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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. it isnt the ships. its that we dont have as many captains as you
  2. you get your buffer zone for free mate! You were crying over it for so long, that we all decided to give it to you, to allow you to take it. Because you are the little guy after all. *sarcasm to the last point* (little guys cant man a full port battle)
  3. actually. you did give up until you could pull all our old members back. you never tried anything. i remember that distinctively. And further more, its less of giving up, but more of letting your pirates rub one out while you try to prove a point while everyone is laughing at it. We see through this point you are trying to make, its very evident with what you have done down south. It isnt about re-balancing whatsoever, and it has nothing to do with smaller nations (as we the dutch are), it has to do with your PR and an easy win for good regions. Please. Lie more. You wonder where all these accusations have come from with everyone directed at the pirates being liars and backstabbers? Mainly from people like yourself that lie.
  4. you know we cant take them back. Dont ever say again you help the little guys, because you dont.
  5. yea, i dont think thats it. I think you guys just want it easy. hello kittying carebears
  6. I find it interesting you will not give back our regions but gave them back to US. Seems to me like you just want to avoid pvp really. So you pick on the small guys.
  7. OH STOP DECKEN. That doesnt make any sense. allies shouldnt attack each other.*massive sarcasm, hint hint pirates *
  8. i did not start it. but bleh, fine, ill unban myself. see you guys shortly
  9. Can i get unbanned from your ts? Or am i going to have to unban myself? If i have to I will i guess.
  10. No. i have just noticed a lot of you have gotten very thin skinned. Shame. You guys used to not be so. Gullible.
  11. Keep lying bub. Maybe ask santa for a safe space for christmas as well, someone is triggered lmao. But the main purpose of this post is just to remind you to stay on topic mcFail.
  12. thats why i said " Same for any further conversation not directly pertaining to adding kill counts, retreats, losses/victories in general to this page. " Now you have been reported. Please for the last time. stop trolling on this page and being off topic (that goes for everyone) and do it elsewhere. What are you? 3? Even I, the greatest troll of all dont go troll your stupid pirate posts.
  13. Are you blind? I thought i was the one with one eye. Hey bub. Get off my page. You are off topic and out of line. Byebye Go to the designated page with your deceit and lies.
  14. sounds like you want the nationals to die and not come back. sounds like you just want the rats to live on and everyone else can go to hell. sounds like you dont actually give a single about the server population, just your own. ~Just a casual observation from your blatant dislikes on everyone national, and from previous points about how dumb it is for nationals to just want all the pirates dead (which i agree, is stupid), you have become just the same thing. Pity. If you dont mind, get off my post, and go to the clash/bicker forum to carry on with your hatred. Same for any further conversation not directly pertaining to adding kill counts, retreats, losses/victories in general to this page.
  15. Sorry, i dont do reddit. i am on the main forums that encompass everything for a reason. If you guys really dont like it so much dont go in there. thats my suggestion anyways.
  16. Well over here it is nothing personal really, just bantering for the hell of it honestly. So, i think the blood and guts in conan would be a great way to unite
  17. off topic, but i too have been in conan with some other naval action players. hm... perhaps we could all get together on one server and show them barbarians what marines can do eh? haha
  18. probably will, as you well know that the times set on these port battles are just outrageous. I am sure they will have a decent showing, but they wont be filling her, not even close
  19. just was wondering. does 1/25/2016 come before or after you guys jumped ship from GB?
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