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Captain Lust

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Everything posted by Captain Lust

  1. As i mentioned before... if you don't use your production effectively you just put yourself at a disadvantage, especially compared to people using alt accounts... they can have their production right in enemy territory and supply their main in the the free town with cheap ships / guns / reps while the mentioned "hardmode" by our DweebenheimerMcGeek here only means you have to do extra carebearing to get some decent gold to buy overpriced ships crafted by others because you have no own production... yes maybe once in a blue moon you can capture a actually good ship from another player but then you have to play super pussy mode and cant do balls deep, because if you lose it, you're back to the other NPC garbage ships most people are sailing...
  2. Good for them if they enjoy sailing garbage ships with crew space instead of proper planking customized ships for pvp and have to do extra carebearing to get some decent gold... sounds fun.. I know that you're playing for GB by the way, so you're a "filthy national" too, then?
  3. Yeah, what a retarded statement... you can be a "real hunter" in any nation but with how the game works you just put yourself at a disadvantage if you don't use your production buildings - even more so compared to someone who runs +3 alt accounts on top... the only thing "hardcore" is that you will effectively end up with less gold forcing you to do more PvE to get gold since PvP is absolute garbage for gaining gold if you compare it with PvE / crafting and the same time investment. So your "hardcore" actually means more carebearing than someone with good production buildings... nice try tho... Ok, thanks.
  4. My question was about whether i lose my free town B with all its stuff in it, when i use forged papers in free town A... but since Peter Goldmann said all gold and ship are lost i will just make gold from everything and trade it via my mates account...
  5. Do you actually have proof for that? Might actually sell all my ships then and trade gold though my mates account ( would be really annoying to get all ships to one OP anyways )... Yeah, i hope they will have fun as handicapped nation
  6. Now that the Pirate Nation is losing all regions on EU Server, because nobody can be bothered with the garbage PvE RvR mechanics / no RvR clan left i'm considering leaving the sinking ship ( i'd rather not craft and have production builds like nationals but pirate is just another nation after all ). So if i switch, can i have more than one free port with ships/items in it, as long as i have no nation / pirate ports left or do i need to have everything collected in one?
  7. Because it has more chaser guns than any other frigate ( 6 ) which are extremely crucial in OW PvP ( gank, run, gank, run, gank ), is very cheap for its effectiveness, has a godlike sailing profile that most ships don't even come close to and the average player being too bad to exploit its weaknesses... I too hate this on the PvP server... Yes, they probably do... or just don't care... but at least they will bring a arena version - Naval Action Legends, you might want to check that out... Except for it actually is carebear level beyond 9000... i'd rather see Raids being implemented as mini Portbattles and xp / gold reward being complete shit if your teams BR is much higher ( scaling mechanic would be good ) and insane xp and gold for battles where you are underdog for all PvP battles... also pvp should give like x5 or x10 the pve rewards... the only thing worse than gankers are carebears hiding in green zone on the pvp server... what do we have the pve server for anyways when they are all playing on pvp? Just shut it down - save some cash... Goodbye, mate. You don't have to be... nobody who still plays this game gives a shit anyways... else they wouldn't be playing anymore...
  8. Rules were violated and your answer only 4 minutes after the thread was opened proves you knew those rules very well - case closed.
  9. Well yeah, Belize area is a total kill zone on EU West - British getting farmed by the dozen when people should be fighting the swerg instead...
  10. I don't think we are playing the same game, mate... http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=File:SailingProfileSURPRISE.png http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=File:SailingProfileENDYMION.png If Endy is so good i wonder why barely anyone uses it and you see Surprises everywhere? Btw the high base speed on Endymion is all it has and you can still stack speed on Surprise...
  11. If you want a tagger... might aswell use a surprise?
  12. I don't get all this complaining about "expensive cannons"... yes, the start is rough but once you got the workshop up or join a clan ( they really should have at least one, otherwise there is no reason for you being in it... ) with some iron and coal mine it's easy to get guns dirt cheap... 150k + 500 oak for workshop and 10k x 2 for iron and coal mine. Many folks will give new players free cannons too, if you dont want to outfit a Santissima...
  13. Yeah, really a shame they put so much effort in the awesome model with all the details only to cripple her out of fear to make her OP when everyone is sailing consitutions and surprises already anyways... as if there was proper balance between ships that could be harmed... i sometimes pull the endymion out for some pve just to see her in action... +1
  14. Since the speed penalty seems to be based on the % of the hold space used, does this mean you get less penalty with hold optimization perk since it increases your total hold capacity ( since wipe without speed malus ) ?
  15. That barely anyone gives 2 shits about... most people look at combat news...
  16. Why exactly do we need to know where people are hunting / fighting automatically at all? And i didn't ask for "all the detail" but only the ships ( mostly surprise or constitution anyways so why the fuzz? ) ... People asked for some prestige system for pvp and the Combat News could add to that if it showed the ships used.... How do you know if someone sank a constitution or just a basic cutter? So at least knowing the destroyed ship would be nice... There are some guys who sink 10 trader brigs and get 10 pop-ups on combatnews and other sank only 2 but both heavy frigates, yet it looks like the first is more successful in pvp... you get the idea?
  17. Please make it so you can see what ships were used...
  18. Make AI Trader drop useful stuff like materials for shipbuilding, please. The garbage loot on AI is just another in the endless list of "hello kitty you"s for new players ( already can't capture AI ships )...
  19. I think one of the high gods of demasting @Liquicity said something similar...
  20. Sounds like overkill tbh... depending on the ship. I don't think its worth using 1 ship knowledge slot for 2% pen...
  21. Does anyone use penetration upgrades for OW PvP? Are they worth using for 9pders? The percentages you get (3/5/6/7) seem kind of minuscule for a permanent slot...
  22. Wouldn't be the first completely useless upgrade that is still in game anyways...
  23. Depends on the size of the bonus i would say... and even if not, then at least people fighting the odds get something for it? Your opinion seems biased coming from one of the heaviest populated nations...
  24. That's actually a good thing... inflation and all you know? Remember how we use to shoot with gold nuggets instead of cannon balls pre wipe? Also gives noobs something to make money with...
  25. Just another scenario that proves the mechanic is garbage...
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