT what i am talking about. The outlaw mechanic is fine. I just mentioned it to show the level of toxicity they are spreading.
  10. Can all the dweebenheimers with their "this is what pirates were like.... you chose pirate nation... [insert random offtopic garbage]" gtfo? This is a video game and there are rules for the respectful use of the ingame chat ( at least i would hope so ). If someone throwing insults around in chat gives you your geeky roleplay fix, good for you.
  11. Except for they're a zerg clan and recruit just about anyone. I should switch nation because of some unemployed losers that enjoy harassing others in chat? Nah, i'll pass on that. I have most of them muted anyways.... new players however do not have them on ignore... consider this.
  12. Chat abuse is "pirate stuff"? What the actual f**k, mate? If the report did anything they would either be banned already or it is okay to insult and harass other players in chat in NA...
  13. If this is the case why didn't they get perma banned from chat months ago?
  14. This clan is harassing players in nation chat every time i log into the game. I heard they sink people that try to join the PB as if it is their exclusive right to participate in them, while at the same time trading regions away to enrich their clan. These guys are as toxic as it can get and it is disgusting to see them around 24/7 every time i join the game. It was the right decision to demote them but the question is... was that really good enough? I think some of them really need some chat bans at least... they've been spreading their cancer and toxicity poisoning the community for as long as i have been playing the game. Yes i have muted most of them but it is really hard to mute everyone that engages in their shitstorm.
  15. Ahoy captains, i have a very specific question but maybe someone can help. What woods do i need to use to build a renommee that exceeds the speed limit enough to not slow it down below the speed limit of 15 knots with hold loaded? I will use speed upgrades like copper plating and gazelle figurehead too of course. I don't like to use fir or bermuda but i will if i have to. Any suggestions? A very fast renomme that can still take a fight was what i had in mind...
  16. Whats the point of having 2 types of superior powder with the only difference being one elite version granting 1% more than the other?
  17. Considering the fact that i havent met a single player that did not hate the new tiered ship knowledge xp, that forces you to grind lower ships up until you can max out your favourite... Is it safe to assume this knowledge xp will NOT be wiped even at release ( like rank xp which is now effectively rendered useless if you want to play on a competitive level ) if the ship knowledge tree stays in game? And if so, can we expect another change that brings us back to start the grind from basic cutter? I know it's EA ( inb4 at least 1 reply will tell me so ) and i love this game and testing it. I understand the devs wanted to get everyone back into the small ships and make people work for the big ships without breaking their promise of keeping rank xp for everyone, but i don't really like the new grind ( especially since the game is grindy enough and it forces me to sail ships i don't enjoy ) . I can deal with it as long as it isn't for nothing and will enable me to sail the ships i unlocked to their full potential even after release. I love the new "mega" patch ( except for this tiered ship xp system ). I have no problem with the asset ( gold, ships...etc.) wipe and the game improved alot but if our progress on ship xp or xp grind in general will be wiped yet again on release you might aswell count me and my clan out but i will enjoy this beautiful game until then. I don't want to complain here. I just want clarity for deciding how much time i should consider investing into the tiered ship xp system. If you really want more shallow water ships in game ( some of which i love and enjoy dearly ) please consider adding more shallow water regions, as it also makes for a great area for new players without enough cash for a decent frigate. Maybe even a very shallow area for 7th rates only? New rookie zone that can be teleported to from captial limited to rank 1-4? I don't see how putting the veteran captains in basic cutters again and again gives new players better chances against them ( they still have more skill ). And it definitely is not content for vets either ( i read this somewhere and was rather shocked...). Everyone i talked to is rather annoyed by it at best and would prefer to be able to grind the total xp needed for the 5th slot on the ship it unlocks for. I also think ( yeah i will be hanged at KPR for saying this ) SOLs / Lineships are still too cheap / easy to get. I actually would like them to be more powerful and even less accessible. I really want to know this. Thank you.
  18. Still waiting on that rattlesnake + rattlesnake heavy + niagara as pirate only ships while all SOLs are national only ships. This would balance things out quite a bit, making all shallow ports easier to take for pirates with their small but strong ships while leaving the majority of ports to nationals ( as it should be ). I don't think pirates should have SOLs unless they actually capture one but i also dont think pirates should be at a disadvantage without gaining any perks in return... All this "pirates should be hardmode as it is historical" and "nobody forced you to be pirate" gibberish is just useless and narrow-minded reasoning. It is a f***ing game, get over it. If you make pirates useless, why not remove it altogether? Having the pirates fight among each other is "hardmode" and disadvantage enough. No SOL permits for pirates is just the icing on the cake and begs the question if pirates should be part of the conquest game at all if they dont get the shallow ships exclusively as niche at least...
  19. Yeah gamebreaking as if the second guy couldn't tag you instead to pull you into battle allowing the friendly trader to escape anyways...
  20. I would really like to see pirates getting a few hideout ports ( similar to free towns pre wipe ) around the map. I'm not against the not being able to teleport to free towns feature as to give RvR / conquest more meaning but i don't think anyone can argue against it preventing pvp rather than encouraging it. Pirates were outlaws and not bound to nation ports and with their limited ability to produce lineships theyre crippled in RvR outside of shallows anyways. So why not give the pirates at least a single decent unique perk? The hideouts could be on a few chosen free towns or on some of the unused small islands... Maybe as little as a dock and a few huts with a barrel of rum? You could also consider removing mortimer town and moving the capital to the pirate island. Yes, this suggestion is obviously biased but i think it would be a good thing and very fitting for the pirate "nation". Swedes and Danes making millions with their trade juggling and i have no chance to raid them properly? C'mon guys... This would give pirates something unique and encourage PvP ( which is still too rare ). Also pirate hunters have more business. win-win-win. The pirates not having access to lineship permits is a good thing in my opinion but its also a hefty disadvantage. So something to balance it out would be nice...
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