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Captain Lust

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Everything posted by Captain Lust

  1. I really dislike the current "events" where the lootable wreck spawns close to some nation. It's just too rare to favour only 1-2 factions closest to the area... @BallsofSteel suggested "2. Event wrecks scattered over map no location. " Which would be waaaay better... Make it like epic events scattered around the map but much rarer of course, so you can find them when sailing long distances. This is a really easy implementable / low hanging fruit mechanic i see that could give something interesting to open world sailing...
  2. This might very well be the most retarded comment i have read on this forum so far. Pirates trimmed their ships for speed. What use has a pirate ship, if it can not catch trader vessels or escape warships? But realism aside, giving a nation a handicap on the most important ship characteristic only because it is very popular is completely idiotic. 1. Upgrades too rare / worth more than ships ( if you can buy them at all after hours of advertisement/ spam in the chat ) AND only dropped in PvE, why not PvP? 2. PvP risk/reward way out of line compared to PvE - PvP needs cosmetic / prestige rewards ( paints anyone? ) that don't give a advantage and a serious multiplier on marks/gold/xp 3. Conquest marks... as mentioned too much of a gap between have and not have and also it turned the game into a cold war arms race but with lineships instead of nukes...
  3. It's pretty poor by my standards... Playable is a very relative term. Casuals will certainly not enjoy the current state of the game on average - i have seen enough leave and read enough negative steam reviews to be sure about it. My dick is playable too but if i wouldnt enjoy it i wouldnt go for it every once in a while...
  4. Not really... i just avoid zerg zones like the swedish gank coast guards waters - RIP fair play liquicity 2014-2017 forever in our hearts... If you waste ships because you go around hot spots begging for revenge fleets, thats on you - most players in this game are cowards and they will abuse any mechanic as much as they can to gank... it's to be expected
  5. If thats your source of income you must be piss poor... Also with carebearing in your green zone you can't understand the loss of a upgraded ship in real pvp...
  6. I actually like that you don't get the ships handed to you on a silver platter anymore. More small ships and less big ships ( in theory - looking at you zerg clan exploiters ). And the game was always grindy for casuals - but also fun. This added grind for basically nothing just kills casuals ( who lets be honest are already hello kittyed in this game ) even more. These people quit before they even know about the retarded new korean style mmo gear grind in pve... hits me right in the feels since i love the game and really want it to succeed - but im just a dreamer...
  7. While the complete post is is very ture, undeniable and pretty much what i came to realise, this sums it up pretty well. What is even more sad tho is that they said they wanted to remove super rare items so everyone can be on even playing field in pvp.... well doesn't really matter when there is no pvp, eh? - problem solved. If i have to farm bots for days to get my upgrades - so be it... but hello kitty RNG... its giving me cancer.
  8. Yes, but i wish he didn't to be honest... he asked me why i still bother with the game and all i could say was that i really like the combat....
  9. I just really hate to have pvp in any game without balance in terms of gear. It's just worse than pay2win, where you can at least buy the competitive gear without having to suck off RNGesus for a lucky drop every blue moon. If i have the same gear as my opponent, i can be sure it was skill that decided the outcome of the fight and not some magic upgrade that some filthy lubber looted with luck after hours of pve...
  10. One of my mates who gave up on the game before wipe came back the other day. I told him how the game is pve now, but can still have some pvp from time to time after you farmed for cash upgrades but pve being much more rewarding / risk free in terms of gold/items. He was turned off by it quite a bit but still wanted to give it a shot since i told him if he looted a good upgrade he could make some cash or gear up his ship.... since hes low rank i gave him a tanky snow and told him he should do scoundrel missions. He said he counted and did a total of 24 missions and he told me it wasnt easy even tho he was fighting some "rookie" brigs/snows ( always 2 of them )... had to give him 2 more snows in the process. He didn't get a single upgrade... not even a shitty pump or anything... thats 48 bots and 0 upgrade drops. So my question is, do those rookie ships drop less? Or did you nerf the droprate? I did some pve after wipe and remember i got at least a few usable upgrades... The game is grindy and time consuming enough... do we really need this ultra rare upgrade garbage? If the drop rate is so low for upgrades in general, i wonder how long it takes to get the one you want? And no buying is not an option for casuals because the items are retarded expensive ( obviously ) if anyone is selling them at all but most people keep the good upgrades to their clan anyways... so i thought devs said we would be done with this exclusive upgrade bullshit we had pre wipe, where you have to spam the chat for hours to find a overpriced item you need to stay competitive? I don't see AverageCaptainJoe85 getting his "Art of Ship Handling" book any time before 2019 ( and yeah that shit is OP ).
  11. How exactly is OW speed calculated? What factors play a role?
  12. Pretty much what it feels like when you stop next to the sinking NPC in Indef but it is like 1m too far out to pop the x ....
  13. Yes, yes they should be indeed. PvE is for the lazy and those who do not seek challenge. If you make me waste time for this boring garbage only to get some gear for PvP, then i better get the loot from every AI ship. Especially since the droprate for good loot is retarded low. I play games to compete with other players in terms of skill and not to compete with unemployed dweebenheimer69 who enjoys farming predictable bots all day long so he can beat pvp players with his magic skillbooks and refits.
  14. +1 I already suggested a "Loot Command" for your AI fleet ships for this. Of course dropping a rowboat with a few dudes on it heading out to loot the wreck, would be cooler but more work to code, too. If i can get myself to grind some in the new Naval PvE Action, i want at least to to get my 12 rig repairs loot. Please and thank you.
  15. Does anyone know the exact boarding bonuses that pirate frigate and privateer supposedly get by default?
  16. Pretty much this. High speed traders, some of which almost impossible to catch even when fully loaded ( looking at you warpdrive LGV ), were retarded and it's much better now, even tho it might still need some tweaking.
  17. It seems that with the new speed limit Endymion is worse than ever. Its sailing profile couldn't be much worse and the high base speed that is supposed to make up for it is somewhat useless when i can just stack speed mods on the constitution. Is there still anything that makes Endymion worth sailing? I have really been meaning to build myself one lately for its awesome looks alone but i feel like i should get the constitution instead...
  18. Because you would need seperate economies for pve and pvp players... so whats the point anyways? I don't want to see some untouchable PvE player sailing in his Victory past mortimer town waving at the pirates... No thank you, there is enough PvE on the PvP server already ( way too much to be honest ).
  19. And this is just beyond sad... i don't know if it is intentional but would hope otherwise...
  20. Couldn't agree more. I'm gonna be brutally honest here... the only people who like this system are unemployed / in zerg clans / carebears who prefer pve / people who don't care about comptitive pvp for everyone on the same level and think gear grind in pve is fun. As it is now you are indirectly punished for doing pvp on the pvp server. You get your gear faster by doing pve, you risk no ships and guns, you need no repairs ( at least rig ) and get the same xp ( if not more ). PvP is very risky with a good ship and you even have to decide between taking the ship OR reward, if you win at all. Also i cant get certain refits and skillbooks no matter how much gold i offer. Yes, you did it again... gold is getting more and more worthless again while certain upgrades are only available to a certain few getting lucky on their 24/7 carebear tours through NPC fights... GG
  21. Is there a limit for penetration buffs like there is for speed? Rattlesnake figure + Almeria Superior Gunpowder + Guacata Superior Gunpowder + Treatise on Making Saltpeter stack up to a +20% penetration buff in theory. Anyone wanna load AP shells instead of balls?
  22. The better question to ask would be... will there be yet another new mechanic that makes the previous xp system almost redundant? I asked this very same question before here on the forums but didn't get any answers...
  23. And Trinco has 50x 32pd carronades + 4 bow chasers and higher speed... with the same BR
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