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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. OneEyedSnake isnt my nick in EU either mi amigo amor. No esta un matter complicado. Es muy obvio
  2. i have actually never lost against you and sank you a few times
  3. Or its because the servers are split so there arent enough players to fight each other. Yea, and all the threads about night flipping are by european players that just suck at this game, to be completely honest.
  4. "Next year or so" quite optimistic in if this game will survive that long, and given the reputation for thing to be held back by at 100%, more like half a decade.
  5. and why didnt you flip them back? where were your allies? Seems to me like spain just quit. On PVPNA EVERY nation has been one ported, save for US, but they got close. often. Guess what, they all came back eventually. quite Fair.
  6. it will go both ways though. and with it being open all the time, US spain will get fights and EU spain will get fights. I know for a fact there will be US spain players actually.
  7. you want fair? ok spain, lets look at the map. especially the starting map with resources, and tell me about fair. also, you have never gotten it since EA launch? then how is keeping it the same going to change that?
  8. and vise versa, i have already ran into around 10 players that are done with this game, who have played longer than me, since the server set up is exactly the same as it is now. NA has never been lower and neither has EU. More of the same is going to kill the game, and it will be the fault of players that kept it the same.
  9. Its difficult to understand because you assume for some reason that only EU players matter. And that somehow players on while you are asleep is causing you to not have action as though that is the only time players are on which is blatantly obviously a lie. I think you just want it easy.
  10. do you know what west of mexico is? "Player retention would be lower, not higher from your suggestion. And with only one server, wherever we placed it it would simply be unplayable for players from some parts of the world. " what part of the world mate? I live in a part of the world that is similar to the Himalayas. and can still play... also you negate the ability to improve servers... "Only because you could "nightflip" them back. But on one global server some nations will cover all timezones and some won't. So Night-flipping will only be available to some nations, the nations that already have every advantage." why do you just assume this? why do you assume there wont be US players in spain and EU players in US?
  11. youd have more players during your time than if the servers were split..... AND they could remove or increase the amount of port battles allowed to be set in certain time frames, obviously.
  12. combined server = more players to player at ALL times = more action. what do you want 50 players across the whole map or a few hundred?
  13. we had aussies and chinese nightflip us in US. its like you think you were the only one that it happened to? You know why we didnt cry as much, because we did something about it, and it wasnt as bad as you make it. I also played on both servers btw.
  14. so what if Spain gets flipped though? they can do it right back though. And remember, since we are just assuming things, Spain used to have a plenty of US players before, certainly some will come back with the massive patch and wipe yes?
  15. "... to boldly go where no man has gone before." ~Also, that.
  16. That first meeting has been largely agreed to not be accurate. No danes even showed up from PVPEU, or Spaniards. As far as your last point, thats how it always has been yes. It makes no difference how you divide the servers, it will be that way, so whats your point? A combined server provides higher population, without that this game will die. Especially with the new changes they are implementing.
  17. Who says no US players will play spain? You seem to have made that up.
  18. I dont believe there would ever be an empty PB. since US would fight each other in our times. And EU would fight each other in their times. Remember, this is combining everyone, there are more than just one nation playing this game. The only tiems port battles were empty where when the servers were/ are split, it is nightflipped, and there isnt a high enough population from the other side of the world on that server, since they are on the other server to show up and viably fight. This way there would be enough to show up and viably fight.
  19. Well, why wipe and keep the same amount of servers when you could, wipe and do this instead???
  20. Please check this out in the context of this post as an idea to help balance things between players and make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
  21. An idea to balance and make all these changes shine to their full potential and make things fun...
  22. As the title implies I believe it would be advantageous to only have a single PVP server. Higher population which leads to more accurate testing Night flips will happen, but to both sides of the world equally, so who can really complain? (oh, they nightflipped us, *as they think back to the 20 times we nightflipped them*) Saves on some confusion in the forums between pvpEU & NA Smaller nations will be able to field 25 in a port battle Will support the recent economic and crafting changes more since it brings in a larger teamwork based system Can have two servers directing towards the same map for everyone, much like how Call of Duty runs. Server Ping actually isnt as bad as everyone makes it, I am in Colorado with a copper connection and get 199-300 ping on eu, which is actually very playable in this slower pace game... can of course optimize the servers more, especially if it turns out you are saving money... Perhaps higher retention rate of players since there will be more players, causing game to rise in the steam market = more players = more money Of course the last one is a bit of a theory, but i believe it will be the case if more players stick around since there will be more help readily available to play the game at a more enjoyable rate. The PVE players can of course keep their server, although, it would be cool to have them in the same server as the PVP players as well, and their safe zone could be. idk.... THAT BEAUTIFUL AREA WEST OF MEXICO IN THE PACIFIC. <--- wanted this to get seen. Which of course all players could access and leave accordingly. Perhaps trade wouldnt be as good over there, but still good enough to enjoy the trade, and enough ai on the open waters to enjoy just pve. How to balance the pve marks and pvp marks then? a zone could be made so that it excludes certain ships, somewhat like port battles do. A ship made with the lowered PVE amount of marks would only be able to combat in the west Pacific side of Mexico. For example... "Santissima" is the normal name. "Santissima" notice the italics, could be the name for a ship that can only combat in the pve region. I am sure this could be coded in, since other exclusions have been in this game. I hope these ideas are seriously considered, because I believe the main problem to be (and I have been playing for over a year and a few months now) too low of a population. On the basis that when pvpNA had 1k+ players this was the most fun game to play ever, period. When there is now 50-120 on, it sucks. A LOT. With the idea of 3 servers, this is what makes this problem, with a SINGLE unified server, it would have at the very least a few hundred players at most times, which would be fantastic! Also, the nightly maintenance thing. Id say make it noon in the middle of an ocean where nowhere plays for 1 hour, OR even Make a daily downloadable hot fix, like Gaijin does when it changes its servers' settings. Godspeed all, OneEyedSnake
  23. or we would get new content every 2 weeks like most in development games instead of 4 months a major patch comes out that requires a 4 month long fix.
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