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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. @admin Please consider allowing us to have a log book in game that charts our paths in game that stores in our local fie. Maybe allow us to turn it on/off for certain voyages and maybe allow us to make a special note of 100-200 character length at a certain timestamp.
  2. IMO, if you give a ship that has a super special upgrade on it to a friend from another nation and you battle your friend in your old ship and sink it, then you loot it and get that same super special upgrade as a loot, I personally, would call that an exploit. I have no idea if it is possible, but I am certain @admin could answer this and make a decision.
  3. Lul, I didnt intend to troll. It is unrealistic, but it is also unrealistic to not be able to select our loadout. We should be able to choose how many shots of each we want for each voyage.
  4. Isn't there talk of a DLC that allows players to have more chain, double, and charge shot? Limiting a non-P2W player to only 3 repairs against a P2W player would suck tremendously. I like the hull space repairs (if I have space, then I should be able to use it to the max), however, I do think some of the cargo slots should not be available due to provisions and other things needed daily. Perhaps a cargo slot or two should be reserved for provisions and these would result in hold weight used.
  5. I have proposed this before for all SoLs (1st-3rd rates). Hell, historically it took years to be completed. Just like Wyy's mine got mostly ignored. There's really no grind to crafting a SoL, but yes, the new system seems interesting. How long do you personally have to wait to build a SoL? They are built instantly by all good players with a stack of dbls, because you can simply buy labor hours with them. SoLs are insta-builds, and imo that's too frequent.
  6. Why must 100% of battles end in one side or the other having all ships sunk or captured? Escaping for another day is historically correct and more cost effective for a majority of players, save the hardcore pros.
  7. Yes, I believe that was the reason. And this is why I have suggested we need to have fleet commander characters that can gain XP with use. It irks the hell out of me that our fleet ship commanders are so idiotic compared to NPC.
  8. I liked when we had deliveries. I just wish that the delivery ships had a departure timer and would appear in OW as NPC and capturable by players. Imagine capping those fleet ships. That would seriously damage their econ.
  9. @admin can fix this without a complete rework easy peasy. Extend battle join timers to 5 minutes, or leave open indefinitely for the defender, and/or Set a "Cannot Leave Timer" in battle to say 20 or 30 minutes. If RoE gets completely reworded and screwed up to be "To the Death" for every battle and will not allow the escape of either side, then this game will be completely broken. Historically, ships escaped...they disengaged and came back for another battle another day. There is no reason to punish captains that potentially sacrifice their ship to save a SoL. If they are clever enough to escape, then so be it.
  10. Can this please be put to a vote before applying in a patch? I mean, why is @admin designing a new ROE to cater to one person complaining that his gank of a SoL failed because he was tagged by a light ship that busted up his sails and then ran? This is historical. This is what should be done to save your mates. This is what's done in PBs. If the light ship busted up your sail with 5 broadsides, then it truly is your fault for not sinking him in that amount of time. Or it's your fault for not having a smaller faster ship with you to bug the enemy. Props to the light ship for saving a SoL. The only thing, IMO, that needs changed is increasing the join timer. 3 to 5 minutes. Allow both sides to balance the BR. Do that first. Then maybe set a leave timer in the battle...say you cannot leave the battle within the first 20 minutes, This should be plenty of time for the ganker-wannabe to sink the light ship.
  11. Indeed I do have to play the game with low graphics, but to me this flag looked too pixelated, faded and not crisp compared to other flags. However, when reading the information link you provided about the design being wool, hand sewn, and oil painted, it makes sense that even with high graphics it would look less crisp and slightly faded compared to other flags in game. Thank you for the link and my apologies.
  12. We all know how people are exploit farming ridiculous numbers on the Weekly Leaderboards. (img 1) These kind of numbers detract from what the Weeklies should be providing for all captains, especially new ones. So, I propose the only battles that count are ones of the same rate +-1. If the Weekly Frigate is for 4th rates then the only battles that count would be against 5th, 4th and 3rd rates. This would prevent exploit farming as in img 1 and would closer balance these Weekly Mission results for new captains. They wouldn't feel it useless to even try. Second suggestion would be to make the number of kills per battle matter more than single kills per battle (img 2).
  13. Either DLC ship can sail past it in milliseconds with massive grape damage. Heck any ship that rides slightly higher than the Niagara. Plus when you fire grape at the Niagara you do so when you are on the downwind side, effectively hitting his deck and negating his ability to shoot your mast.
  14. Niagara the best 6th rate? Fire only grape at it and see how worthy it is with no crew in 3 broadsides.
  15. Should kill missions be near enemy ports so one can get pounded by enemy forts and then ganked after their mission?
  16. Raids please...raids that take from the port owner clan. Yes, WS Bombs were ridiculous and should not have been allowed. I could see them reinstituted in a different manner maybe with more restrictions per use.
  17. Why not just make the Weeklies randomly select which rate ship to use (as it already does...sort of) and prevent that rate from battling any other rate? So a Light Ship Weekly would require a 7th rate to use and the only points that count would be against 7th rates. Likewise, the Frigate Weekly would say choose 5th rate and battles against only 5th rates would count. This would prevent people from farming higher rates and prevent these ridiculously outrageous high BR points, from the obvious farmers. Who cares if they go in with a group of friends and farm same rate AI fleets.
  18. Eh....no thank you. A Connie is a high rated 4th pushing the 3rd rate class, but is limited by number of decks and guns to fit into the 3rd rate. If you reclass the Connie, then you must reclass the Hercules, as it fits highly in its class also. The Trinc is no way near a 4th rate, no matter the build with any of the mods....however, perhaps the Indefatigable could be.
  19. YW, and I hope to make an appearance in that next vid.
  20. I'd like us to have fleet captain characters that we train and gain XP per use. We had something like this before, but I think they were our characters?
  21. Average players need expert guidance. It is the experts who should be splitting themselves up and building small nations. Being distant from a free port does not help a thinly populated nation. Basically, the Dutch are surrounded the moment someone steps in, as seen in the ballsack. A decent ship will not win in an outnumbered PvP nor PB. Hence one of the reasons almost all of our port battles have been unsuccessful. And btw, the woods you suggest wouldn't hold up to a basic 4 pounder. Thickness is slightly more important than strength...at least that's what she said.
  22. FFS, please, for the love of God, when we tell our Fleet Ships to Escape, make them sail at the best wind angle for the ship AND...this is the big AND... AWAY FROM ENEMY SHIPS.... Good God, there was only one ship left and my fleet ship sailed straight to it INTO THE WIND! I mean really? This has been going on since this game started. Devs keep coding AI to have all perks and all upgrades, they've coded NPC to attack better, yet can't tell our own fleet ship to leave the battle in a safe direction? Really? And, please, pay us from the Admiralty for losing a fleet ship; it has value also.
  23. The reason so many people have at one time joined the Dutch nation (or at least has an alt as Dutch, which seems most of our nation is full of alts) is because they know that 60k reals is pocket change. Heck, that's how much we tip the barmaids...per mug. Sadly, once people build up their accounts after a month or two they seem always to leave the Dutch to go rat or Russian or Brit....wherever the zerg is...and/or they leave their alt to farm our resources to near emptiness. Personally, I have always been friendly to US, GB, FR, and SV traders. Warships will always be at war. Edit: On a better note, I am your YT channels first sub! Hope to see more of your vids.
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