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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. Not really enjoying the night battles. Thinking about just letting them at it. Especially since only one swede shows to them. It's stupid that these asians are in a NA server dominating because we can't fight in our prime, we may be starting a boycott on the game.
  2. As a senior member of the Dutchlands we really truly do appreciate the incredibly well timed and perfectly ground out Caracas you allowed us to take back! O7 Truly proud to have you guys aboard! It opens up a lot of avenues of new tactics for our nation that we will certainly use to our advantage. Side note for Lord Admiral Lord Nelson, I still have your Ocean, we should schedule a time to pick up, seditious just hasn't been on late nights recently for me to get it to him to get it to you.
  3. The easiest way to fix PVP1 being plagued by us US real life players would be to OPEN UP THE TIMES FOR PORT BATTLES FOR OUR US PRIME TIME that way players stop leaving because they just lose ports without being able to do anything about it, literally at all, because they cant be on for the PB and they cant grind during their main time. Then US players on PVP1 can come back to PVP2 and be secured against bs carebear assaults at 3am in the middle of the week and then not being able to retaliate to the extent they are being attacked.
  4. I know what is going on, and if you want to hop onto the TS Decken ill explain it to you to as much detail that i can allow. The devs are aware of the situation that is causing this and are looking for a fix, however it isnt going to come soon as it is a game breaking issue and is quite the problem for them.
  5. oh we are the same way, but we never openly disagree and tell each other to STFU in TS and especially not in the forums.
  6. give me 2 port battles i have escaped from before the battle was over?
  7. Hating on your clan aside for disagreeing with you on a matter you made public, i still havent been added to your kill list. Can we do that please? I am really starting to get bummed. Or edit this to say pirate on pirate kill list. I just want to be shot at, i also want to know what my bounty is at.
  8. just boot all those US cowards back to our US server, if they would all come back we in PVP2 would have glorious battles once again, but no, they all leave to PVP1 EU for pvp, further stimulating PVP2's problems.
  9. Get well Stroop, Godspeed man! I might pop into conan
  10. PVP2 players arent like PVP1 players. Most everyone save for the danes are North American for time zone with every nation having some Aussies and Oceanic players. For instance, i am Dutch in game, but live in the US, this is the case for 98% of our nation, the other 2 live in the oceanic/aussie time zones. So essentially this would just force us to go US if we wanted to have regions around our capital port. Big no i am afraid. While this may be cool, it doesnt take into account the fact that not everyone in a nation in game is from that region in real life.
  11. that AI navy brig almost beat you all lmao
  12. I remember these times. good times.
  13. *VincentVanZeeland Reason: VincentVanZeeland has perpetuated extreme aggravation within pirates. Under the circumstances of killing BLACK clan members, and supporting an anti pirate movement VincentVanZeeland is to be targeted and killed on sight. Current Bounty: x He requested this
  14. *OneEyedSnake Reason: OneEyedSnake has perpetuated extreme aggravation within pirates. Under the circumstances of what we consider trolling, killing BLACK clan members, and supporting an anti pirate movement OneEyedSnake is to be targeted and killed on sight. Current Bounty: x I even made it for you
  15. I am kind of saddened i am not on this
  16. If you consider anything i have said polemic, then i think you should go back to your safe space, and as far as me being a demagogue, i am not sure you know what that means. You think I am a political leader appealing to a popular voice? Well one, i am not a political leader, as discussed several times, and two, perhaps what i am saying is popular, perhaps it is not. But either way, the facts present themselves based off of numbers, where people have moved to after what has happened, its called cause and effect, people move to pirates because they win, and only because they win, its easier over there, and thus those people, and a majority of your nation are carebears. You stopped attacking America 2 days before attacking us, so you could move ports, ships, supplies, etc. down south where numbers are smaller. And do you not see a map? are you colour blind? If either of these are true, then excuse me, I mistook you for having eyes that could see in the spectrum that the average human can see. But if you arent, it doesnt take a genius to see times of port battles and the british trying to get their stuff back, as well as the Americans as to why they couldnt help us. If you truly do not understand this, then I have no words for you whatsoever, you are actually extremely lacking of intelligence at that point. If i wasnt clear enough, then your ignorance is my fault, however id suspect the map could speak for itself. Especially combined with several leaders moving pirate out of carebear intents, so they could have it easier, it puts nations in disarray. Do you understand this? Or are you incapable? I took you for a smarter man, so i assume you must, and at which point you know your arguments are just a bs lie in terms of numbers and support. You would then know that what you are saying is incredibly deceitful, ignorant, or stupid. I am guessing its more based on deceit, the past tends to repeat itself, and something tells me you guys want us divided. You know we are a smaller nation, and thats why you stick around down here because you can keep it secured, otherwise you would have secured your safe space around your capital first before starting your global conquest. Our allies are not as powerful as you think, and combined we arent as strong as you and denmark combined. And that is based off of port battles won, Texas has a great chart going on, if youd like to refer to your own nations facts and stop disrespecting their hard work, and also based off of numbers in port battles. You only want facts and not speculation, then lets go off of the numbers eh? How many were at our PBs on both sides down south? How many at these British ones? Yea. The numbers speak a huge deal different than what you are saying. a great deal different. And lets say you have other reason to believe that this isnt the case with port battle numbers, then you are saying correlation and causation are different, which is true, so perhaps i am wrong, but that would be admitting your whole speculation could also be wrong. See where i am going with this, you dont know our numbers or facts, because you arent over here, you have your alts of course, but you arent in on the conversations that really matter, you really think we dont know who is talking to who? lmao Look at how riled up I alone got you Koltes, its all a mind game, you gave up a lot of good info, and showed a lot about yourself, watch yourself out there, I know others have fallen for my traps, o7 (nothing personal, I just enjoy my little games, much respect to you, and your comrades, you have earned it in battle and I am nothing short of amazed at your combat capabilities. In fact i am learning a lot watching your tactics, bullet logs to learn pen values and damage so i know the shot you are using and when, etc. Id say you guys are easily made to be angry, which id advise to get control of, several pirates have fallen prey to that and died, so i hope you learn this from me, as i learn more from you. o7, and i mean this with sincere honesty)
  17. there you go. there are your answers kolte. enjoy them, because they are very obvious.
  18. " So you really gonna continue making up lies that we gave US their ports back because we were busy fighting you" I havent and wont. Also how come your GB allies didnt help you? Already answered this, read what i say then (stupid question, go read). " fighting Danes and Swedes yourself? " literally no idea what you are going on about yet they chose not to support you? discussed and you dont and wont get to know what is going on (stupid "question").
  19. I just stopped reading when i read the first idiotic thing in your post. Just like i did this time. Clearly not worth the time to read if you are just going to be saying stupid things.
  20. Exactly . you ended the US operation because you came down here dingbat
  21. @koltes You gave the US their ports back because you were down in our territory picking on all of 15 players. If you gave them their ports back for fighting, well we defended as best as we could. But that night battle you pulled on us, we also had one against the danes and french, we figured we would go to that one since we would have at least a closer chance. We lost both. You guys have never been small and you just like to fight easy fights against the Dutch. And before Texas makes that stupid comment about giving us ports back thats the past. Its irrelevant *eye roll.* Im sure Hitler would have said the same thing lmao. Lets ignore the pirates one porting us and the brits and with the danes also the french and swedes. Lets ignore all that but always remind everyone we gave someone like 5 very useless ports that we would have taken back anyways since they held nothing of importance. You arent pro little guy, if that were the case youd already have given france those regions, and you also wouldnt force us to move completely out of our own territory to get resources. France even has more players than us btw. If Elrics number of 20+ is correct anyways. But sure, they dont get on all at once but that has never stopped you pirates from using that excuse on how GB and US are the largest. Ha. eat your own damn words and enjoy them. France is bigger than the Dutch. See how stupid it sounds? well welcome to the flaw of your whole argument about US GB VN being carebears. If GB wasnt having a massive dane problem they would have been down in our lands helping, and if the US werent dealing with pirates north they would have been down in our lands in more numbers. But that wasnt the case for either, want to know why? Because the Pirate Dane alliace is the largest most carebear alliance in this server. If you want real pvp like you always say i dont get why you dont attack each other. (Probably the same reason we keep our alliance id guess). So either lead by example or stop using that excuse.
  22. you have definitely stated that the pirates will one port us Dutch.
  23. My main contention with this is calling the nation mine. I clearly remember at the beginning of this meeting, which i made very clear to all dutch it was up to them, that while we may decide something it was up to everyone on the alliance thing. I also told you that we had a majority support in our nation to ally with the danes. Which was true. However Texas started bad talking people that we consider friends, that really affected our look on you guys, and unfortunately combined with about 45% of people not wanting the alliance in the first place made it not happen. And i know for a fact i told you that i was not the leader, we had no leader, and we still dont. The only thing as a nation we have to offer vs any other nation is the way we govern, we literally get no new players for months on end then one or two will show up. My secondary point is this, at that time we had a whole clan of 20 active people of fairly mid level, all of which left, save for 2, Onbekende and Sliver, shortly after the fine wood update. We actually havent had anyone leave due to the recent pirate carebear pick on the small guys way. We all knew it was coming when we hit castries, But thats what allies do, we attacked it to get you off the US for at least a bit, which it worked. Sure we would have taken it if not for that wind and if we could have beaten you in battle, but make no mistake, we definitely declared war on you guys, and meant it. My third concern is that of your idea that we dont know if we attack our regions you will one port us. Texas, Joba, JPV, etc. have all said this. So screw your bait trap, you can enjoy bullying no one, we will not take part of your antics.
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