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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. Your last part is completely false. Rian attacked oranjestad, as did benny. We then took the swede port in butterfly and then France started raising hostility. We didn't take a port for probably 2 weeks after being attacked in orangestad (which we start with) every day it became available. The only nation we were the aggressors to, to begin with in the recent months would be Spain. Pirates started raising hostility in puerto de espana to above 20% with main players like nyrtle spotted in the area, BLACK clan. That's why we declared war and ended our agreement with you guys. Like when did we attack France first? When did we attack Sweden first? When did we attack pirates first? We never raised hostility in the Castries above 20, which is vaguely what we agreed on was too high in our TS chat. So, please give examples
  2. On pvp2 we have the same alliance going on. It's really interesting, it's almost identical in terms of alliances. Except pirates on pvp2 are more prolific, and are allied with the Danes swedes French and Spanish. Indirectly of course. But they fully support each other through screening and supplies.
  3. @admin @Ink great forum to read the major annoyances and heart of the problems with a complete open air. Honestly a lot of good stuff coming up, with cause and affect being greatly explored.
  4. And every couple weeks someone is out of the alliance with at least one nation..
  5. I a man talking about sever population in general. Also. The US has shown in extreme force to our port battles in the past, and Britain this last time. And by your logic we would all be ganging up on the US. They can't support themselves, their carebears are pathetic. And look you guys won that port battle last night despight all the disadvantages. Clearly your whole drop the US alliance is just a way to kill us all because united we can't take on you and the Danes. That's quite obvious. Hey. Why don't you do port numbers before and after this last week and a half? Let's look at port growth. You cry that we don't look at numbers. Uh . Server population has never been regularly this high. Not since July of last year. 200+? And a consistent 120 during US times. And after reset it used to be 10-20. Now it's what, 30-60 depending on a port battle or not? And in the same breathe you say. Oh we weren't growing, yet all I was saying was you werecapable of bringing your old players back. And look at what has happened. You have. And you say it yourself. All you are getting across is this: the pirates aren't weak, but we still want easy fights, we don't want to be treated like pirates even though we are. Go join Spain if you want nation status. And yes I know about the real life pirate "nation" and let me ask you. How many ports did they "own?" Answer that.
  6. Then you risk alliance problems. That's one reason why I hope to see rain and his group go France and then you can have another alliance spot open and you can take the Sweden ports. Most new players don't go Sweden. They go Spain, US, Gb, and France on our sever. So I think it'd be best to try to draw from that pool like you are and unite Spain in the alliance and dump Sweden, as it won't grow, but get their players united within France so you can act together more appropriately.
  7. If they've ever stop their inner feud and can unite. But they can't I am afraid. Same with Britain. Their population is too divided and split. Which is why this global war between the BDU and the DFPS alliance are balanced. As we have all noticed pirates can take US ports in the servers prime. So I really don't know why you are still bitching. Clearly it's your own fault here if you have been capable of taking ports this whole time. Just keep doing what you are doing. We will continue to fight back as will you, and then eventually things will be more balanced and the server population will continue to rise. This is what I have been saying the last month/month and a half . The pirates were capable of taking back ports if they really wanted, and they just were causing their own problems. Which is eveident with your string of victories over this week, and not sparadic random victories either, but consistent victories with consistent numbers.
  8. so time to start going through all those logs and replays? I am thinking it's something about the wind. Hm.
  9. Another US port lost because carebears. Duck me. Also if the devs would fix that hello kittying GUI bug with the marines, not only that but it acted like i had marines in the way of how little my crew was manning everything until i boarded Ned, at which point i was saddened to see i had none, and then was lagged out to the point where i could not even change attacks. I only assume because the server was confused. The moment after I sank everything cleared up perfectly then my game crashed. Also, because this forum is supposed to be salty, and for some reason its civil, ef you pirates
  10. was a dang good battle! i only wish we could have fought better on our part. was disappointed with a couple players that made life a bit more than challenging on our own side haha But you pirates know how to put up a damn good fight thats for sure. Dont have pics as i wasnt there, was in America instead. But the Dutch took Windward. 25v (not sure, there were 7 french at least though, and a fair amount of danes, i think i heard 17 in all?) @ElricTheTwo do you have a screenshot? The US port battle down in Mexico, the US won, was only one swede vs a couple US players. So i heard anyways.
  11. Those players are what lost that American port. Even though our alliance has a high player base only about 10-20% is actually capable of decent pvp. And 30% probably aren't carebears. That's why I say raw numbers don't matter in terms of nation, rather the numbers of effective fighters they can put in a port battle.
  12. All Dutch that were online showed either in the PB or outside of one of the two, we had 17. As for GB and US. US probably had about what you estimate, GB a bit lower a think, and we ran into the benny group down in our lands during that. They didn't fare well. Ran quickly back into guava and later orchila haha
  13. Lets move our salt to a more appropriate page! I for one am quite guilty of cluttering this beautiful page, as is everyone save for maybe elric so far on this page, lets keep her to straight diplomacy and battle reports. As for the page i just made, let the fun begin eh?
  14. To move the bickering and saltiness that we all engage in out of the PVP2 report and diplomacy page onto a separate page. Follow this and be entertained.
  15. depends where you are. those actually were 5am for me. also 7am for several people in America is work time. As dutch we only have a few Aussies, and we are lucky enough that some of us are business owners and can change their schedule, which is why we can field a small, amount. but only enough to go commit suicide against the pirates or brits or US, and especially the Danes. And clearly our "carebear" alliance has ignited balanced PVP, otherwise you wouldnt see the pirates winning PBs and the danes as well. I think just based on the fact of number of port battles and number of regions shifted, anyone crying this alliance is not balanced is blind and refuses to look at the facts.
  16. Ah yes, because the server maximums are on when you are on, you guys should have your own servers or the devs should fix the PB mechanics. Your ad hominem is reflective on your own knowledge of the server population
  17. We certainly haven't had so many PBs in the upcoming days at one time in a very long time, hopefully come back and are here to stay a while.
  18. What time was that port battle? Most people that are on during the evening can't be on for that time in America, work and sleep are more important. And the 3 or 4 that probably were popping out of port, should they go commit suicide versus a full port of enemies they would have no hope to even learn from? I think that is a stretch.
  19. Apparently you got into the battle early. That is now what i heard
  20. When was the last time this one happened? hehe Not saying it all got pushed over with a castries pb one day or anything. but. Certainly there is a correlation between that one and how many afterwards, but whatevs
  21. dont forget the 30 screeners outside! them danes and french and quite a few extra pirates outside. Around 40 ish pirates with a full port battle and several outside. Not a single Dutch sunk, either because of mercy or a ruse. Either way, dont forget about the numbers you "dont have" and can not "consistently get" even though we have all watched Joba's streams lmfao. Glad to see our server hit over 200 for once, welcome back guys! o7
  22. Dutch here reporting Kills counts. Before and After.
  23. more like. more free ships for me. when is guada fuher going to return? he gave me like 3 painted bellonas and the Dutch's first locean.
  24. there were a few brits sailing around not under my command but they werent screening
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