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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. Funny how you always mention regions, and you used to talk about strategic resources. But now you aren't? Hey Tex, tell everyone who owns every single silver port? Also the mahogany. And Bermuda cedar, and soon the live oak? "What they allowed to get captured," anyone hat reads this i emplor you to go look at the pvp2 battle screenshots. I'm honestly tired of the pirates and Danes saying they don't have the numbers when their own screenshots show them almost always having 25 in a port battle. An aside to this is the Danes that like the GB will not fight in the middle of their night. Well most of the days, unless it's Friday to Sunday and sometimes thursdays. And occasionally Monday.
  2. And as we have discussed and it appears you were left out here, in terms of actual fighters that will show up to fight consistently and can fight 4th rate and above the pirates and Danes have more. I'll direct you to go to the pvp2 port battle reports and look at the screenshots.
  3. You don't stream PBS first of all. You turn it off an hour in advance. Further more this isn't true, look at the Dutch PBs we couldn't get more than 15 people total in any of them. Look at the Danes attacking the brits and recently us Dutch under Benny's command, 25 of them vs our 2 or 3 aussies. Though as of late the Danes dropped the swede alliance temporarily so we are doing what we can to buy ourselves more time. Come on Joba, you know for a fact your alliance out numbers ours for 4th and Lineship battles. And when counting the aussies you have and Chinese the Danes have, it's quite easy for you guys.
  4. Do you know how innacurate and incredibly blindly bias you sound to literally everyone on pvp2 right now? US, GB, and Dutch are outnumbered by the Pirate, Dane, Spanish, Swede, French super mega carebear alliance which has easily three times the aussies and Chinese and just as many Americans to fight at this point in the game. It is just a fact that US, GB, and the Dutch, have lost ALL of their silver ports, the Dutch all their Gold and special woods ports, and the Danes and pirates own them all and we can't do anything about it. When us Dutch go out to grind with everyone we have twice the amount of pirates show up. Was talking to a couple pirates the other day and they feel like they got duped into sympathy when they went pirates and probably plan on leaving when the server is wiped. The pirates simply just were upset when the fine woods came, went the carebear way and quit, like quitters do, and then when they coul got the easy win because they were reminded, oh hey if we all get back on we outnumber and out perform them, that's just a fact, we could easily take whatever we want whenever. Check your facts Aegir and before you spout off about knowing what pvp2 is like actually join the server and see for yourself eh?
  5. Ah yes. I called this after the US-Pirate "agreement," I told them optimistically they would have a month before they got rolled. I hate how accurate I am. anyways, best of luck to both sides on this conflict, do to in game mechanics I don't believe us Dutch will be able to assist the US in another easy steam roll by the pirates.
  6. And what i see is him laughing at you guys every day for allowing him to continue to say he is going to do whatever he wants with you and your family. I think his words were something like "I am going to make them my *****" All i see is more fools being played like a fiddle to do his dirty work. When i came back online he lasted 2 weeks, then we forced him out.
  7. Us people on the Global server are just barricading our stuff and preparing for massive loads of smelly herring crap to fly towards us. o7
  8. By the way, Badbenny was TheTulip when he was Dutch, and now as a swede he is Herringlatte and SwedishCheese. Thy are all the same person.
  9. And you are supporting a known racist that has said in the past that he would do very nasty and inappropriate things to your mother. That is really really shameful, and I am sad to see you falling for his trap, just the other day he was laughing at you I am afraid.
  10. i always thought you were better than to be Benny's little friend. Disappointing.
  11. Would you be so kind as to move it there? I dont believe I can. And I will post the follow up poll there as well.
  12. Very excited for this, I just hope upgrades are more common as loot, and it seems to me that the whole grade system will be earned through experience, so that's awesome, curious how marines will work.
  13. I might do a follow up poll for more specific regions that is more focused on play time based on GMT in response to this, I just wanted to see more player base focused on server allocation and correlations between EU and NA server currently. This isn't in regards to night flips or anything of that matter. I also believe we have a randomized enough proportion of player base on the forums to the game to hopefully not be a biased poll.
  14. Simply to see where the player base of Naval Action is primarily at. -If you wish to also add time zone in (GMT) in comments.
  15. @admin with this would there be a map reset? Because smaller nations would be messed up right on the get go without a map reset.
  16. I have been losing connection to Naval Action at least once an hour for the last 4 days or so, perhaps it could be related. Then my steam crashes afterwards, only when I play Naval Action does this occur.
  17. That must be a true honor, who has the highest of such a thing?
  18. @van der Decken Welcome to the list of the most elite honest people on the forum! o7
  19. I wouldn't mind being a rat if I didn't have to lose all my crap and everyone I enjoy playing with came with me, which happens to just be the whole Dutch nation, so I agree 100%.
  20. @Davos Seasworth thats the swedes that want me gone. Might make a swede alt. lmao Yea they arent happy after about the whole revealing on Taurus' google searches i did
  21. Devs should investigate everyone on PVP2. I swear i have boared and killed the same people tens of times when they were in first rates and they had gold marines. I wish i could have 10+ gold marines lying around
  22. To be fair, they already had ground up puerto de espana to 50 something when i did that and had already been told by JPPSX and that helium voiced boy, cant remember his name, only his voice, sorry, telling me they were going to wipe us before we declared war on the pirates. Not so much a check we couldnt cash, rather a well hello kitty it lets dive on in.
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